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Understanding Court Reporter Education April 2, 2005 Philadelphia.

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1 Understanding Court Reporter Education April 2, 2005 Philadelphia

2 A Student’s Background - Family Status - single - married - children - Student’s age - Work experience - Financial resources Court Reporter Student Retention Model Q: Who is entering court reporting programs?

3 A Student’s Background - Family Status - single - married - children - Student’s age - Work experience - Financial resources Individual Characteristics - Social coping skills - Communication Skills - Lifestyle - Attitude - Expectations Court Reporter Student Retention Model Q: What are the individual characteristics of the student?

4 A Student’s Background - Family Status - single - married - children - Student’s age - Work experience - Financial resources Individual Characteristics - Social coping skills - Communication Skills - Lifestyle - Attitude - Expectations Previous Schooling - GED - HS - 2 year - 4 year - other Court Reporter Student Retention Model Q: What previous schooling has the student had?

5 A Student’s Background - Family Status - single - married - children - Student’s age - Work experience - Financial resources Individual Characteristics - Social coping skills - Communication Skills - Lifestyle - Attitude - Expectations Previous Schooling - GED - HS - 2 year - 4 year - other Student’s Level of Ability - Learning skills - Study skills -Time management -Technical ability - Discipline Quality of the Court Reporting School - Faculty - Curriculum - Theories - Support Programs - counseling - mentoring - Recruitment/ Admissions program - New student orientation program Court Reporter Student Retention Model Q: What is the student’s level of ability?

6 A Student’s Background - Family Status - single - married - children - Student’s age - Work experience - Financial resources Individual Characteristics - Social coping skills - Communication Skills - Lifestyle - Attitude - Expectations Previous Schooling - GED - HS - 2 year - 4 year - other Student’s Level of Ability - Learning skills - Study skills - Time management - Technical ability - Discipline Quality of the Court Reporting School - Faculty - Curriculum - Theories - Support Programs - counseling - mentoring - Recruitment/ Admissions program - New student orientation program Court Reporter Student Retention Model Q: What is the level of quality in the court reporting program?

7 A Student’s Background - Family Status - single - married - children - Student’s age - Work experience - Financial resources Individual Characteristics - Social coping skills - Communication Skills - Lifestyle - Attitude - Expectations Previous Schooling - GED - HS - 2 year - 4 year - other Student’s Level of Ability - Learning skills - Study skills -Time management -Technical ability - Discipline Quality of the Court Reporting School - Faculty - Curriculum - Theories - Support Programs - counseling - mentoring - Recruitment/ Admissions program - New student orientation program Academic Performance - knowledge - speed - accuracy - working through plateaus Court Reporter Student Retention Model Q: What type of performance results from the combination of a particular student’s background and ability and a particular school or program?

8 A Student’s Background - Family Status - single - married - children - Student’s age - Work experience - Financial resources Individual Characteristics - Social coping skills - Communication Skills - Lifestyle - Attitude - Expectations Previous Schooling - GED - HS - 2 year - 4 year - other Student’s Level of Ability - Learning skills - Study skills -Time management -Technical ability - Discipline Quality of the Court Reporting School - Faculty - Curriculum - Theories - Support Programs - counseling - mentoring - Recruitment/ Admissions program - New student orientation program Academic Performance - knowledge - speed - accuracy - working through plateaus Achievement - Self- perception of progress - Personal satisfaction Court Reporter Student Retention Model Q: What is the student’s perception of her own progress in the program?

9 A Student’s Background - Family Status - single - married - children - Student’s age - Work experience - Financial resources Individual Characteristics - Social coping skills - Communication Skills - Lifestyle - Attitude - Expectations Previous Schooling - GED - HS - 2 year - 4 year - other Student’s Level of Ability - Learning skills - Study skills -Time management -Technical ability - Discipline Quality of the Court Reporting School - Faculty - Curriculum - Theories - Support Programs - counseling - mentoring - Recruitment/ Admissions program - New student orientation program Academic Performance - knowledge - speed - accuracy - working through plateaus Achievement - Self- perception of progress - Personal satisfaction Social Integration - Making friends - Interaction with faculty (positive or negative) - Comfort level in the classroom - Self- perception of “fitting in” Court Reporter Student Retention Model Q: What type of social interaction does the student experience while at school?

