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Published byBriana Mason Modified over 9 years ago
Intelligence What makes us intelligent Or Not so intelligent
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What is Intelligence? Intelligence (in all cultures) is the ability to learn from experience, solve problems, and use our knowledge to adapt to new situations. In research studies, intelligence is whatever the intelligence test measures. This tends to be “school smarts.”
Intelligence The ability to learn from experience, solve problems, and use knowledge to adapt to new situations. Is socially constructed thus… Can be culturally specific. According to this definition, are both Einstein and Ruth intelligent?
Intelligence: Ability or Abilities?
Have you ever thought that since people’s mental abilities are so diverse, it may not be justifiable to label those abilities with only one word, intelligence?
Athleticism, like intelligence, is many things
General intelligence The idea that general intelligence (g) exists comes from the work of Charles Spearman ( ) who helped develop the factor analysis approach in statistics. Athleticism, like intelligence, is many things
Is intelligence one thing or several different abilities?
To find out scientists use FACTOR ANALYSIS: A statistical procedure that identifies clusters of related items on a test. Charles Spearman used FA to discovery his g or (general intelligence). He saw using FA that doing well in one area of a test predicted that you will do well in another.
Multiple Intelligences
Howard Gardner disagreed with Spearman’s g and instead came up with the concept of multiple intelligences. He came up with the idea by studying savants (a condition where a person has limited mental ability but is exceptional in one area).
Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences?
Visual/Spatial Verbal/Linguistic Logical/Mathematical Bodily/Kinesthetic Musical/Rhythmic Interpersonal Intrapersonal Natural Learn More about Gardner
Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences
Linguistic Logical-Mathematical Spatial Musical Bodily-Kinesthetic Interpersonal Intrapersonal
Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences
Linguistic Often measured on IQ tests with reading comprehension and vocabulary tests Logical-Mathematical Spatial Musical Bodily-Kinesthetic Interpersonal Intrapersonal
Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences
Linguistic Often measured on IQ tests with analogies, math problems and logic problems Logical-Mathematical Spatial Musical Bodily-Kinesthetic Interpersonal Intrapersonal
Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences
Linguistic Logical-Mathematical Ability to form mental images of objects and think about their relationships in space Spatial Musical Bodily-Kinesthetic Interpersonal Intrapersonal
Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences
Linguistic Logical-Mathematical Spatial Ability to perceive and create patterns of rhythms and pitches Musical Bodily-Kinesthetic Interpersonal Intrapersonal
Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences
Linguistic Logical-Mathematical Spatial Musical Ability for controlled movement and coordination Bodily-Kinesthetic Interpersonal Intrapersonal
Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences
Linguistic Logical-Mathematical Spatial Musical Bodily-Kinesthetic Ability to understand other people’s emotions, motives and actions Interpersonal Intrapersonal
Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences
Linguistic Logical-Mathematical Spatial Musical Bodily-Kinesthetic Ability to know oneself and to develop a sense of identity Interpersonal Intrapersonal
1. Rearrange the following letters to make a word and choose the category in which it fits.
RAPETEKA A. city B. fruit C. bird D. vegetable 2. Find the answer that best completes the analogy people : democracy :: wealthy : A. oligarchy B. oligopoly C. plutocracy D. timocracy E. autocracy
Correct answer: bird (parakeet)
Correct answer: plutocracy
Which does not belong?
Logic 2. The day before the day before yesterday is three days after Saturday. What day is it today? A. Monday B. Tuesday C. Wednesday D. Thursday E. Friday
E. Friday
1. At the end of a banquet 10 people shake hands with each other
1. At the end of a banquet 10 people shake hands with each other. How many handshakes will there be in total? A. 100 B. 20 C. 45 D. 50 E. 90
C. 45
Gardner’s Three New Intelligences
Naturalistic intelligence Spiritual intelligence Existential intelligence
Sternberg’s Three Aspects of Intelligence
Gardner Simplified Analytical (academic problem solving). Creative (generating novel ideas) Practical (common sense).
