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Visualization at SDSC Dr. Steve Cutchin. The Earth’s Mantle 140Km.

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Presentation on theme: "Visualization at SDSC Dr. Steve Cutchin. The Earth’s Mantle 140Km."— Presentation transcript:

1 Visualization at SDSC Dr. Steve Cutchin


3 The Earth’s Mantle 140Km

4 The Earth’s Mantle

5 Volume Visualizations


7 Molecular Visualizations Work for Discovery Science Channel

8 Sample Visualizations UCSD Cancer Center Universe Simulations

9 Crystal Palace

10 Monuments and Dust: The Culture of Victorian London

11 Visualization Tools VISTA Volume Renderer VISTA Volume Renderer MeshViewer Volume Viewer for the desktop MeshViewer Volume Viewer for the desktop Maya animation package Maya animation package Imagemagick – Standard Image Package Imagemagick – Standard Image Package Visit – LLNL visualization tool. Visit – LLNL visualization tool. Adobe Content Creation Suite Adobe Content Creation Suite GIMP GIMP VTK VTK RasMOL RasMOL

12 Web Sites

13 Terashake

14 Puente Hills Fault

15 Domefest Early Universe Render

16 Medical Visualization

17 Cancer Center Visualization Visualization Expertise Supercomputers Software Development Visualization Tools Shared Staff SDSC UCSD Cancer Center Cancer Expertise Medical Expertise Latest Microscopy Tools Cancer Research Scientists Computational Scientists Research Intern 1 Research Scientist Images Animations Movies

18 Volume Visualization of the Orion Nebula The San Diego Supercomputer Center and The American Museum of Natural History Hayden Planetarium Hubble Space Telescope images of the Orion Nebula and the HST-10 proplyd.

19 Astronomical Visualization Visualization of An Emission Nebulae from 3 Terabytes of Simulation Data Credits: American Museum of Natural History Dave Nadeau SDSC Erik Engquist SDSC

20 Hands On Vis Repeat list of tools - 5 minutes tops. Repeat list of tools - 5 minutes tops. Gnuplot - 5 minutes. Gnuplot - 5 minutes. Image Magick – 5 minutes. Image Magick – 5 minutes. VISTA - 10 minutes. VISTA - 10 minutes. Mpeg Encoding – 5 minutes. Mpeg Encoding – 5 minutes. Tecplot - 10 minutes. Tecplot - 10 minutes. Paraview - 10 minutes. Paraview - 10 minutes. Q&A Session - 15 minutes. Q&A Session - 15 minutes.

21 Visualization Tools on HPC VISTA Volume Renderer VISTA Volume Renderer Maya animation package – broken at moment. Maya animation package – broken at moment. Image Magick – Standard Image Package Image Magick – Standard Image Package Visit – LLNL visualization tool. Visit – LLNL visualization tool. Tecplot Tecplot GIMP GIMP VTK – Visualization Toolkit. VTK – Visualization Toolkit. Paraview Paraview NCL – NCAR Command Language. NCL – NCAR Command Language.

22 Configure X-Windows Set up X-Windows on your desktop Set up X-Windows on your desktop Then ssh to dslogin with X-Forwarding enabled. Then ssh to dslogin with X-Forwarding enabled. Source /gpfs/projecsts/vis/cutchin/paths Source /gpfs/projecsts/vis/cutchin/paths

23 Image Magick Great command line image tools. Great command line image tools. Well documented, well supported. Well documented, well supported. Great for piping, scripting, easily extensible. Great for piping, scripting, easily extensible.

24 Image Magick Current version in: /usr/local/apps32/imagemagick-6.2.8/bin Current version in: /usr/local/apps32/imagemagick-6.2.8/bin Add to your path. Add to your path. Type %convert to test Type %convert to test Web site: Web site: Formats: Formats: Bug: /opt/freeware/bin/display,animate Bug: /opt/freeware/bin/display,animate

25 ImageMagick Commands Ex: convert magick:rose rose.jpg Ex: convert magick:rose rose.jpg Convert: change formats, change various params. Convert: change formats, change various params. Composite: combine images together. Composite: combine images together. Animate: animate series*.jpg Animate: animate series*.jpg Display: display images*.jpg… Display: display images*.jpg… Montage: creates a thumbnail sheet. Montage: creates a thumbnail sheet. conjure: …..script engine. Magic scripting language. conjure: …..script engine. Magic scripting language. Others: compare, identify, import, mogrify… Others: compare, identify, import, mogrify…

26 GnuPlot A free GNU tool. A free GNU tool. Supports 2D & 3D Plotting. Supports 2D & 3D Plotting. Very feature rich. Very feature rich. Command line usage. Command line usage. Great for quick and dirty plots and text. Great for quick and dirty plots and text.

