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EXERCISE AND FITNESS Note: This power point presentation was created originally by McGraw Glencoe Health company. It was downloaded from their free educator’s.

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Presentation on theme: "EXERCISE AND FITNESS Note: This power point presentation was created originally by McGraw Glencoe Health company. It was downloaded from their free educator’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 EXERCISE AND FITNESS Note: This power point presentation was created originally by McGraw Glencoe Health company. It was downloaded from their free educator’s website then revised by Todd Corabi

2 Physical Activity and Health
In this lesson, you will Learn About… The benefits of physical activity. How to increase your strength, endurance, and flexibility.

3 Physical Activity and You
Physical activity is any kind of movement that causes the body to use energy. Participating in regular physical activity: Helps build and maintain healthy bones, muscles, and joints. Helps control weight and reduce fat. Helps keep blood pressure within a healthy range. You should be physically active minutes DAILY

4 Physical Activity and You (cont’d.)
The ability to handle the physical work and play of everyday life without becoming tired is known as fitness. Exercise can help you become more fit. Daily physical activity also has MANY other benefits in all areas of one’s self (wellness) Exercising regularly can also help teens develop the skills they will need to play a sport.

5 Physical Activity and Your Total Health
Benefits to physical health: Maintenance of a healthy weight Improved strength and flexibility Better performance of heart and lungs Decreased risk of certain diseases Other benefits of physical activity on physical health include the following: Higher energy level Stronger bones Greater freedom of movement Better coordination Better sleep

6 Physical Activity and Your Total Health (cont’d.)
Benefits to mental/emotional health: Enhanced self-confidence Sharpened mental alertness Reduced stress More relaxed attitude More enjoyment of free time Ask students to think of other benefits of physical activity on mental/emotional health.

7 Physical Activity and Your Total Health (cont’d.)
Benefits to social health: Additional chances to meet new people Opportunities to share common goals with others Increased ability to interact and cooperate with others Opportunities to use talents to help others

8 Components of Exercise= Strength
The first element of fitness is strength, the ability of your muscles to exert a force. It is measured according to the most work the muscles can do at a given time.

9 Strength (cont’d.) Building strength through physical activity enables you to: Lift heavy objects more easily with less chance of injury. Develop skills for sports and other activities.

10 Components of Exercise = Endurance
The second element of fitness is endurance, the ability to perform vigorous physical activity without getting overly tired. There are two basic types of endurance: Heart and lung endurance (usually referred to as “cardio”) Muscular endurance

11 Endurance (cont’d.) Heart and lung endurance is the measure of how effectively the heart and lungs work during moderate-to-vigorous physical activity or exercise. Muscle endurance is the ability of a muscle to repeatedly exert a force over a prolonged period of time. Heart and lung endurance is also a measure of how quickly your heartbeat and breathing return to normal when you stop exercising.

12 Endurance (cont’d.) Two types of exercise can help build endurance:
Aerobic exercise—Rhythmic, nonstop, moderate-to-vigorous activity that requires large amounts of oxygen and works the heart. Anaerobic exercise—Intense physical activity that requires little oxygen but involves short bursts of energy.

13 Endurance (cont’d.) People should do moderate heart and lung activity at least 30 minutes daily to best way to build or maintain heart and lung endurance. Examples of aerobic exercises: Walking, jogging, and bicycling Swimming laps Cross-country skiing Ask students to name other examples of aerobic exercises.

14 Endurance (cont’d.) Anaerobic activities help build and maintain strength and muscle endurance. Examples of anaerobic exercises: Weight lifting Sprinting Ask students to name other examples of anaerobic exercises.

15 Components of Exercise = Flexibility
The third element of fitness is flexibility, the ability to move joints fully and easily. You can increase your flexibility by doing regular, gentle stretching of muscles and joints. Research Improving flexibility reduces the risk of injury during strength or endurance training.

16 Stretching Exercises There are different schools of thought concerning Flexibility exercises. Recently, there has been debate as to the “best way” to stretch. However, there are basically, 2 healthy kinds of stretches: These exercises stretch the muscles of the upper body and legs, thereby improving flexibility. Click to display each exercise.

17 Stretching Exercises 1st kind of stretching = STATIC stretching
Holding a stretch of a muscle for seconds Done after a brief warm up of the muscles to help prevent injury during exercise Done after exercise during cool down to increase flexibility These exercises stretch the muscles of the upper body and legs, thereby improving flexibility. Click to display each exercise.

18 Stretching Exercises 2nd kind of stretching = Dynamic Sports Related
Slow movements of a joint through a range of motion that mimic movements done in sports OR prepare the bodo to do certain other exercises Done prior to participating in a sports activity OR as part of a training program These exercises stretch the muscles of the upper body and legs, thereby improving flexibility. Click to display each exercise.

19 There are 3 main ways to exercise no matter what exercise component you are targeting (cardio, muscular endurance, muscular strength, flexibility) Interval Continuous Circuit

20 INTERVAL EXERCISE Exercise that changes pace OR starts and stops often
Examples include: Baseball, Football, Soccer, Basketball Training examples in running would be walk 5 minutes, jog 5 minutes, walk 5 minutes Interval training is most often associated with cardio activities

21 CONTINUOUS Exercise Continuous exercise is exercise that goes at a continued pace for an extended period of time Examples are running long distances and swimming

22 Circuit Training Circuit Training is a variety of exercises done in a relatively short time to target a variety of muscle groups quickly Usually, there is a mix of cardio, muscular strength, muscular endurance and flexibility exercises in circuits Also known as stations Rule of thumb, no longer than 2 minutes at one station and no longer than 10 seconds rest between stations

23 Selecting the Right Exercises
To reach your fitness goals, plan a program that is: Convenient. Affordable. Enjoyable. Workouts should include a variety of physical activities to promote balanced fitness.

24 Selecting the Right Exercises (cont’d.)
To add physical activity to your life: Do a variety of aerobic exercises and/or active sports and recreation activities for at least 20 minutes, three to five times a week. Aim to do strength and flexibility exercises two or three times a week. Try not to spend too much time watching television, online, or playing non-active video games. Staying active is important for good health. Have students suggest specific ways to fit physical activity into their lives.

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