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Background of Holocaust
Wednesday, February 6, /6/13 EQ: What were the events leading up to the Holocaust? Warm Up: Clean out notebook and put in file Homework: Read pgs 3-14 of Night Notes: Anticipation guide Background of Holocaust Closure:
Finish Holocaust intro notes. The Wave
Thursday, February 7, /7/13 EQ: How loyal would you be to a cause you were excited about? Warm Up: Put SB pgs in Springboard section. Move pg page 238 and complete using technology. Homework: Read pgs of Night Notes: Anticipation Guide Finish Holocaust intro notes. The Wave Closure:
Friday, February 8, /8/13 EQ: Who is Elie Wiesel? Warm Up: Read and highlight “Meet Elie Wiesel” and “Introducing the Memoir” Homework: Read pgs of Night Notes: Quiz #1 Discussion of Warm-up reading Characterization lesson – Begin a character guide for the following characters: Elie Wiesel "Elizer", Chlomo Wiesel, Moishe the Beadle, Hilda and Bea Wiesel, Tzipora Wiesel, Idek, Rabbi Eliahous, Hienrich Himmler, Adolf Hitler, Dr. Mengele, Madame Schachter, Akiba Drumer, Juliek, Tibi and Yosi, Meir Katz, Stein. Closure:
Animal Farm test overview
Monday, February 11, /11/13 EQ: How do Literature Circles work? Warm Up: Read and highlight pg 242 of lit circle packet Homework: Read pgs of Night – complete lit circle assignment Notes: Animal Farm test overview Discussion of Lit Circle groups and analysis of packet Begin Lit circle assignment to prepare for First Lit Circle on Tuesday, Feb. 12 Closure:
Lit Circles – expert groups, then home groups
Tuesday, February 12, /12/13 EQ: Have I properly prepared for my literature circle? Warm Up: Expert groups – in ANOTHER COLOR, add information from your expert group to share with your home group. Homework: Read pgs 41-46, begin to prepare for next lit circle. Notes: Lit Circles – expert groups, then home groups Decide on jobs for NEXT lit circle scheduled for Thursday, Feb. 14! Closure:
Notes: Mood and Tone lesson Closure:
Wednesday, February 13, /13/13 EQ: What is the difference between mood and tone? Warm Up: Copy this quote: “We had already lived through a lot that night. We thought that nothing could frighten us anymore. But his harsh words sent shivers through us. The word “chimney” here was not an abstraction; it floated in the air, mingled with the smoke.” Underline words and phrases that help us visualize the horror of the situation, and how Elie feels about it. Homework: Read pgs 47-56, prepare for next lit circle. Notes: Mood and Tone lesson Closure:
Lit Circles – expert groups, then home groups
Thursday, February 14, /14/13 EQ: What did I do differently this time to prepare for my lit circle? Warm Up: Expert groups – in ANOTHER COLOR, add information from your expert group to share with your home group. Homework: Read pgs 56-65, begin to prepare for next lit circle. Notes: Lit Circles – expert groups, then home groups Decide on jobs for NEXT lit circle scheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 19! Closure:
Listen to Act 1 – fill in the above chart Watch Act 2 & 3 – Closure:
Friday, February 15, /15/13 EQ: How can you determine mood and tone in a drama? Warm Up: Read page 509 of Holt Literature book – complete “Vocabulary in Context” Be sure to read about the authors and the background. Homework: Read pgs 66-76, complete lit circle homework Notes: Listen to Act 1 – fill in the above chart Watch Act 2 & 3 – Closure: Tone Mood/Tone words Mood of Reader
Lit Circles – expert groups, then home groups
Tuesday, February 19, /19/13 EQ: What did I do differently this time to prepare for my lit circle? Warm Up: SB 239 – in home groups, divide up the research and complete Homework: Read pgs 77-84, begin to prepare for next lit circle. Notes: Lit Circles – expert groups, then home groups Expert groups – in ANOTHER COLOR, add information from your expert group to share with your home group. Decide on jobs for NEXT lit circle scheduled for Thursday, Feb. 21! Closure:
Listen to “Terrible Things” and fill out SB 230-231
Wednesday, February 20, /20/13 EQ: How does "Terrible Things" relate to our study of BOTH Animal Farm and Night? Warm Up: Move SB to today’s page, Socratic quiz #4 and review of Holocaust art Homework: Read pgs 85-97, begin to prepare for next lit circle. Notes: Listen to “Terrible Things” and fill out SB Work with partner to complete, and discuss “Talk it Over” questions Make some notes as you discuss questions, preparing talking points for Socratic Seminar Closure: Go to Socrative and complete exit ticket
Lit Circles – expert groups, then home groups
Thursday, February 21, /21/13 Notes: Lit Circles – expert groups, then home groups Expert groups – in ANOTHER COLOR, add information from your expert group to share with your home group. Decide on jobs for NEXT lit circle scheduled for Monday, Feb. 25 Closure: EQ: How do lit circles help me to better understand the novel? Warm Up: Review SB 239 – make sure that everyone has their research completed. Homework: Read pgs , begin to prepare for next lit circle.
