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July 2015 Employee Monthly Meeting. FOLLOW UP ON ACTION ITEMS: Objective : Award Ceremony/ Ice Cream Social to be held at the end of SEPTEMBER. We are.

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Presentation on theme: "July 2015 Employee Monthly Meeting. FOLLOW UP ON ACTION ITEMS: Objective : Award Ceremony/ Ice Cream Social to be held at the end of SEPTEMBER. We are."— Presentation transcript:

1 July 2015 Employee Monthly Meeting

2 FOLLOW UP ON ACTION ITEMS: Objective : Award Ceremony/ Ice Cream Social to be held at the end of SEPTEMBER. We are looking for creative ideas for a theme and to help organize the event. If you are interested please see Jennifer Grace.

3 NEW BUSINESS: RemindersIn-Service There will be no use of cell phones on the production floor! This includes phone calls, texting, music, and watching videos. If it is an emergency you should be speaking with staff and your Service Coordinator not walking off the floor to answer/ make a call. If you have questions regarding this please see your Service Coordinator. During the summer months, Bermuda shorts (1 inch above the knee length) are allowed. However, jogging shorts, short-shorts, open-toed shoes, tank top shirts (shirts with no shoulders), halter shirts and low cut shirts are not appropriate. Heat Exhaustion: Wearing appropriate clothing, taking breaks, drinking water. Barrowing money is against the agency policy. Please see your Service Coordinator if you have further questions on this policy. Service Coordinators are in the cafeteria during morning buses, lunch time and pm buses. It is important that you save your questions, concerns, etc. for those times. Workplace Safety/ Work Rules and Regulations

4 Workplace Safety GENERAL SAFETY: Arnold Center conducts regular safety walkthroughs both from internal and external sources, to enhance and maintain compliance with safety standards. Arnold Center does not want any persons injured. You should be alert for conditions that might cause injury and should report to a support staff or Service Coordinator any hazardous situations. If you work at a community-based work site, you will be required to adhere to the safety policies of the work site.

5 Workplace Safety Continued Safety equipment is required for certain jobs. If such equipment is needed, a Support Staff will inform you. If you feel additional equipment may be needed to safely perform your job, ask a Support Staff or a Service Coordinator. It is your responsibility to report all critical incidents or serious accidents promptly and accurately to a Support Staff or a Service Coordinator. This includes accidents, incidents, and near-misses pertaining to staff, participants, visitors, and others in any way associated with the agency. All employees participating in Arnold Center services are expected to follow agency and site rules and regulations.

6 Safety Rules Wear proper safety equipment and apparel (safety glasses and gloves) Know emergency procedures Act in a mature manner No roughhousing (fighting, pushing, shoving, yelling) which may endanger self or others Remain in the building during work hours unless you have permission to leave

7 Carf International/ACCREDIDATION What is it? Accreditation is a process that demonstrates a provider has met standards for the quality of its services. Carf establishes these standards to guide providers in offering their services and also uses the standards to evaluate how well a provider is serving people and how it can improve.

8 Carf International/ACCREDIDATION Carf International sends a team of professionals called surveyors to visit its site and evaluate its services for quality. The surveyors consult with staff members and interviews people who use the provider’s services.

9 Questions surveyors may ask you: Do you have a say in your goals in your ISP? How does your plan get revised? How do you know that you are doing a good job? How do you know that you are receiving the right services? Can you tell me about your emergency and safety awareness training?

10 SAFETY Report any safety concerns to your supervisor or Service Coordinator. Any concerns about monthly drills, contact your Service Coordinator. CARF will be coming this August on the 20 th and 21 st.


12 Eric S. Jacob B. Dustin S. Jeremy M. Shawn P. Randy R. Francine R. Harold K. Robert M. Gerald S. Rex F. Jim B. Jodee M. Josh J. NOMINATED INDIVIDUALS

13 WORKER OF THE MONTH July2015. Jodee M.

14 REVIEW OF NEWSLETTERS  Arnold Center News Summer 2015  Copies available at the end of the meeting

15 SELF ADVOCACY Clearly express what your needs are Set realistic goals for what you want to achieve Get enough information to make informed choices Get information about other resources If necessary, have an advocate, family member, or friend at meetings If you have difficulty contacting your counselor, ask to speak to their coordinator If your call is not responded to in a timely manner, or if it is an emergency, ask to speak to the supervisor TIPS

16 Community Employment/ Social Recreation/ Volunteer opportunities Community Employment Janitorial Several subbing opportunities at job sites. Please see your Service Coordinator if interested Social Recreation Bowling, Picnic/ Walking group, swimming, fitness group, and senior dining Volunteering Midland Center for the Arts, Recycling, and Shelter house resale

17 WAGE & PIECE RATE Look for postings of, Rate per piece/CWS hourly base pay/Pieces per hour.

18 Customer Counsel Input Please push work chairs in when you leave your workstation Please use caution when you are walking behind someone’s workstation. Please clean up after yourself when using the smoke area.

19 Recipient Rights Karen Elledge Arnold Center, Recipient Rights officer

20 CUSTOMER COMPLANTS You can fill customer complaints out yourself or ask a staff for assistance. The Customer Complaint box is located in the Arnold Center lunch room.

21 ACTION ITEMS: OBJECTIVERESPONSIBLE PARTYDEADLINE Award Ceremony/ Ice Cream Social to be held at the end of September. We are looking for creative ideas for a theme and to help organize the event. If you are interested please see Jennifer Grace. Jennifer Grace / StaffASAP

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