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Electrical Conduction in Solids

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1 Electrical Conduction in Solids
What is Electric Current? What is current density? What is Drift? … motion of charges under the influence of an Electric Field What is drift velocity ? … average velocity of charges under an applied E-field NOTE: many of these quantities are VECTORS !!

2 Electrical Conduction in Solids
Which way do negative charges move with respect to the applied E-field? Which way do positive charges move with respect to the applied E-field? What type of charges are responsible for current flow in conductors (metals)? What type of charges are responsible for current flow in semiconductors? What is mobility μ ? A J x D v d E Mobility: velocity per unit applied field…..

3 Voltage Gradient and E-Field

4 Quick Derivation of Current Density
J x D v d E

5 Important Current Density Relationships!
Mobility … expresses how “easy” electrons can move (drift) under the influence of an electric field; it is directly related to relaxation (or mean scattering) time Conductivity … the ability of a solid to conduct electricity (cousin of mobility!) ‘Mean Free Time’

6 J = σE, Ohm’s Law OHM’S LAW (V=IR!)

7 Temperature Dependence of Resistivity
Electrons are scattered by the vibrating metal ions Therefore the time between collisions (scattering time) can be affected by the vibration frequency … which implies that the mobility and therefore the conductivity and resistivity are also affected by the vibrating atoms (ions in metals) What should be the relationship between frequency of vibration and time between collisions ? The higher the freq. the shorter the time because the metal ions are vibrating faster (i.e. higher KE) and therefore colliding more often with moving electrons Shorter scattering times imply lower mobility … lower conductivity and therefore higher resistivity! (the math/derivation is in the book! Let’s look at the expressions…)

8 Temperature Dependence of Mobility and Conductivity
IMPORTANT to remember the dependence of conductivity … mobility … etc. on T! … i.e. directly/inversely proportional

9 Alloys … and Matthiessen’s Rule
Previous discussion was based on the ASSUMPTION that the material was a pure metal & perfect crystal! … i.e. no impurities no point defects etc. When impurities are present then one needs to consider two scattering mechanisms: (1) host atoms (2) impurity atoms The result is: where subscript L is for Lattice and I is for Impurity Therefore the effective mobility is lower (than that of a pure metal) The “net” resistivity is: which is known as Matthiessen’s Rule t I S r a i n e d g o b y m p u x s c f F = ( P E ) / T

10 Resistivity versus temperature for pure iron and 4% C steel.
Nichrome ??

11 Temperature Dependence of Resistivity
All non-intrinsic effects (impurities, crystal defects etc.) on the reisstivity can be “summed” up in a “residual” reisistivity term and the resistivity can be re-written as: NOTE that the thermal vibrations term is temperature dependent!! but the extrinsic component is not. TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT OF RESISTIVITY α is the fractional change in resistivity per unit temperature at the reference temperature TO Valid over a narrow temperature range… not a bad approximation BUT be cautious !

12 Temperature Dependence of Resistivity
T u n g s t e S i l v C o p I N c k P a m H W M - 4 8 2 5 1 ( K ) R y . 1 T e m p r a t u ( K ) 5 2 3 4 6 8 = R n W s i v y

13 Solid Solutions What is a solid solution ?
The second term in the above equation is NOT temperature dependent Therefore when forming a solid solution of two metals … i.e. one metal is the “host” (and the other the “impurity”, then the addition of the “impurity” metal will cause an increase in the resistivity and make the total resistivity less and less temperature dependent ! NOTE: at large “impurity” amounts the material will become an ALLOY! And we need to consider “alloy effects” 1 % C u a t . N i - A l o y s 2 3 4 5 6 8 R e v ( n W m )

14 Nordheim’s Rule of Solid Solutions
A simple way to determine the effect on resistivity component – the one due to “alloying impurities” … and combining Matthiessen’s and Nordheim’s rules then we get

15 Solid Solutions vs. Mixtures
Solid solutions are homogenous and mixing takes place at the atomic level … Nordheim’s rule applies. What happens when the mixture is not homogenous? i.e. 2 phases J x a b A L First case: series mixture Second case: parallel mixture L A J y ( b )

16 Mixtures – Continuous Phase w Dispersed 2nd Phase
If we have a mixture where the “host” material is continuous (c) and the added material is dispersed (d) therein … then the following two empirical expressions apply: L A D i s p e r d h a C o n t u y J x

17 Rule ???

18 Thermal Conduction Thermal conduction in a metal involves transferring energy from the hot region to the cold region by conduction electrons. More energetic electrons (shown with longer velocity vectors) from the hotter regions arrive at cooler regions and collide there with lattice vibrations and transfer their energy. Lengths of arrowed lines on atoms represent the magnitudes of atomic vibrations.