Begin study guides for Night. Your guide must include:
Friday, February 22, /22/13 EQ: How can I prepare for a final exam for Night? Warm Up: Anticipation guide Homework: Read pgs , prepare for last lit circle. Notes: Begin study guides for Night. Your guide must include: 1. Timeline with historical events, and a corresponding listing of events from Night. 2. Listing of characters, and how they are related, as well as how they interact with Elie. 3. Chapter by chapter listing of important events – DUE on Feb 28!!! Closure:
Monday, February 25, /25/13 Notes: Lit Circle groups Anticipation guide Closure: EQ: How have my ideas from the anticipation guide changed after reading Night? Warm Up: Go to anticipation guide, and answer the questions again in the 2nd column. Homework: Finish timeline and begin working on character analysis
Review of irony powerpoints “The Ransom of Red Chief”
Tuesday, February 26, /26/13 Notes: Irony song Not ironic? Review of irony powerpoints “The Ransom of Red Chief” Irony detectives – identify the type of irony used in each passage – and make your case on why! Irony worksheet Closure: EQ: What are the three types of irony? Warm Up: Review your notes from January 24, and write a definition for the three types of irony. Homework: Irony worksheet, first side – 1. “A mean old man”
Review irony worksheet and Irony Detectives activity
Wednesday, February 27, /27/13 Notes: Notebook check Review irony worksheet and Irony Detectives activity Complete worksheet 1 for Literary devices used in Night Oprah/Elie Wiesel at Auschwitz Closure: EQ: How is irony used in Night? Warm Up: Read “Irony Detectives” worksheet – identify – AND EXPLAIN – the type of irony used for each example. Homework: Irony worksheet, second side – COMPLETE all three parts of study guide!!!
Review irony worksheet
Thursday, February 28, /28/13 Notes: Review irony worksheet Complete worksheets 2-6 on Literary devices used in Night Oprah/Elie Wiesel interview Closure: EQ: What literary elements can be found in Night? Warm Up: Write a definition for metaphor, irony, simile, imagery, and foreshadowing Homework: STUDY for your Night test!
Night Final Assessment
Friday, March 1, /1/13 Notes: Night Final Assessment Closure: EQ: What have I done well to prepare for the Night final assessment? Warm Up: last minute studying and questions Homework: None – happy weekend!
Monday, March 4, /4/13 Notes: Your goal is to create a Public Service Announcement for our school. How can one person make a difference? READ: SB WATCH: at least 3 PSA’s – SB 293 Closure: EQ: How can one person make a difference when encountering a social challenge? Warm Up: SB 255 – 257, read and complete Homework: Complete work assigned by group - Finish all assigned SB pages
30 minutes to complete PSAs Presentations
Tuesday, March 5, /5/13 Notes: Your goal is to create a Public Service Announcement for our school. How can one person make a difference? Finish plans – have approved by Mrs. Lucero. You MUST have a complete written script – 30 minutes to complete PSAs Presentations Closure: EQ: How can one person make a difference when encountering a social challenge? Warm Up: Review picture of the “Little Polish Boy” and write down 5 things that you see in the picture. Then, read the poem based on the picture. Homework: Read Chapter 1 of To Kill a Mockingbird (TKM), highlighting and notating as you read.