Sternberg’s Triarchic Theory
Practical Intelligence Analytical Intelligence Creative Intelligence
Sternberg’s Triarchic Theory
Practical Intelligence Ability to cope with the environment; “street smarts” Analytical Intelligence Creative Intelligence
Sternberg’s Triarchic Theory
Practical Intelligence Ability to analyze problems and find correct answers; ability measured by most IQ tests Analytical Intelligence also called logical reasoning Creative Intelligence
Sternberg’s Triarchic Theory
Practical Intelligence Form of intelligence that helps people see new relationships among concepts; involves insight and creativity Analytical Intelligence Creative Intelligence
Intelligence and Creativity
Creativity: is the ability to produce ideas that are both novel and valuable. Creative people tend to be divergent thinkers. Convergent thinking - thinking that involves following a series of logical steps with the goal of arriving at the “correct” answer. Divergent thinking – thinking used to generate creative ideas by exploring many possible solutions; spontaneous, unorganized thought. Creative people generate new, unexpected ideas through first through divergent thought. Ideas are then organized using convergent thought
Imaginative Thinking: The ability to see things in novel ways.
Expertise: A well-developed knowledge base. Creative Environment: A creative and supportive environment allows creativity to bloom. creativity Venturesome Personality: A personality that seeks new experiences Intrinsic Motivation: A motivation to be creative from within.
Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
First called social intelligence. The ability to perceive, express, understand, and regulate emotions. Some studies show EQ to be a greater predictor for future success than IQ
Emotional Intelligence: Components
Description Perceive emotion Recognize emotions in faces, music and stories Understand emotion Predict emotions, how they change and blend Manage emotion Express emotions in different situations Use emotion Utilize emotions to adapt or be creative
Brain Size and Intelligence Is there a link?
Small +.15 correlation between head size and intelligence scores (relative to body size). Using an MRI we found +.44 correlation with brain size and IQ score.
Brain Function and Intelligence
Higher performing brains use less glucose than lower performing brains. Neurological speed is also a bit quicker.
How do we Assess Intelligence?
Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon set out to figure out a concept called a mental age (what a person of a particular age should know). They discovered that by discovering someone’s mental age they can predict future performance. Hoped they could use test to help children, not label them.
Alfred Binet Alfred Binet and his colleague Théodore Simon practiced a more modern form of intelligence testing by developing questions that would predict children’s future progress in the Paris school system. Why he did it: To identify students who needed special help in coping with the school curriculum.
Lewis Terman In the US, Lewis Terman adapted Binet’s test for American school children and named the test the Stanford-Binet Test. The following is the formula of Intelligence Quotient (IQ), introduced by William Stern:
Lewis Terman What he did:
In the US, Terman adapted Binet’s test for American school children and named the test the Stanford-Binet Test IQ Test. Why he did it: Terman believed in eugenics new Standford-Binet scale was no longer used solely for advocating education for all children, as was Binet's objective. A new objective of intelligence testing was illustrated in the Stanford-Binet manual with testing ultimately resulting in "curtailing the reproduction of feeble-mindedness and in the elimination of an enormous amount of crime, pauperism, and industrial inefficiency (p.7)" Terman, L., Lyman, G., Ordahl, G., Ordahl, L., Galbreath, N., & Talbert, W. (1916). The Stanford Revision and Extension of the Binet-Simon Scale for Measuring Intelligence. Baltimore: Warwick & York.(White, 2000). Terman's initial studies were even more troublesome. He administered English tests to Spanish-speakers and unschooled African-Americans, concluding: “High-grade or border-line deficiency… is very, very common among Spanish-Indian and Mexican families of the Southwest and also among negroes. Their dullness seems to be racial, or at least inherent in the family stocks from which they come… Children of this group should be segregated into separate classes… They cannot master abstractions but they can often be made into efficient workers… from a eugenic point of view they constitute a grave problem because of their unusually breeding” (The Measurement of Intelligence, 1916, p ). Terman's biased tests gave "scientific" proof that, for many Whites, justified racial discrimination, segregation, and eugenics. Lewis Madison Terman (15 January 1877 in Johnson County, Indiana – 21 December 1956 in Palo Alto, California) was an American psychologist, noted as a pioneer in educational psychology in the early 20th century at Stanford University. He is best known as the inventor of the Stanford-Binet IQ test. He was a prominent eugenicist and was a member of the Human Betterment Foundation. He was also served as president of the American Psychological Association. The Human Betterment Foundation (HBF) was an American eugenics organization established in Pasadena, California in 1928 by E.S. Gosney with the aim "to foster and aid constructive and educational forces for the protection and betterment of the human family in body, mind, character, and citizenship". It primarily served to compile and distribute information about compulsory sterilization legislation in the United States, for the purposes of eugenics Eugenics: a social movement aimed at improving the human species through selective breeding…promoted higher reproduction rates of people with ‘superior’ traits, and aimed to reduce reproduction rates of people with ‘inferior’ traits.