19 Thermal Conductivity Good Electrical Conductors (like metals) are also good Thermal Conductors … Why ?? … electrons are responsible for the electrical and thermal conductivity … … they pick up the thermal energy from vibrating atoms and transfer to atoms elsewhere … It is easy to think of Thermal Conductivity the same way we think of Electrical Conductivity …

20 Thermal Conductivity σ is the electrical conductivity and k the thermal conductivity Since electrons are responsible for both … the two are related i.e. … where CWFL is the Weidemann-Franz-Lorenz coefficient

21 Thermal Conductivity σ is related to temperature (in a certain range!) as 1/T … the above relationship suggests that k is temperature INDEPENDENT Since there are no free electrons in non-metals … how does the heat transfer take place ? VIBRATIONS … vibrations will increase at the hot end of a material and the vibrational energy will be transferred along the material depending on the type of bonding 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 E l e c t r i a o n d u v y , s W - m A g C B ( Z ) P z 9 S M H 8 N k = T F L h K

22 Electrical Conductivity
1 6 3 - 9 2 5 8 S e m i c o n d u t r s C v y ( W ) A g G a p h N T I D l O P E V F M B

23 Charges under the influence !
What happens when a charge finds itself under the influence of an electric field ? E

24 Charges under the influence !
What happens when a charge finds itself under the influence of a magnetic field ? B

25 Right vs. Left-Handed Oriented xyz System …. And the Cross product!

26 The Hall Effect Example with p-type semiconductor; i.e. holes are the majority charge carriers; apply voltage in x direction i.e. current Ix. apply a B-field in the z-direction. Total Force on the charge carriers due to E and B fields is The y-component of the force is As the holes flow in the x-direction they experience a force in the y-direction due to the B-field. Holes will accumulate in the -y end of the bar setting up an electric field, i.e. a voltage VAB in the y direction. The net force in the y-direction becomes zero when the two components of the force i.e. due to the electric and due to the magnetic field are equal.

27 The Hall Effect The “setting up” of the E-field in the y-direction is known as the Hall Effect. The voltage VAB is known as the Hall Voltage. This experiment is used to measure the mobility of the charge carriers as explained below:

28 The Hall Effect Note: the current and magnetic fields are known quantities since they are externally applied; the hall voltage can be measured. The resistivity  of the sample can also be calculated by measuring the resistance R of the bar.

29 Hall Effect Right hand rule Index finger -> Current / charge velocity Thumb -> Lorentz force Rest of the fingers -> Magnetic filed Key Points Direction of electric field is also the direction of conventional current. Hall electric field is set by the movement charge due to Lorentz force in the presence of a magnetic field.

30 B J x v e E y = z B V A h + A <0 VAB>0 VAB>0 >0

31 Application of Hall Effect
V12<0, Charge? Charge (-)ve V12 ? Charge (-)ve, V12 <0 B ?

32 Example #1 The resistivity of an alloy of Cu is 10-7 Ω-m; the dimensions of a rectangular bar of this material are w=4 mm, t=10 mm, and l=50 mm; the thermal conductivity of this alloy is:

33 Example #2 Points A, B, and C What phases are present
What is the composition of each phase What is the fraction of each phase present Max solubility of C in Fe to maintain the Ferrite phase

34 Example #3 The resistivity of aluminum at 25 °C has been measured to be 2.72x10-8 Ω-m. The thermal coefficient of resistivity of aluminum at 0 °C is 4.29 x 10-3 K-1. Aluminum has a valency of 3, a density of 2.70 g cm-3, and an atomic mass of 27. (a) what is the -40 °C

35 Example #4 The resistivity of aluminum at 25 °C has been measured to be 2.72x10-8 Ω-m. The thermal coefficient of resistivity of aluminum at 0 °C is 4.29 x 10-3 K-1. Aluminum has a valency of 3, a density of 2.70 g cm-3, and an atomic mass of 27. (b) what is the thermal coefficient of -40 °C

36 Example #4 The resistivity of aluminum at 25 °C has been measured to be 2.72x10-8 Ω-m. The thermal coefficient of resistivity of aluminum at 0 °C is 4.29 x 10-3 K-1. Aluminum has a valency of 3, a density of 2.70 g cm-3, and an atomic mass of 27. (c) Estimate the mean free time between collisions for the conduction electrons in aluminum at 25 °C, and hence estimate their drift mobility.

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