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Teaching life science ethics using cooperative learning Gary Comstock Iowa State University.

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1 Teaching life science ethics using cooperative learning Gary Comstock Iowa State University

2 Overview 1. What’s the problem? 2. What’s our goal? 3. Individualistic learning 4. Active learning 5. Cooperative learning

3 1. What’s the problem?



6 2. What’s our goal?


8 What is “discernment?”


10 What is “good reasoning?”








18 3. Individualistic learning

19 Individualistic learning Students listen to a lecture without talking to neighbors; take notes; respond to occasional questions from the lecturer; study at home alone.

20 Individualistic learning Potential benefits Accrue to intuitive learners able to assimilate abstract concepts, theories, histories, explanations and formulas by themselves through careful note-taking and solo reflection.

21 Individualistic learning Potential problems For practical learners who assimilate material best by working with others, using more concrete, sensory, pictorial, and / or hands-on procedures and activities

22 4. Active learning

23 Active learning Students solve problems, answer questions, formulate questions of their own, discuss, explain, debate, or brainstorm during class Richard Felder, “Active and Cooperative Learning,” e_Learning.html


25 Think-pair-write-share Objective Engage class with the material on an individual level, in pairs, and finally as a large group

26 Think-pair-write-share Procedure: Individually reflect on a question. Pair up with person next to you to share answers. Instructor randomly chooses a few pairs to give 30 second summaries.

27 Write and pass Objective Help students learn to construct arguments and analyze assumptions

28 Write and pass Procedure: Hand out assignment sheets. Write answer on sheet. Pass paper to the left. Return sheets to original authors. Instructor randomly chooses students to read and discuss what is written on their sheets.

29 Active learning strategies 1. May be used at any time 2. Short-term and ad hoc 3. Break up lectures, energize students 4. Provide opportunities for students to process material they’re hearing 5. Not as effective as formal cooperative learning strategies

30 5. Cooperative learning

31 Cooperative learning Instruction involving people working in structured teams to accomplish a common goal A. Goals B. Methods

32 Cooperative learning A. Goals B. Methods


34 A. Positive Interdependence All team members must cooperate to complete task Cooperative learning goals

35 B. Individual and group accountability All team members are responsible to themselves and each other Cooperative learning goals

36 C. Face to face interaction All members provide feedback, support, critical challenges Cooperative learning goals

37 D. Group collaboration All members practice leadership, decision-making, conflict management skills, trust-building Cooperative learning goals

38 Cooperative learning i. Goals ii. Methods


40 Homework teams Objective Assist students in learning from each other, demonstrating leadership, and mastering material together

41 Homework Teams Procedure: Carefully design problems for groups. Allow students to form teams. Students meet outside class and insure that all members can answer all questions. Instructor randomly calls on teams for responses in class.

42 Academic Controversy Objective Help students to enlarge their moral imaginations by playing assigned social roles and defending ethical views potentially at odds with the views they hold.

43 Academic Controversy Procedure: Carefully design ethical problem and roles for each individual. Assign students to specific roles. Students meet in or outside class to discover and discuss the arguments supporting their position. Instructor moderates a mock authoritative body which proceeds to announce its binding decision.

44 Peer Composition Groups Objective To help students construct materials for discussion of ethical issues.

45 Peer Composition Groups Procedure 1.Know your objective. 2.Write clear narratives identifying the scientific facts. 3.Write questions directing attention to the ethical features of the case.

46 Does it work? Cooperative Learning Methods: A Meta-Analysis David W. Johnson, Roger T. Johnson, and Mary Beth Stanne University of Minnesota May, 2000

47 Does it work? ABSTRACT... a comprehensive review of the research on the effectiveness in increasing achievement of the methods of cooperative learning used in schools. An extensive search found 164 studies investigating eight cooperative learning methods.

48 Does it work? The studies yielded 194 independent effect sizes representing academic achievement. All eight cooperative learning methods had a significant positive impact on student achievement.

49 Table 3: Meta-Analysis Results For Cooperative Learning Methods Average Effect Sizes of “Learning Together” Effect Sd k Cooperative vs. Competition 0.82 0.50 25 Cooperative vs. Individualistic 1.03 0.69 56

50 Does it work? When the impact of cooperative learning was compared with competitive learning, “Learning Together” promoted the greatest effect, followed by “Academic Controversy”...

51 Cooperative learning strategies: The professor’s role 1.Carefully specify objectives 2.Explain the group’s task 3. Explain each person’s role 4.Monitor and intervene to teach leadership skills 5.Evaluate student achievement and group effectiveness

52 Cooperative learning strategies: Cooperative base groups 1.Heterogeneous (in gender, ethnicity, age) 2.Small (3-5 members) 3.Members assigned by instructor 4.Long-term (semester-long) 5.Provided for mutual support 6.And challenge 7.Knee-to-knee, eye-to-eye

53 Cooperative learning strategies: Advice from Karl A. Smith 1.Start small and build 2.You choose the groups 3.Tell students what you’re doing and why 4.Do something cooperative regularly, build habits of cooperation 5.Keep it short; 5 minutes to start, then gradually lengthen 6.Monitor the groups: be positive, patient 7.Don’t give group grades

54 Cooperative learning Dawn the student: ROLES 1.Spokesperson : Speaks for group 2.Recorder : Keeps notes 3.Timekeeper : Keeps group on task 4.Affirmer : Provide support, encouragement 5.Skeptic : Questions assumptions, raises issues for clarification

55 Cooperative learning Dawn the student: ROLES 1.Spokesperson : Born closest to this spot? 2.Recorder : Born furthest from this spot? 3.Timekeeper : Who got up first this a.m.? 4.Affirmer : Of those remaining, Who got up last? 5.Skeptic : Whoever is left. Tie-breaker question: Who has youngest child?

56 Cooperative learning References 1.Karl A. Smith, “Adopting your classroom style to help science students be more active learners,” presentation at ISU Bioethics Institute, May 30, 1999 2.David W. Johnson, et al., “Cooperative Learning Returns to College: What Evidence Is There That It Works?” Change (July/ August 1998: 27-35).

57 Cooperative learning References Richard Felder, Chemical Engineering, North Carolina State University RESOURCES IN SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING EDUCATION web page

58 Acknowledgments © “Ethicists hanging around,” cartoon by Sidney Harris, published in The Scientist, 28 May 2001, used with permission




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