10 A Student’s Background - Family Status - single - married - children - Student’s age - Work experience - Financial resources Individual Characteristics - Social coping skills - Communication Skills - Lifestyle - Attitude - Expectations Previous Schooling - GED - HS - 2 year - 4 year - other Student’s Level of Ability - Learning skills - Study skills -Time management -Technical ability - Discipline Quality of the Court Reporting School - Faculty - Curriculum - Theories - Support Programs - counseling - mentoring - Recruitment/ Admissions program - New student orientation program Academic Performance - knowledge - speed - accuracy - working through plateaus - Graduation - Reporting Job Out - Voluntary withdrawal(1) - Transfer(2) - Transfer (3) - Dismissal(4) - Dismissal(5) - Dismissal(6) - Dismissal(7) Achievement - Self- perception of progress - Personal satisfaction Social Integration - Making friends - Interaction with faculty (positive or negative) - Comfort level in the classroom - Self- perception of “fitting in” Court Reporter Student Retention Model Q: What was the student’s reason for departing from the program?

11 A Student’s Background - Family Status - single - married - children - Student’s age - Work experience - Financial resources Individual Characteristics - Social coping skills - Communication Skills - Lifestyle - Attitude - Expectations Previous Schooling - GED - HS - 2 year - 4 year - other Student’s Level of Ability - Learning skills - Study skills -Time management -Technical ability - Discipline Quality of the Court Reporting School - Faculty - Curriculum - Theories - Support Programs - counseling - mentoring - Recruitment/ Admissions program - New student orientation program Academic Performance - knowledge - speed - accuracy - working through plateaus - Graduation - Reporting Job Out - Voluntary withdrawal(1) - Transfer(2) - Transfer (3) - Dismissal(4) - Dismissal(5) - Dismissal(6) - Dismissal(7) Achievement - Self- perception of progress - Personal satisfaction Social Integration - Making friends - Interaction with faculty (positive or negative) - Comfort level in the classroom - Self- perception of “fitting in” (1)Voluntary withdrawal – drops program and does not enter another program (2)Transfer – Transferred to another realtime reporting program (3)Transfer - Transferred to another program within the same institution (4)Dismissal - poor attendance (5)Dismissal – academic failure (6)Dismissal – bad behavior (7)Dismissal – lack of progress Understanding Reporter Education Q: Who is entering court reporting programs? Q: What is the quality level of the court reporting program? How does the Student’s ability impact success within the program. Q: What type of performance results from the combination of a particular student’s background and ability within a particular program? Q: What type of social interaction does the student experience while at school? Q: What is the student’s perception of her own progress in the program? Q: What was the student’s reason for departing from the program? Mangan 12/21/04

12 A Student’s Background - Family Status - single - married - children - Student’s age - Work experience - Financial resources Individual Characteristics - Social coping skills - Communication Skills - Lifestyle - Attitude - Expectations Previous Schooling - GED - HS - 2 year - 4 year - other Student’s Level of Ability - Learning skills - Study skills -Time management -Technical ability - Discipline Quality of the Court Reporting School - Faculty - Curriculum - Theories - Support Programs - counseling - mentoring - Recruitment/ Admissions program - New student orientation program Academic Performance - knowledge - speed - accuracy - working through plateaus - Graduation - Reporting Job Out - Voluntary withdrawal(1) - Transfer(2) - Transfer (3) - Dismissal(4) - Dismissal(5) - Dismissal(6) - Dismissal(7) Achievement - Self- perception of progress - Personal satisfaction Social Integration - Making friends - Interaction with faculty (positive or negative) - Comfort level in the classroom - Self- perception of “fitting in” (1)Voluntary withdrawal – drops program and does not enter another program (2)Transfer – Transferred to another realtime reporting program (3)Transfer - Transferred to another program within the same institution (4)Dismissal - poor attendance (5)Dismissal – academic failure (6)Dismissal – bad behavior (7)Dismissal – lack of progress Court Reporter Student Retention Model Q: Who is entering court reporting programs? Q: What is the quality level of the court reporting program? How does the Student’s ability impact success within the program. Q: What type of performance results from the combination of a particular student’s background and ability within a particular program? Q: What type of social interaction does the student experience while at school? Q: What is the student’s perception of her own progress in the program? Q: What was the student’s reason for departing from the program? Mangan 12/21/04

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