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SALT LAKE CITY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES Red Butte Creek Riparian Corridor Study Public Workshop 4 December 9, 2009 Facilitated by BIO-WEST, Inc Facilitated.

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Presentation on theme: "SALT LAKE CITY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES Red Butte Creek Riparian Corridor Study Public Workshop 4 December 9, 2009 Facilitated by BIO-WEST, Inc Facilitated."— Presentation transcript:

1 SALT LAKE CITY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES Red Butte Creek Riparian Corridor Study Public Workshop 4 December 9, 2009 Facilitated by BIO-WEST, Inc Facilitated by BIO-WEST, Inc.

2 Workshop Presentation Outline Review of Workshops 1, 2, and 3 –Purpose/Need of Study –Study Plan and Schedule –Riparian Corridor Definition & Functions –Baseline Assessment –Recommended Types of Improvement Projects –Vision Statement Overview of Draft Report Organization Useful Tools

3 Why is SLC Conducting This Study? To assess current conditions To determine desired future conditions To identify opportunities for restoration and remediation of Emigration Creek

4 Why is SLC Conducting This Study? To use the information, data, and maps developed during the study to inform planning, permitting, and administrative processes of the Riparian Corridor Overlay District Ordinance (RCO)


6 What Will the Riparian Corridor Study Management Plan Include? Statement(s) of desired future conditions Identification of restoration and remediation projects Cost analysis and ranking of projects Identification of project funding mechanisms Presentation of best management practices Inventory of GIS-based information Continuation of public outreach

7 What Does a Riparian Corridor Study Involve? BIO-WEST Planning & Public Outreach public workshops (four) subcommittee/stakeholder meetings (quarterly) web site comment form Baseline Condition Assessment vegetation stream condition Historical and Current Trend Assessment Salt Lake City Public Utilities Management Plan / Desired Future Conditions

8 Timeline and Milestones Fall 2008 Winter 2009 Spring 2009 Summer 2009 Fall 2009 Field Evaluation Public Workshop 1 Public Workshop 2 Public Workshop 3 Public Workshop 4 Historical Trend Assessment High Flow Field Evaluation Identify Improvement Projects Draft and Final Mgt. Plans

9 Riparian Area Definition: Zone of influence or “transition zone” between aquatic and upland areas The city’s Riparian Corridor Overlay Zone Ordinance (RCO) applies to the area within 100 feet of the annual high water level of above-ground streams.

10 Riparian Corridor Functions: Wildlife and Aquatic Habitat –60% of vertebrate species in arid Southwest rely on riparian areas (Ohmart and Anderson 1982) Shading and Water-Temperature Control Aesthetics Recreation and Open Space Floodplain Storage and Flood-Damage Reduction

11 Riparian Corridor Functions: Wildlife Travel Corridors/Connectivity Organic Matter Inputs Stream Stability/Safety Pollution and Nutrient Filtration Storm Water and Irrigation Water Conveyance

12 Baseline Condition Assessment


14 Baseline Assessment Results Review Aesthetics Function – Litter Wildlife Habitat Function – Invasive Plants Filtration Function – Lack of shrub and understory cover Stability Function –Erosion from storm runoff and drain outfalls –Scour around concrete –Culverts narrower than channel width –On-going stream channel adjustments –Altered hydrology

15 Improvement Projects Review Riparian Corridor Projects –General Projects Appropriate at any scale –Local-scale Projects Relevant to specific individual locations or features (storm drain, culvert, etc.) –Reach-scale Projects Stream bed and bank stability should be addressed at this scale Watershed-scale Projects Figure from SLCO 2009

16 Improvement Projects Review General Projects –Stream Cleanup –Invasive Plant Removal –Biotechnical Slope Stabilization Local-scale Projects –Storm Drain Outlet Protection –Stream Crossing Design/Culvert Replacement –No-trespassing Signage

17 Improvement Projects Review Reach-scale Projects –Should implement comprehensively through reach from “hard point” to “hard point” –Grade Control –Bank Stabilization Toe protection

18 Draft Red Butte Creek Document Section 1: Introduction –RCO ordinance, setbacks –study goals, objectives, mayor’s goal –riparian corridor functions Section 2: Baseline Assessment Methods –study reaches –stream-condition assessment –vegetation assessment –watershed/historical information

19 Draft Red Butte Creek Document Section 3: Baseline Assessment Results –watershed conditions –historical conditions –field assessment results Section 4: Recommended Improvement Projects –description of various project types and scales –references and tools Section 5: Riparian Corridor Vision –summary of stakeholder input –vision statement –implementation approaches Appendix C: Reach Maps, Summaries, and Recommendations

20 Sidebars provide resource/ reference information for: –potential partnering organizations –herbicide BMPs –internet resources and reference documents (storm water, stream stabilization, bio-engineering, fire-wise plants) –sources of native plants and seed –material suppliers for erosion control, bio-engineering etc. –permitting Tools Included in Draft Plan – Section 4

21 Tools (cont.) – Section 4 Tables –invasive plant species –recommended native plant species preferred light conditions preferred moisture conditions suitable for planting as a live cutting/live stake

22 Tools (cont.) – Section 4 Tables –permitting requirements –unit cost information –grant resources for funding improvement projects

23 Tools (cont.) - Section 4


25 Tools – Section 5

26 Tools (cont.) – Appendix B Detail drawings

27 Tools – Appendix C Two-page layout for each stream reach

28 Tools – Appendix C


30 Next Steps More Detailed Information on Priorities and Project Costs for Specific Reaches Improvement MeasureApproximate QuantityApproximate Cost Culvert replacement/outlet protection280 foot-long culvert$175,000 + installation Comprehensive bank stabilization 675 linear feet (half of total bank length)$47,250 Comprehensive grade control6 vortex rock weirs$12,600 Biotechnical slope stabilization 4,000 sq. ft around culvert outlet$17,000 Storm drain improvement3 outfalls$700 Invasive plant removal1.15 acres$860

31 Next Steps More Detailed Information on Specific Action Items, Lead Entities, Time Frames for Implementation

32 Next Steps Possible Establishment of a Riparian Corridor Working Group to Guide Implementation Efforts –Let us know if you would like to be involved! –Emphasis on collaboration and pursuit of grant funding

33 YOUR INPUT IS IMPORTANT! If you have a specific interest in a certain stream reach or set of reaches, let us know what riparian functions or improvement project recommendations are most important to you in that reach. Please add your comments on the reach-specific forms. Let us know who you are.

34 YOUR INPUT IS IMPORTANT! Comment on the draft vision statement for the project. Ask project staff questions. Provide comments on the draft management plan. Draft report comments will be accepted until January 15, 2010.

35 Where to Get the Draft Report Download (*.pdf) files from City website Take a CD copy. Take a hard copy (limited supply). Ask to have a CD copy mailed to you.

36 Ways to Comment and Participate Appendix C pages posted around the room Workshop response form SLC DPU website ( Contact SLC DPU: Florence Reynolds 801-483-6864 florence.reynolds

37 THANK YOU FOR PARTICIPATING! BIO-WEST Contacts: Melissa Stamp Christopher Sands

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