27 GnuPlot Path: /usr/local/apps/gnuplot-4.0.0/ Path: /usr/local/apps/gnuplot-4.0.0/ Interactive visualization: Interactive visualization: Ex: gnuplot simple.gpl Ex: gnuplot simple.gpl Write image to a file: Write image to a file: Change the terminal: set terminal postscript Change the terminal: set terminal postscript gnuplot> set terminal postscript color solid gnuplot> set terminal postscript color solid gnuplot> set output ““ gnuplot> set output ““ gnuplot> load ‘simple.gpl’ gnuplot> load ‘simple.gpl’ gnuplot> set output gnuplot> set output gnuplot> set terminal pop gnuplot> set terminal pop

28 GnuPlot Simple 2D Plot: Simple 2D Plot: Basic 3D Plot: Basic 3D Plot: Adding Text: Adding Text: Formatting Text: Formatting Text: Parsing data files: Parsing data files: More web help: www……org More web help: www……org

29 VISTA SDSC Built SDSC Built Volume Renderer Volume Renderer Command line driven. Command line driven. Lots of options. Lots of options. ware/vista/ ware/vista/ Supports HDR output. Supports HDR output.

30 VISTA /gpfs/projects/vis/vistools/bin /gpfs/projects/vis/vistools/bin %vista –help for list of options. %vista –help for list of options. %vista –raw 512 512 512 monkey_512by3.raw %vista –raw 512 512 512 monkey_512by3.raw %vista –raw 512 512 512 –minmax -33553920.0 33554688.0 monkey_512by3.raw %vista –raw 512 512 512 –minmax -33553920.0 33554688.0 monkey_512by3.raw %display img_00000.ppm %display img_00000.ppm

31 VISTA Terashake Example %vista –lsb –raw 40 150 300 –rawtype float –minmax - 0.1 0.1 tshake/tshake.05800.raw %vista –lsb –raw 40 150 300 –rawtype float –minmax - 0.1 0.1 tshake/tshake.05800.raw Recolor: vista … --bigspect… Recolor: vista … --bigspect… Cameras: vista … -left –right –front –cam camfile… Cameras: vista … -left –right –front –cam camfile… Sizing: vista … -r 0.2 0.45 0.8 …. Sizing: vista … -r 0.2 0.45 0.8 …. Custom cam: vista –cam tshake/ Custom cam: vista –cam tshake/ Colormaps: vista …. –tmapfile … Colormaps: vista …. –tmapfile … Format types: %vista –rawtype float | int | short | byte… Format types: %vista –rawtype float | int | short | byte…

32 MPEG Creation /usr/local/apps32/mpeg2vidcodec/ /usr/local/apps32/mpeg2vidcodec/ Take a series of images and generate a simple mpeg 1 stream. Take a series of images and generate a simple mpeg 1 stream. Good for images at 640x480 resolution. Good for images at 640x480 resolution. Command line driven. Command line driven. Useful but poor encoding. Useful but poor encoding. Best solution: offload. Best solution: offload. Docs are in install directory on datastar. Docs are in install directory on datastar.

33 MPEG Creation Path: /usr/local/apps32/mpeg2vidcodec/bin Path: /usr/local/apps32/mpeg2vidcodec/bin Example: mpeg2vidcodec ….. Example: mpeg2vidcodec ….. Uses a.par file. Uses a.par file. Input format.ppm Input format.ppm Set file names, file formats, number of frames. Set file names, file formats, number of frames. Best used for rough quick and dirty. Best used for rough quick and dirty. Not particularly good. Not particularly good. No gold standard solutions exist on HPC systems. No gold standard solutions exist on HPC systems.

34 Tecplot Commercial product. Commercial product. Our users can use it. Our users can use it. Excellent tool. Excellent tool. GUI based. GUI based. Very popular and effective. Very popular and effective. Takes a bit to get started. Takes a bit to get started. Supports command line processing. Supports command line processing.

35 Tecplot In path: /usr/local/apps/tecplot/bin In path: /usr/local/apps/tecplot/bin %setenv TECHOME /usr/local/apps/tecplot %setenv TECHOME /usr/local/apps/tecplot % setenv TLMHOST % setenv TLMHOST %tecplot %tecplot Run simple example in tecplot. Run simple example in tecplot. Batch mode: Batch mode: Tecplot batchscript…. Tecplot batchscript…. Display output image Display output image for lots and lots of support. for lots and lots of support.

36 Tecplot How to output image to a file. How to output image to a file. How do I get my own data into the tool? How do I get my own data into the tool? What formats does it handle? What formats does it handle? What are its biggest features? What are its biggest features?

37 Paraview OpenSource tool. OpenSource tool. Well supported. Well supported. Common in HPC Common in HPC Uses VTK Uses VTK Mostly designed for programmers by programmers. Mostly designed for programmers by programmers.

38 Paraview Path: /usr/local/apps32/paraview-2.2.1/ Path: /usr/local/apps32/paraview-2.2.1/ Interactive %paraview Interactive %paraview Can load a variety of data formats including unstructured and point clouds. Can load a variety of data formats including unstructured and point clouds. Supports client/server mode: pserver Supports client/server mode: pserver Run client locally. Run client locally.

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