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Presentation name (Name of presenter) (Position) (Division/Post name, City) ICT in Horizon 2020 ERA-Can+ Information Sessions – Atlantic Canada March 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation name (Name of presenter) (Position) (Division/Post name, City) ICT in Horizon 2020 ERA-Can+ Information Sessions – Atlantic Canada March 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation name (Name of presenter) (Position) (Division/Post name, City) ICT in Horizon 2020 ERA-Can+ Information Sessions – Atlantic Canada March 2014

2 NCP Role  Intelligence gathering  Facilitate, coordinate and foster ICT research and innovation partnerships -- A “Connector”  Dissemination of information on H2020 activities, i.e. workshops, conferences, Information/Proposer Days  Assist in partner search activities  A liaison role with the EC, establish a solid relationship  Confidentiality and transparency for all  Database of R&D organizations & individuals

3 Why Participate?  Horizon 2020 is “Open” – Canada needs to partner  EU Strategy for International Cooperation under H2020 – Canada is a valued partner  Growing need for international cooperation to address complex scientific challenges and share high-cost projects or research infrastructures  Creation of global research and innovation networks enables working with the best in the world – increasingly interlinked internationally, in a landscape that is changing rapidly  EU and Canada lead developments in key ICT sectors and have a highly developed digital infrastructure  We have strong trade relations, and are powerful players in terms of industrial, technological and R&D capability

4 IDEAL-IST The Ideal-ist network consists of more than 70 ICT National Contact Points from all over the world, in line with the international cooperation strategy of the EC. Established in 1996 and funded by the EC A quality labeled and pro-active partner search tool to connect researchers Targeting the strategic objective of the ICT theme and is call-specific A quality team to support proposer, for a more focused proposal submission Brokerage events with brokerage tools for big events

5 Horizon 2020 What’s New?  A single program to support research and innovation bringing together formerly separate initiatives – a stronger and clearer focus (FP7+CIP+EIT)  Strong focus on societal challenges  More innovation and risk taking  Simplified access for all companies, universities, institutes in all EU countries and open to the rest of the world  More open, light & fast schemes And The Same?  Canadians need to bring expertise to the project not available in Europe and self-funded  Research proposals still need at least 3 European researchers from 3 different countries

6 Excellent science Industrial leadership Societal challenges

7 Future & Emerging Technologies (FET) FET Open – supports early stage S&T research around ideas for radically new future technologies  40% of overall FET budget  Inspired by cutting edge science, unconventional collaborations or new research and innovation practices  FETOPEN-1-2014: FET-Open research projects  Research & Innovation Action  EUR 77M (deadline 30/09/2014)  EUR 38.5M (deadline 31/03/2015)  EUR 38.5M (deadline 29/09/2015)  FETOPEN-2-2014: Coordination and support activities  EUR3M (deadline 30/09/2014)  FETOPEN-3-2015: Coordination and support activities  EUR 1.5M (deadline 31/03/2015)  EUR 1.5M (deadline 29/09/2015)

8 Future & Emerging Technologies (FET) FET Proactive: Nurturing emerging themes and communities  Global Systems Science (GSS)  10M (deadline 01/04/2014)  Knowing, doing and being – cognition beyond problem solving  15M (deadline 01/04/2014)  Quantum Simulation  10M (deadline 01/04/2014) All are Research and Innovation Actions

9 FET (Cont’d) FET Flagships tackle ambitious large-scale, science-driven research aimed at grand interdisciplinary S&T challenges The topics in the work programme continue to support and further develop two FET flagships: 1. Human Brain Project - 2. Graphene –  Under FP7, an ERA-NET project was created and supported these 2 flagship projects, providing a basis for transnational projects.  A follow-up ERA-NET co-fund action is foreseen in 2016:  FETFLAG-1-2014: Framework Partnership Agreement  No budget allocation - Deadline (01/04/2014)  FETFLAG-2014: Policy Environment for FET Flagships  1.6M (deadline 10/04/2014)

10 Excellent science Industrial leadership Societal challenges

11 Call for Proposals Current Call:  Published: December 11, 2013  Most topics deadline – April 23, 2014 at 17:00 Brussels time  Except ICT 14a, 14b, 14c – deadline is November 25, 2014  Except ICT 37(SME Instrument) – deadline has various phases and is not open to 3 rd country participation Next Call:  To be published: October 12, 2014  Deadline for all topics: April 14, 2015 at 17:00 Brussels time

12 Types of Actions Research & Innovation Action Primarily consisting of activities establishing new knowledge and/or explore the feasibility of a new or improved technology, product, process, service or solution. May include basic and applied research, technology development and integration, testing and validation on a small-scale prototype in a lab or simulated environment. Innovation Action Primarily consisting of activities aiming at producing plans and arrangements or designs for new, altered or improved products, process or services, may include prototyping, testing, piloting, demonstrating, large-scale product validation and market replication

13 Types of Actions (cont’d) Coordination and Support Actions consisting of accompanying measures such as standardization, dissemination, networking, awareness-raising and communication, coordination or support services, policy dialogues and mutual learning exercises and studies, including design studies for new infrastructure and may also include complementary activities of strategic planning, networking and coordination between programmes in different countries. SME Instrument (not for Canada) Targeted at all types of innovative SMEs showing a strong ambition to develop, grow and internationalize. Provides staged support covering the whole innovation cycle in three phases complemented by a mentoring and coaching service.

