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ETE 335 Elementary Social Studies Lesson Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences.

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1 ETE 335 Elementary Social Studies Lesson Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences

2 ETE 335 Elementary Social Studies Lesson Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Chelsea Fouts Social Studies-History 4 th Grade Women’s Suffrage

3 ETE 335 Elementary Social Studies Lesson Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Goals: There are two main goals for this lesson: 1.) That students will gain a better understanding of, and appreciation for, the hardships than women faced in order to earn their right to vote. 2.) That students will learn about the some of the most prominent women and events of this time period/movement. Objectives: Content/Knowledge: 1.) Students will be able to identify prominent women of the battle for women’s suffrage movement. 2.) Students will be able to recall important dates in the timeline of the Battle for women’s suffrage movement. 3.) Students will learn about the hardships that women faced in order to gain their right to vote. Process/Skills: 1.) Students will be able to work individually, as well as collaboratively in small groups. 2.) Students will be able to engage appropriately in class and small group discussion. Values/Dispositions: 1.) Students will be able to reflect on their own personal views and opinions on women’s suffrage and communicate those thoughts to their classmates.

4 ETE 335 Elementary Social Studies Lesson Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Rationale: This lesson is very important for students to learn because it represents the overcoming of a milestone in our nation’s history. The women’s suffrage movement led to the establishment of the 19 th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, and it is vital for students to learn about this momentous event in their nation’s history. Standards: State – Illinois Common Core or Learning Standards 16.D.2c (US) Describe the influence of key individuals and groups, including Susan B. Anthony/suffrage and Martin Luther King, Jr./civil rights, in the historical eras of Illinois and the United States. 16.A.2b Compare different stories about a historical figure or event and analyze differences in the portrayals and perspectives they present. 16.A.2c Ask questions and seek answers by collecting and analyzing data from historic documents, images and other literary and non-literary sources. National – NCSS Themes Social studies programs should include experiences that provide for the study of culture and cultural diversity. -Cultures are dynamic and change over time Social studies programs should include experiences that provide for the study of people, places, and environments.

5 Logical/Mathematical

6 Logical/Mathematical Activity: Students will be reading and interpreting a map of Women’s Suffrage before the 19 th Amendment. They will be answering discussion questions on a worksheet along the way. Students will then work with partners, comparing answers. Resources/Materials Needed: Chart Website canwomen/maps/html/fig14a.html canwomen/maps/html/fig14a.html Worksheet Map of U.S. Worksheet

7 Verbal/Linguistic

8 Verbal/Linguistic Activity: Students will watch this short video clip of a part of one of Susan B. Anthony’s speeches made at a suffrage trial. They will then conduct a class discussion based on the following questions: 1.) What are some of the main points or key concepts from this part of Susan B. Anthony’s speech? 2.) Do you believe that she was persecuted for her actions? 3.) Would you consider Susan B. Anthony to be the “Mother of the Women’s Suffrage Movement”? 4.) How influential was this trial in terms of women’s battle for the right to vote? Resources/Materials needed: Video: womens-suffrage/videos#the-people-speak-3 womens-suffrage/videos#the-people-speak-3

9 Musical/Rhythmic

10 Musical/Rhythmic Activity: Students will read the poem “Women's Suffrage” by William Topaz McGonagall and engage in a casual class discussion about their views of the poem. The students will then be asked to write their own short poem about their personal views on the women’s suffrage period. Students will then share their poems with the class. Resources/Materials Needed: McGonagall’s Poem am_topaz_mcgonagall/poems/5653.html am_topaz_mcgonagall/poems/5653.html Template Options for Poems terms.htm terms.htm

11 Visual/Spatial

12 Visual/Spatial Activity: Students will be creating their own posters and signs representing their views on the women’s suffrage movement. These posters must contain at least one “slogan” or piece of text as well as at least one drawing/picture related to women’s suffrage. These posters will be put up on the walls around the classroom. Resources/Materials Needed: Examples of Women’s Suffrage Posters: n&biw=1152&bih=507&tbm=isch&sa=1&q= women%27s+suffrage+posters&aq=f&aqi=g 1g-m1&aql=&oq n&biw=1152&bih=507&tbm=isch&sa=1&q= women%27s+suffrage+posters&aq=f&aqi=g 1g-m1&aql=&oq Poster boards, Markers, Colored Pencils, Scissors, Glue, Construction Paper, Tape, Etc.

13 Body/Kinesthetic

14 Body/Kinesthetic Activity: Students will conduct a “mock trial” like that of the trial of Susan B. Anthony. Students will be assigned roles such as judge, jury member, defendant, etc. Students will set up the classroom like a courtroom, assume their assigned roles, and will be given a “case” to then conduct a trial for. Resources/Materials Needed. Costumes (Optional) Example of Possible Case: A woman has been arrested for protesting in the street outside of a polling building for her right to vote. She claims that she deserves the right to vote, and will continue protesting until it is awarded to her.

15 Interpersonal

16 Interpersonal Activity: Students will be asked to split up into pairs. The teacher will then project the image to the right of this text onto the overhead projector screen. Students will then discuss with their partners their views on the poster, taking notes for class discussion. Resources/Materia ls Needed: Image

17 Intrapersonal

18 Intrapersonal Activity: Students will be assigned the following writing prompt and asked to write a one-page reflection in response to the prompt. PROMPT: You are a young woman from the period of the woman’s suffrage movement. You work long hours in a sewing factory each day to help provide for your family. Recently, the women in your neighborhood have begun protesting in the streets each day for the right to vote. As the elections are just around the corner, you would really like to join these women and protest for your right to vote, however, you realize that this would mean less money to provide for your family. Write a one page reflection explaining what you will do and why. Resources/Materials Needed. Writing Prompts

19 Naturalistic

20 Naturalistic Activity: Students will be split into groups of three or four and will be asked to answer and discuss the following three discussion questions. Students will then join in a class discussion. Resources/Materials Needed: Discussion Questions: 1.) What would happen if today’s society were to repeat the pattern of history and take away women’s right to vote? 2.) Do you believe that all women in today’s society would be willing to fight for their right to vote? 3.) Do you believe that the men in today’s society would be willing to fight alongside these women?

21 ETE 335 Elementary Social Studies Lesson Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Assessment: I will assess how much my students have learned by observing them during each lesson and activity. I will walk around the classroom during individual work and partner work, and will help mediate whole class discussions and the mock trials. During individual work time and activities, I will meet with students and discuss their work with them. I will also assess the students by reading their reflections. Online Resources:

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