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Тестовая работа по теме «Литературная Британия» The teacher of English language Geidarova Svetlana Lavrent’evna.

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Presentation on theme: "Тестовая работа по теме «Литературная Британия» The teacher of English language Geidarova Svetlana Lavrent’evna."— Presentation transcript:

1 Тестовая работа по теме «Литературная Британия» The teacher of English language Geidarova Svetlana Lavrent’evna

2 Test 1 – v. 1. When was Shakespeare born? 2. What is the most famous novel of Daniel Defoe? 3. What genre did Swift write his books in? 4. Where was Robert Burns born? 5. What is the first novel of John Galsworthy? 6. What family did Dickens come from? 7. Where did Walter Scott come from? Test 2 – v. 1. Where was Shakespeare born? 2. What is the most famous work of Jonathan Swift? 3. Who is the author of the poem “My heart’s in the Highlands”? 4. What novel made George Gordon Byron famous? 5. Where was William Thackeray born? 6. What novels does “The Forsyte Saga” include? 7. What sort of writer was Jerome K. Jerome?

3 1 – v. 1. In 1564. 2. “Robinson Crusoe”. 3. Satire. 4. In Scotland. 5.”Villa Rubein”. 6. From a petty bourgeouis family. 7. In Edinburgh, Scotland. 2 – v. 1.At Stratford-on-Avon. 2.”Gulliver’s Travels.” 3.Robert Burns 4. “Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage”. 5.In India. 6.“The Man of Property”, “To Let”, “In Chancery” 7.A humorist & short story writer.

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