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Lake and Stream Hydrology 2009 UJ, UH and TPU Timo Huttula JY/BYTL& SYKE/VTO

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Presentation on theme: "Lake and Stream Hydrology 2009 UJ, UH and TPU Timo Huttula JY/BYTL& SYKE/VTO"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lake and Stream Hydrology 2009 UJ, UH and TPU Timo Huttula JY/BYTL& SYKE/VTO

2 Personnel  Timo Huttula/JY&SYKE  Kirsti Krogerus/SYKE  Kai Rasmus/SYKE  Jonna Kuha/JY  Hanna Arola/JY  Jyrki Ratilainen/JY  Risto Latavnen/JY  Anne Mäkynen/JY (TAMK)  Mika Nieminen/TAMK (JY)  Matti Leppäranta/HY  Juho Vehviläinen/HY 19.9.2015Lake and stream hydrology T.Huttula 2

3 19.9.2015Lake and stream hydrology T.Huttula 3 Seminar  Wed 30.9.2009 at 13.00  Results of the field work are presented by groups (six)  Total length of each presentation is 30 min (20 min presentation + 10 min for discussion)  Maximum 20 ppt-slides  Contents  Title (include names of all contributors)  What was our objective(s)?  How /where/when we measured?  Explain priciples of the measurements and instruments  Include figures and basic data about instruments  Results  Produce figures rather than tables  Discuss the main results  Include also discussion about causalities (= cause and effects)  Conclusions  How handy/usefull/expensive/applicable/reliable this method is?  What new was found?

4 All themes  Use meteorological data from our meteo station at shore to describe weather conditions duirng our week   Use hydrological data from Konnevesi to describe hydrological conditions our week  Compare them to long term data   19.9.2015Lake and stream hydrology T.Huttula 4

5 19.9.2015Lake and stream hydrology T.Huttula 5

6 19.9.2015Lake and stream hydrology T.Huttula 6

7 19.9.2015Lake and stream hydrology T.Huttula 7 Themes  How well Manning's equation for velocity was estimating water velocity in streams?  Focus to small stream  Take slope from your data  Determine the surface area and wetted perimeter  hydraulic radius  Compare calculated mean velocities (Manning-equation) to measured mean velocities on  From floating object  Flow tracker  Small weir  Try to determine the Manning’s roughness coefficient  Total solids transport in a stream  Suspended solids transport  Bottom transport

8 19.9.2015Lake and stream hydrology T.Huttula 8 Themes…  Various methods for determining discharged in a stream  Floating object  Flow tracker  Weir  Water temperature in Konneveden selkä  CTD-data  Historical data over 20 years  Water currents in Konnevesi  Drogue data  Wind data (Pier and from Tikkakoski airport)

9 19.9.2015Lake and stream hydrology T.Huttula 9 Themes..  Daily water balance variations in Lakes Konnevesi in September 2009 Data from web and kk626-server in SYKE’s intranet Chance in water storage=Inflow-outflow + precipitation-evaporation (m 3 /s) Suspended material balance: Use turbidity data What were the reasons for changes? Study the meteorological conditions  Temperature sensor stabilization in time  Based on tests in tank  2-3 different sensor types  Practical conclusions

10 Groups 1. Bubbles / Mia 2. Bottom sediment / Samu <3<3<3<3 3. Discovery/ Irikefe 4. Southern comfort/ Waldo =) 5. Movers/ Catherine 6. ACDC (greek drama) / ioAnna 19.9.2015Lake and stream hydrology T.Huttula 10

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