David Wechsler Wechsler developed the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) and later the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC), an intelligence test for school-aged children.
WAIS WAIS measures overall intelligence and 11 other aspects related to intelligence that are designed to assess clinical and educational problems.
The Normal Curve and Stanford-Binet IQ Scores
IQs less than 70 = mental retardation. More than 130 = gifted Fig. 8.1
Problems with the IQ Formula
It does not really work well on adults, why? If a 60 year old man does as well as an average 30 year old then his IQ would be 50!!!!!! That makes no sense!!!!!
Aptitude v. Achievement Tests
A test designed to predict a person’s future performance. The ability for that person to learn. Achievement A test designed to assess what a person has learned.
Extremes of Intelligence
A valid intelligence test divides two groups of people into two extremes: the mentally retarded (IQ 70) and individuals with high intelligence (IQ 135). These two groups are significantly different. Preview Question 9: What are the traits of those at the low and high intelligence extremes?
High Intelligence Contrary to popular belief, people with high intelligence test scores tend to be healthy, well adjusted, and unusually successful academically.
Mental Retardation Mentally retarded individuals required constant supervision a few decades ago, but with a supportive family environment and special education they can now care for themselves.
How do we construct Intelligence tests?
Tests must be: Standardized Reliable Valid
Standardization The test must be pre-tested to a representative sample of people and Form a normal distribution or bell curve
Flynn Effect
The Flynn Effect Performance on IQ scores has steadily increased over generations Environmental factors? Reduction in malnutrition Access to schooling Technological advances
Reliability The extent which a test yields consistent results over time. Split-half Reliability: Dividing the test into two equal halves and assessing how consistent the scores are. Test-Retest Reliability: Using the same test on two occasions to measure consistency.
Validity The extent to which a test measures what it is supposed to measure. Content Validity: does the test sample a behavior of interest Predictive Validity: does the test predict future behavior. Criterion related validity
Does Intelligence Change Over Time?
By age 3, a child’s IQ can predict adolescent IQ scores. Depends on the type of intelligence, crystallized or fluid.
What is fluid intelligence?
Our ability to learn new things, like technology.
What is crystallized intelligence?
Old people intelligence, ability to relate information to past experiences.
Group Differences in Intelligence Test Scores
The Bell curve is different for Whites v. Black. Math scores are different across genders and the highest scores are for Asian males. Why? Nature or Nurture
Test Bias? Tests do discriminate.
But some argue that their sole purpose is to discriminate. We have to look at the type of discrimination.
Genetic Influences Studies of twins, family members, and adopted children together support the idea that there is a significant genetic contribution to intelligence.
Adoption Studies Adopted children show a marginal correlation in verbal ability to their adopted parents.
Early Intervention Effects
Early neglect from caregivers leads children to develop a lack of personal control over the environment, and it impoverishes their intelligence. Romanian orphans with minimal human interaction are delayed in their development.
Schooling Effects Schooling is an experience that pays dividends, which is reflected in intelligence scores. Increased schooling correlates with higher intelligence scores. To increase readiness for schoolwork, projects like Head Start facilitate leaning.
Ethnic Similarities and Differences
To discuss this issue we begin with two disturbing but agreed upon facts: Racial groups differ in their average intelligence scores. High-scoring people (and groups) are more likely to attain high levels of education and income.
Racial (Group) Differences
If we look at racial differences, white Americans score higher in average intelligence than black Americans (Avery and others, 1994). European New Zealanders score higher than native New Zealanders (Braden, 1994). White-Americans Black-Americans Average IQ = 100 Average IQ = 85 Hispanic Americans
Environmental Effects
Differences in intelligence among these groups are largely environmental, as if one environment is more fertile in developing these abilities than the other.
Reasons Why Environment Affects Intelligence
Races are remarkably alike genetically. Race is a social category. Asian students outperform North American students on math achievement and aptitude tests. Today’s better prepared populations would outperform populations of the 1930s on intelligence tests. White and black infants tend to score equally well on tests predicting future intelligence. Different ethnic groups have experienced periods of remarkable achievement in different eras.
