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For Overweight Teenagers Mario Nastasi Fitness is important!

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2 For Overweight Teenagers Mario Nastasi Fitness is important!

3 Importance of Exercise and Nutrition  The goal is to achieve Total Wellness  The connection between mind, body, and soul  If you look good, you feel good!

4 Benefits of Regular Exercise  Boosts metabolism  More energy throughout the day  Healthier cardiovascular system  Less risk of disease and obesity

5 Other Benefits  Exercising everyday also helps better your skin  Helps reduce stress  Improved mood  Gain confidence and self esteem  More brainpower You’re awesome!

6 Types of Exercise  Weight training  Cardiovascular  Sports  Dance  Any other fun physical activity!

7 Weight Training  One of the most popular ways to exercise  Gain strength  Put on muscle mass  Lose body fat  Better your body mechanics

8 Weight Training Repetition Guide  What do you want to train for?  Training for strength (sports?)  Power Lifting  Hypertrophy (muscle growth and development)  Benefits of endurance training

9 Workout Split for Weight Training  Here’s an example of a beginner’s workout  What is a workout “split”?  Different kinds of workout splits  What muscle groups to train together Click here for more detailed info

10 Cardiovascular Exercise  Difference between anaerobic and aerobic exercise  Running/Jogging, swimming, cycling, and walking  At least 30 minutes a day!

11 Benefits of Cardio  Weight loss  A stronger heart  Healthier arteries  Lower risk of chronic diseases  Improved mood  A sharper mind

12 Training for Sports  Different from hypertrophy training  Strength Training  Agility Training  Conditioning  Separate yourself from the competition!

13 Dancing for Exercise  Have fun and dance to your favorite songs  Comfortable at home workout  Make sure you raise your heart rate  Zumba  Dance workout DVDs

14 Sleeping and Rest Days  Very important!  This is when your body recovers/develops  How much sleep should I get?  When should I have a “rest day”?

15 Nutrition  Most important part of being healthy!  What exactly is nutrition?  The real meaning of “diet”  Most important, but also the most difficult

16 Bad Eating Habits  Making unhealthy food choices  Eating too many processed foods  Overeating or under eating  Not eating whole, natural foods  Too much sugar in your diet!

17 Poor Food Choices made by Teens  Fast Food  Processed foods from the freezer section  Sugary Drinks (Soda, Energy Drinks)  Food high in fat and simple carbohydrates  School Lunches (depending on what’s available)

18 Food Pyramid Check out MyPlate for the latest nutritional info!MyPlate

19 Easy Tips on Good Nutrition  Drink lots of water  Limit your salt, sugar, saturated and trans fats  Eat a variety of foods!  Fruits and vegetables, and whole-grain products  Eat lean meats, poultry, and fish

20 Tracking Your Progress  It helps tremendously to keep a journal!  Track your daily food intake  Write down all of our workouts  Helps you figure out your weak points  It’s not all about the number on the scale  Take plenty of progress pictures Today I…


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