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ASSESSMENT NIGHT M aryland S tate A ssessment (Reading, Math & Science) North Bend Elementary Middle Thursday, February 10, 2010 Grades: 3 - 8.

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2 ASSESSMENT NIGHT M aryland S tate A ssessment (Reading, Math & Science) North Bend Elementary Middle Thursday, February 10, 2010 Grades: 3 - 8

3 By the end of tonight’s session, you will be more familiar with: n MSA Assessments (Reading, Math & Science) n Ways to support your child/children before, during and after testing

4 How Are We Preparing Students for Testing? n Test Preparation Instructional Block n Use of Test Preparation Materials n Curriculum that Covers the Targeted Skills and Objectives n Using our Benchmark Data to Guide our Instruction through Re-teaching n Mock Testing Sessions

5 When Will MSA Testing Take Place? n The Week of MARCH 9 th – 13 th n 16 SCHOOL DAYS AWAY!!! n Testing will begin at 9:00 a.m. n Boys and Girls MUST arrive on time otherwise they will not be tested with their class.

6 WHAT CAN YOU DO TO SUPPORT YOUR CHILD DURING TESTING? n At least 8 hours of sleep each night n A well balanced breakfast each morning. n Encouragement to do their best!!

7 MSA ( M aryland S chool A ssessment) WHAT IS IT?? n The MSA is a Reading, Mathematics and Science test given to Elementary & Middle school students. n Students in each grade take each test over two days – that is two days for Reading, two for Math and two for Science (Grades 5 & 8).

8 WHY IS THE MSA GIVEN? n It measures how well children are learning so that all stakeholders (parents, students, teachers, school administrators) can be sure that every child has the opportunity to succeed. n Under No Child Left Behind (NCLB) every state must measure READING, MATH and SCIENCE achievement at the Elementary, Middle, and High school levels.

9 What Does The MSA Test? n Content your child should have learned in reading, math and science classes. n The content is from the Maryland State Curriculum (MSC). (Visit to see the MSC)

10 READING The READING tests three topic areas: n General Reading Processes n Informational Text Comprehension n Literary Text Comprehension

11 MATHEMATICS The MATH MSA tests : n Algebra/Patterns n Geometry/Measurement n Statistics/Probability n Number Concepts/Computation n Processes of Mathematics

12 What Does the Test Look Like? n The tests include multiple-choice and written-response questions. n Elementary Reading MSA Reading Release - Grade 3.pdf MSA Reading Release - Grade 3.pdf n Middle School Reading MSA Reading Release - Grade 7.pdf MSA Reading Release - Grade 7.pdf

13 What Does the Test Look Like? n Elementary Mathematics MSA Math Release - Grade 4.pdf MSA Math Release - Grade 4.pdf n Middle School Mathematics MSA Reading Release - Grade 7.pdf MSA Reading Release - Grade 7.pdf

14 How is the MSA Scored? n Multiple-choice questions are scored by machine n Short answer questions are scored by at least two trained scorers. Scores are reported in terms of: n BASIC – a student is not meeting the standards n PROFICIENT – a student is meeting the standards n ADVANCED – a student is performing above standards

15 Are Students With Special Needs Tested? n Yes. They will be tested and given the necessary accommodations based on their IEPs. n MOD MSA n ALT-MSA

16 How Can I Help Prepare My Child For The MSA? n Talk with your child’s teachers regularly about your child’s progress & what you can do to help him or her improve. n Set HIGH expectations. Let them know that school is priority #1! n Dedicate time daily to talk with your child and read with him or her. n Provide a quiet place for your child to study. n Help your child with homework. n Show interest in what your child is doing at school. n Limit TV watching and Video-Game playing. n Encourage your child to eat a balanced breakfast.

17 When Will MSA Testing Take Place? n MARCH 8 th – 23 rd (Reading & Math) n MARCH 28 th – 31 st (Science) n 17 SCHOOL DAYS AWAY!!! n Testing will begin at 8:45 a.m. n Boys and Girls MUST arrive ON TIME otherwise they will not be tested with their class. ( Mathematics takes place one week and Reading the following week )

18 Questions & Answers

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