14 Types of Actions (cont’d) ERA-NET Cofund Designed to support public-public partnerships, including joint programming initiatives between Member States, in their preparation, establishment of networking structures, design, implementation and coordination of joint activities as well as the EC topping-up of a transnational call for proposals. Based on the merger of the previous ERA-NET and ERA-NET Plus actions Allows for programme collaboration in any part of the entire research- innovation cycle. Main compulsory activity is the implementation of the co-funded joint call for proposals that leads to the funding of transnational research and/or innovation projects.

15 Evaluation Criteria Majority of proposals are evaluated on: Excellence Impact Quality and Efficiency of the Implementation  Each of the above 3 criteria will be scored out of 5, with a threshold of 3.  Overall threshold of proposal, applies to the sum of the 3 individual scores, is 10. Exceptions:  Innovation actions and SME instrument, (phase 1 and 2), the criteria score for “impact” will be given a weight of 1.5.  For evaluation of first-stage proposals under a two-stage submission procedure, only the criteria “excellence” and “impact” will be evaluated. The threshold for both individual criteria will be 4.

16 ICT Work Programme Components & Systems (Nov. 2014) ICT 1-2014: Smart cyber-physical systems: next generation embedded and connected systems (April 2014) ICT 2-2014: Smart System Integration (April 2014) ICT 3-2014: Advanced thin, organic and large area electronics (TOLAE) technologies (April 2014) Advanced Computing ICT 4-2015: Customized and low power computing (April 2015)

17 ICT WP (cont’d) Future Internet ICT 5-2014: Smart networks and novel internet architectures (April 2014) ICT 6-2014: Smart optical and wireless network technologies (April 2014) ICT 7-2014: Advanced cloud infrastructures and services (April 2014) ICT 8-2015: Boosting public sector productivity and innovation through cloud computing services (April 2015) ICT 9-2014: Tools and methods for software development (April 2014) ICT 10-2015: Collective Awareness Platforms for Sustainability and Social Innovation (April 2015) ICT 11-2014: FIRE + (Future Internet Research & Experimentation) (April 2014) ICT 12-2015: Integrating experiments and facilities in FIRE + (April 2015) ICT 13-2014: Web Entrepreneurship (April 2014) ICT 14-2014: Advanced 5G Network Infrastructure for the Future Internet (Nov. 2014)

18 ICT WP (cont’d) Content Technologies & Information Management ICT 15-2014: Big data innovation and take-up (April 2014) ICT 16-2015: Big data – research (April 2015) ICT 17-2014: Cracking the language barrier (April 2014) ICT 18-2014: Support to the growth of ICT innovative creative industries (April 2014) ICT 19-2015: Technologies for creative industries, social media and convergence (April 2015) ICT 20-2015: Technologies for better human learning and teaching (April 2015) ICT 21-2014: Advanced digital gaming/gamification technologies (April 2014) ICT 22-2014: Multimodal and natural computer interaction (April 2014)

19 ICT WP (cont’d) Robotics ICT 23-2014: Robotics (April 2014) ICT 24-2015: Robotics (April 2015) Micro-Nanoelectronics & Photonics ICT 25-2015: Generic micro/nano-electronic technologies (April 2015) ICT 26-2014: Photonics KET (Key enabling technology) (April 2014) ICT 27-2015: Photonics KET (Key enabling technology) (April 2015) ICT 28-2015: Cross-cutting KETs (April 2015) ICT 29-2014: Development of novel materials and systems for OLED lighting (April 2014)

20 ICT WP (cont’d) ICT Cross-Cutting Activities ICT 30-2015: Internet of Things and platforms for Connected Smart Objects (April 2015) ICT 31-2014: Human-Centric Digital Age (April 2014) ICT 32-2014: Cyber-security, Trustworthy ICT (April 2014) ICT 33-2014: Transnational Cooperation Among NCPs (April 2014) Horizontal ICT Innovation Actions ICT 34-2015: ICT Contribution to Pilot for Co-investments by Business Angels in Innovative ICT Firms (April 2015) ICT 35-2014: Innovation and Entrepreneurship Support (April 2014) International Cooperation Actions ICT 38-2015: International Partnership Building and Support to Dialogues with High Income Countries (April 2015)

21 Upcoming ICT Info Days FET – May 16, 2014 coordination-and-support-activities-call

22 Excellent science Industrial leadership Societal challenges

23 Societal Challenges Health, Demographic Change & Wellbeing Advancing active and healthy ageing Integrated, sustainable, citizen-centred care Improving health information and data exploitation Secure, Clean and Efficient Energy Energy efficiency/buildings and consumers Competitive low-carbon energy /modernising the single European electricity grid Smart cities and communities Smart, Green and Integrated Transport Mobility for Growth

24 Societal Challenges (Cont’d) Climate Action, Resource Efficiency & Raw Materials Waste: A resource to recycle, reuse and recover raw materials Water Innovation: Boosting its value for Europe Europe in a Changing World-Inclusive, Innovative & Reflective Societies Reflective Societies – Cultural Heritage and European Identities New Forms of Innovation CSA on ICT for Learning and Inclusion Secure Societies: Protecting Freedom & Security of Europe and its Citizens Digital security: cybersecurity, privacy and trust (DS)

25 Resources Sign up to the Canada-EU ICT Database Links to ICT and FET Work Programmes, General Annexes and Horizon 2020 – General Canada-EU Information and Activities ICT and FET NCP Debbie Kemp 343-203-4062 Thank you!

26 Connect with the TCS Connect with the TCS Debbie Kemp, Deputy Director Innovation Outreach Science, Technology & Innovation

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