Gender Similarities and Differences
There are seven ways in which males and females differ in various abilities. 1. Girls are better spellers 2. Girls are verbally fluent and have large vocabularies 3. Girls are better at locating objects 4. Girls are more sensitive to touch, taste, and color 5. Boys outnumber girls in counts of underachievement 6. Boys outperform girls at math problem solving, but under perform at math computation 7. Women detect emotions more easily than men do
The Question of Bias Aptitude tests are necessarily biased in the sense that they are sensitive to performance differences caused by cultural differences. However, aptitude tests are not biased in the sense that they accurately predict performance of one group over the other. Preview Question 12: Are intelligence tests inappropriately biased?
Test-Takers’ Expectations
A stereotype threat is a self-confirming concern that one will be evaluated based on a negative stereotype. This phenomenon appears in some instances in intelligence testing among African-Americans and among women of all colors.
Chapter 9 Quiz Intelligence
1. Aptitude tests are designed to measure
Don’t forget to write your answers on a separate piece of paper to grade when you’re done! 1. Aptitude tests are designed to measure a. Previously learned facts b. Future performance c. Previously learned skills d. Your IQ score
2. A standardization sample for developing a test
a. Should be representative of all the types of people for whom the test is designed b. Is an early version of the test to determine questions that differentiate individuals c. Is a set of norms that will determine what score should be considered passing d. Should include people from all different age groups, ethnic groups, and genders
3. The Flynn effect is the finding that
a) intelligence seems to increase with every generation b) television has decreased intellectual performance c) linguistic scores decline with age d) the more times people take a test, the better they tend to score
4. Advantages of group tests as compared to individualized tests include
a. That they are cheaper and give more accurate results b. That they can be given to a large group of people at one time and are cheaper to grade c. The ability to establish rapport between the examiner and subjects to put them at ease d. That they have proven to be more reliable and valid in measuring abilities
5. Which of the following best describes Charles Spearman’s g of intelligence?
a. There are many factors that determine intelligence, but genetics is the most important one. b. The internal validity of an intelligence test is g. c. A general intelligence that underlies success on a wide variety of tasks is g. d. Giftedness is determined by both innate ability to perform and experiences one has in life. e. The g is measured by the speed with which one can process information.
6. If a test is reliable, it means that
a) it tests what it is supposed to test b) it is a fair assessment c) it yields consistent results d) it is also valid
7. Freddie is a 10-year-old boy with a mental age of 12
7. Freddie is a 10-year-old boy with a mental age of 12. according to the scoring of the Stanford-Binet test, Freddie’s intelligence quotient score is a. 12 b. 83 c. 95 d. 120
8. A comparison of the scores of African-American test takers to the scores of European-American test takers on current popular intelligence tests such as the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale and the Stanford-Binet indicates that a. Black students outperform white students on creative and practical intelligence scores b. Adopted black children score higher than their biological siblings c. There is no difference between the scores of whites and blacks d. The mean of black students is lower than the mean of white students
9. During development of standardized tests, questions that are answered correctly by almost all students and those that are missed by almost all students are eliminated. Why? a. Only questions that are moderately difficult should be included on a test b. These questions fail to show individual differences in abilities c. These questions are poorly written d. The questions may be valid, but they are not reliable
10. Barika, who is 75, takes longer to solve problems that require abstract reasoning than she did when she was 35. This tendency indicates a. A decrease in her overall intelligence level b. An increase in her crystallized ability c. A decline in her fluid intelligence d. Failing eyesight, which can be compensated for by large print being used on a test
11. Intelligence tests tend to measure _______ thinking; tests of creativity tend to measure _______ thinking. a. Divergent; convergent b. Divergent; divergent c. Convergent; divergent d. Convergent; convergent
12. The form of mental retardation that is caused by the presence of an extra chromosome is
a. Phenylketonuria b. Hydrocephaly c. Psychosocial d. Down Syndrome
13. If your score falls at the 75th percentile on a standardized test, which of the following is an accurate interpretation? a. You correctly answered 75% of the items on the test. b. 75% of the people who took the test scored higher than you. c. 75% of the people who took the test scored at or below your score. d. Your answers to pairs of similar items on the test were the same 75% of the time.
14. Which of the following represents the strongest test-retest reliability for a test?
15. Whose research and conclusions triggered an emotional debate over ethnic differences in intelligence? a. Arthur Jensen b. David Wechsler c. Francis Galton d. Alfred Binet
Chapter 9 Answer Key 1. B 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. C 6. C 7. D 8. D 9. B
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