Wednesday, March 6, /6/13 NO PAGE - formative
Notes: Closure: Thursday, March 7, 2013 3/7/13
Background Powerpoint and guided notes Foreshadowing/Flashback worksheet if time Closure: EQ: What was important about the history surrounding the time period of To Kill a Mockingbird? Warm Up: Look up the words foreshadowing and flashback in literature books, and write a definition here. Why might an author choose to used these literary devices in a story? Homework: Worksheet – TKM prereading activity
Friday, March 8, /8/13 Notes: Go over flashback/foreshadowing worksheets Read Chapter 1 aloud and discuss Complete chapter 1 vocabulary and discussion questions Closure: EQ: What is a flashback and how is it used in Chapter 1 of TKM? Warm Up: complete 2 foreshadowing/flashback worksheets. Write your answers here – do not write on the class sets. Homework: Worksheet – TKM prereading activity
Monday, March 11, /11/13 Notes: Maycomb map – label Discuss Flashback and chapter 1. Closure: EQ: What does the city of Maycomb look like, and who lives where? Warm Up: Share your Ch 1 DQ answers with your neighbors – select “best” answers to share. Revise any incomplete sentences or answers to be complete Homework: Read chapters 2 & 3 – make sure you NOTATE in your book!
Tuesday, March 12, /12/13 Notes: Chapter 1 vocab Review additions to Maycomb map and character/setting worksheet from chapters 2 & 3 Notes on Allusion Allusion practice Closure: EQ: What is allusion, and how is it used in TKM? Warm Up: Research Andrew Jackson (Ch 1) and his involvement with the Creek tribe. Write at least 5 bullet points to explain it. Homework: Discussion questions for Ch 2-3
Notes: Closure: EQ: What are new events found in Chapters 2 & 3?
Wednesday, March 13, /13/13 Notes: Chapters 1-3 Quiz Chapter 1-4 vocab Review Ch 2-3 DQ’s Review additions to Maycomb map and character/setting worksheet from chapters 2 & 3 Closure: EQ: What are new events found in Chapters 2 & 3? Warm Up: Research Chapter 2 & 3 allusions Bullfinch Diaries of Lorenzo Dow The crash Union suit Man who sat on a flagpole Homework: Read Ch 4-5
Thursday, March 14, /14/13 Notes: Chapter 1 Vocab Activity Meet Harper Lee – Audio file and link on Lucero’s website. Take Notes on Harper Lee and novel background Closure: EQ: Who is Harper Lee, and how is her life represented in TKM? Warm Up: Allusion research: Indian head pennies “One Man’s Family” Old Testament pestilence Second Battle of the Marne Homework: DQ’s 4-5
Friday, March 15, /15/13 Notes: Vocab and chapter quizzes Review of DQ’s from chapters 4-5 From website, read from link about novel background and Harper Lee, and add to yesterday’s chart Work on Map of Maycomb – adding key events and character/setting points from Chapters 4-5. Closure: EQ: Who is Miss Maudie and how does she relate to the children? Warm Up: Review vocabulary and events from chapters 4-5 to prepare for quizzes. Homework: Read ch 6-7
Notes: Closure: Warm Up: TPCASTT Poem – “Strange Fruit”
Monday, March 18, /18/13 Notes: TPCASTT poem Jim Crow Laws PPT Jim Crow Laws PPT questions Revisit poem Closure: EQ: How did Jim Crow laws effect the lives of people in towns like Maycomb? Warm Up: TPCASTT Poem – “Strange Fruit” Homework: DQ’s ch 6 & 7
Tuesday, March 19, /19/13 Notes: Quiz ch 6-7 (Socrative) 1930’s America Explanation of group requirements and roles Visual discovery – use descriptive adjectives! Presentations Closure questions for exit ticket (Socrative.) Closure: EQ: How can you describe life in 1930’s America? Warm Up: Think of the town of Maycomb. Write a paragraph (10-12 sentences) about how you envision this place as you are reading. Be sure to use interesting descriptive adjectives to clearly describe how you see Maycomb in your mind. Homework: Read Ch 8-9
Wednesday, March 20, /20/13 Notes: Chapters 4-9 Vocabulary Discussion of Chapters 6-7 Character Analysis – find textual evidence for character analysis of Jem, Scout, Dill, Atticus, Miss Maudie, and Calpurnia Closure: EQ: Who are the main characters in TKM and how do they think and feel? Warm Up: Read Holt pgs , on a separate piece of paper, answer questions 1-16. Homework: DQ’s Ch 8-9
