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By Alex Gillis.   The arch is located on l’axe historique, bordering the 1 st and 8 th arrondisements  It is an entrance to the Jardin de Tuileries.

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Presentation on theme: "By Alex Gillis.   The arch is located on l’axe historique, bordering the 1 st and 8 th arrondisements  It is an entrance to the Jardin de Tuileries."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Alex Gillis

2   The arch is located on l’axe historique, bordering the 1 st and 8 th arrondisements  It is an entrance to the Jardin de Tuileries Location

3  Metro Path Take either 7, 8, 9, 12 or 13 to 1, and exit on the Tuileries stop

4   Built 1806-1808  Like the Arc de Triomphe, it was built to commemorate Napoleon's victories  Architects: Charles Percier and Pierre François Léonard Fontaine  The arch is 63 feet tall, 74 feet wide, and 21 feet deep Construction

5  The Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel, besides being representative of Napoleon’s victories, is an important and historical part of Paris. Many people stop at sit at the base of the arch to draw, read, or chat. Because it is by the Jardin de Tuileries, it makes for an ideal rest stop for tourists who are drawn to the monuments intricate design. Significance

6  Some people and events depicted on the arch (in bas-relief) are:  the Arms of the Kingdom of Italy with figures representing History and the Arts  the Arms of the French Empire with Victory, Fame, History, and Abundance  Wisdom and Strength holding the arms of the Kingdom of Italy, accompanied by Prudence and Victory.  the Peace of Pressburg  Napoleon entering Munich  Napoleon entering Vienna, sculptor Louis-Pierre Deseine  the Battle of Austerlitz, sculptor Jean-Joseph Espercieux  the Tilsit Conference  the surrender of Ulm, sculptor Pierre Cartellier The Art

7   This sculpture atop the arch is a copy of the so-called Horses of Saint Mark that adorn the top of the main door of the St Mark's Basilica in Venice. The Top

8  Back in Time 1843 1810

9   When Napoleon I commissioned the building of the arch, he wanted it to model the Arch of Constantine in Rome (312 AD)  Jacques-Ignace Hittorf, the builder of the famous green and gold fountains in the Place de la Concord, was a student of the Arch’s main architect Charles Percier  While the little arch only took two years to build, its larger counterpart (the Arc de Triomphe de l’Étoile) took thirty years to build. It is twice as big as the little arch Interesting Facts

10       cr.jpg   Charles_Percier.gif   dominique-portrait-de-l-architecte-jacques-ignace-hittorff.jpg    Bibliography

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