Notes: Closure: Warm Up: Allusions: Homework: Read Ch10-11
Thursday, March 21, /21/13 Notes: Lit Circle packet information Quiz – Chapters 8-9 Vocabulary KIMy activity Characterization Closure: EQ: Who are the main characters in TKM and how do they think and feel? Warm Up: Allusions: Appomattox Rosetta stone Let the cup pass from you Missouri Compromise Stonewall Jackson Homework: Read Ch10-11
Notes: Closure: Warm Up: Study for vocabulary test
Friday, March 22, /22/13 Notes: Lit Circle packet check Quiz – Vocabulary Decide on Lit circle assignments Characterization – Chapter 9 Closure: EQ: What is indirect characterization, and how does it help us understand characters? Warm Up: Study for vocabulary test Homework: Literature Circle Assignment #1
Monday, March 25, /25/13 Notes: Vocab for Wednesday test Discussion Lit circles Closure: EQ: What is the significance of the mockingbird, as described in Chapter 10? Warm Up: Define the following words – mortified, imprudent, subdued, morbid, subsequent, discernible, benevolent, impotent, benign, malignant, malevolent, Homework: Chapter reviews – Study for test on ch 1-11
Tuesday, March 26, /26/13 Notes: Text organization notes Courage and Mrs. Dubose activities Closure: EQ: How is courage described in chapters 10 and 11? Warm Up: Read the article “Morphine Addiction in the 1930’s” and list the main idea and at least 2 supporting details for EACH of the 4 sections of the article. Homework: Study for quiz on ch 1-11, Read ch 12-13
Notes: Closure: Warm Up: study your Monday vocab words for your quiz
Wednesday, March 27, /27/13 Notes: Quiz – trade and grade Lit circle #2 preparation Closure: EQ: How well do I understand chapters 1-10 of TKM? Warm Up: study your Monday vocab words for your quiz Homework: Prepare for Lit Circle #2
Notes: Closure: Warm Up: vocabulary for chapters 10-14
Thursday, March 28, /28/13 Notes: Lit Circle #2 Homework – do as much as you can in class, so you don’t have it for homework over Spring Break!! Closure: EQ: What are Jem and Scout’s main impressions of Calpurnia’s church? Warm Up: vocabulary for chapters 10-14 Homework: Read chapters 14-15, Prepare for Lit Circle #3
Chapter summaries for 1-15 due on April 12!!!
Monday, April 8, /8/13 Notes: Vocabulary Ch 10-14 Lit Circle #3 Discuss chapters and key events Closure: EQ: How does “mob mentality” manifest itself in TKM? Warm Up: allusions/references: Bootleggers bread lines Garden of Gethsemane Sit-down strikes Reconstruction Rice Christians Snipe hunt Homework: Read ch 16-17 Chapter summaries for 1-15 due on April 12!!!
Notes: Closure: Chapter summaries for 1-15 due on April 12!!!
Tuesday, April 9, /9/13 Notes: Station activity Closure: EQ: How did the struggle of African Americans after Reconstruction lead to changes in American culture? Warm Up: Discussion of process for station activity Homework: Lit circle #4 Chapter summaries for 1-15 due on April 12!!!
Chapter summaries for 1-15 due on April 12!!!
Wednesday, April 10, /10/13 Notes: RAFT writing assignment Closure: EQ: How did the struggle of African Americans after Reconstruction lead to changes in American culture? Warm Up: Write a journal entry about the episode outside the jail in chapter 15. Choose ONE of the characters from the novel, and write the journal entry from their point of view. Use at least one piece of specific textual evidence from the chapter. Homework: Finish RAFT writing assignment Chapter summaries for 1-15 due on April 12!!!
Thursday, April 11, /11/13 Notes: Prepare for Mock EOG Vocabulary quiz Chapter discussions Lit Circle #4 Closure: EQ: What does it mean to be entitled to a trial by a jury of your peers? Warm Up: Use each of the vocabulary words in a sentence that conveys the word meaning Homework: Read Ch 18-19 Chapter summaries for 1-15 due on April 12!!!
Notes: Closure: Friday, April 12, 2013 4/12/13
Read and Discuss newspaper article Work on discussion questions – providing textual evidence and page numbers for each question!! Check 1-15 plot summaries EXIT TICKET What did you learn today: How well does Mr. Gilmer prove Tom’s guilt in the eyes of the reader and in the eyes of the jury? Answer the question on the board: Can you suggest why these might be different? Closure: EQ: How well does Mr. Gilmer prove Tom’s guilt in the eyes of the reader and in the eyes of the jury? Can you suggest why these might be different? Warm Up: Read “Scottsboro Boys may receive pardon” and make an outline of key points Homework: Read Ch Finish discussion questions for Ch – use textual evidence and page numbers, and rephrase the question in EACH response!
Prep for socratic seminar – Warm up
Tuesday, April 16, /16/13 Notes: Vocabulary – Ch 15-18 Holt Book – Prep for socratic seminar – Warm up Closure: EQ: How do people justify their actions? Warm Up: See warm up on Socratic Seminar worksheet. Homework: Green book – pgs 1-8
Notes: Vocab review Socratic Seminars Closure:
Wednesday, April 17, /17/13 Notes: Vocab review Socratic Seminars Closure: EQ: How do people justify their actions? Warm Up: Use all your vocabulary words in a story – make sure the words are written correctly in context! Homework: Green book 9-16
Notes: Vocab quiz Green book answers Trial Activity Jigsaw Closure:
Thursday, April 18, /18/13 Notes: Vocab quiz Green book answers Trial Activity Jigsaw Closure: EQ: Why do people recall different details when asked about the same event? Warm Up: Study for Vocabulary Homework: summaries for Chapters – Due MONDAY!!!!!!
Notes: Trial Activity Jigsaw Closure:
Monday, April 22, /22/13 Notes: Trial Activity Jigsaw Closure: EQ: Why do people recall different details when asked about the same event? Warm Up: Prepare for Jigsaw activity – be sure to answer your assigned questions! Homework: Study for test on chapters 11-22!
Discuss Common Core worksheet and tracking table
Wednesday, April 24, /24/13 Notes: Discuss Common Core worksheet and tracking table Go over answers to Practice Test 3 (Mock EOG) Review ABCD chart practice Closure: EQ: How well do I incorporate test taking strategies so my test scores are consistent with my understanding of the material? Warm Up: Read and review Common Core Standards worksheet Homework: Complete an ABCD chart for each question missed on Mock EOG (Practice Test 3)
Go over answers to Green book through pg 28
Thursday, April 25, /25/13 Notes: Sentence a Day Go over answers to Green book through pg 28 Begin to research assigned topic Exit ticket Closure: EQ: What are the steps in learning information and preparing to teach others? Warm Up: Sentence a Day #1 Homework: Research your assigned topic and come in with 3 items to share with your group
Notes: Closure: Warm Up: Sentence a Day #2
Friday, April 26, /26/13 Notes: Sentence a Day Answers for Practice test 1 through pg 28 Grammar website review Continue with research for assigned topic Closure: EQ: What are the steps in learning information and preparing to teach others? Warm Up: Sentence a Day #2 Homework: Create a worksheet for your topic
Notes: Closure: Warm Up: Sentence a Day
Monday, April 29, /29/13 Notes: Notebook check Sentence a Day Review answers for pgs 1-28 of Green EOG book. Review questions from the Mock EOG for your assigned standard. Do you understand them now? Complete planning for powerpoint and begin. Submit 10 question review to Mrs. Lucero Closure: EQ: How do I create an effective presentation? Warm Up: Sentence a Day Homework: ABCD charts for all missed questions on pgs 1-28
Notes: Closure: Warm Up: Sentence a Day
Tuesday, April 30, /30/13 Notes: Sentence a Day Enter missed questions on chart – From EOG pgs 1-28 Review questions from the Mock EOG for your assigned standard. Do you understand them now? They must be included in your Powerpoint Submit 10 question review to Mrs. Lucero Have all parts of presentation approved by the end of class. Closure: EQ: How well will my created quiz help me to understand whether the class understands my concepts? Warm Up: Sentence a Day Homework: finish assigned part of presentation.
Notes: Closure: Warm Up: Sentence a Day
Wednesday, May 1, /1/13 Notes: Sentence a Day TKM – after the trial Closure: EQ: How do people move on with life after a major disappointment? Warm Up: Sentence a Day Homework: Green EOG Book Pages 29-36
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