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Presentation on theme: "S OFT T ISSUE I NJURIES : C UTS, S CRAPES, AND B RUISES Chapter 7 Senior Health."— Presentation transcript:


2 W HAT ARE SOFT TISSUES ? Soft tissues are the layers of skin and fat and muscle beneath the skin’s outer layer.

3 W HY DOES IT MATTER ? Anytime the soft tissues are damaged or torn, the body is threatened. Injuries may damage the soft tissues at or near the skin’s surface or deep in the body. Germs can get into the body through a scrape, cut, or puncture and cause an infection.

4 2 T YPES OF W OUNDS 1. Closed Wounds2. Open Wounds

5 C LOSED W OUNDS The simplest closed wound is a bruise Bruises develop when the body is bumped or hit The force or blow to the body damages the soft tissue layers causing internal bleeding. Blood and other fluids seep into the surrounding tissues, causing the area to swell and change color.

6 C ARING FOR C LOSED W OUNDS Many closed wounds don’t require special medical care. To care for a closed wound Apply direct pressure to decrease bleeding beneath the skin. Applying ice or a cold pack can control pain and swelling. Place a thin barrier between the skin and ice pack. Ice should be applied in 20 minute intervals.

7 C ARING F OR C LOSED W OUNDS Elevating the injured body part Reduces swelling Do not elevate if it causes more pain.

8 D O NOT ASSUME THAT CLOSED WOUNDS ARE MINOR INJURIES. Call 9-1-1 or the local emergency number if The person complains of severe pain or cannot move a body part without pain. You think the force that caused the injury was great enough to cause serious damage. An injured extremity is blue and extremely pale. In these cases the person may be bleeding internally and need emergency medical help as soon as possible.

9 O PEN W OUNDS In an open wound, the break in the skin can be as minor as a scrape of the skin or as severe as a deep penetration. There are 4 main types of open wounds 1. Abrasions 2. Lacerations 3. Avulsions 4. Punctures

10 A BRASIONS The most common type of open wound Often caused by something rubbing roughly against the skin. Do not bleed very much.

11 C ARING FOR A N A BRASION Because dirt and germs are frequently rubbed into this type of wound, It is important to clean it thoroughly with soap and water to prevent infection. Abrasions are usually painful because scraping of the outer skin layers expose sensitive nerve endings.

12 L ACERATION A cut in the skin that is commonly caused by a sharp object such as a knife, scissors, or broken glass. Deep Lacerations can cut layers of fat and muscle, damaging both nerves and blood vessels. May not always be painful because damaged nerves cannot sent pain signals to the brain.


14 A VULSIONS An injury in which a portion of the skin and sometimes other soft tissue is partially or completely torn away. There is usually significant bleeding. Bleeding is easier to control because tissues close around the vessels at the injury site.


16 P UNCTURES Usually caused by a pointed object piercing the skin. Do not bleed very much unless a blood vessel has been injured. The object that punctures the skin contains germs and carries them deep into the body. These germs can cause some serious infections.

17 C ARING FOR O PEN WOUNDS All open wounds need some type of covering to help control bleeding and prevent infection. These coverings are commonly referred to as DRESSINGS and BANDAGES.

18 D RESSINGS Dressings are pads placed directly on the wound to absorb blood and other fluids and to prevent infection. Porous Dressings - allow air to circulate to the wound to promote healing Occlusive Dressings – prevent exposure to air and help prevent infection. They also help keep medications applied to the affected areas. Some dressings have nonstick surfaces to prevent them from sticking to the wound.

19 D RESSINGS Porous DressingsOcclusive Dressings

20 B ANDAGE A bandage is any material that is used to wrap or cover any part of the body. Are used to hold dressings in place Are used to apply pressure to control bleeding Are used to protect a wound from dirt and infection Are used to provide support for an injured body part

21 T YPES OF B ANDAGES Adhesive compress – which are available in assorted sizes and consist of a small pad of nonstick gauze on a strip of adhesive tape that is applied directly to a minor wound.

22 B ANDAGE COMPRESSES Which are thick gauze dressings attached to a bandage that is tied in place.

23 R OLLER B ANDAGES Are usually made of gauze or gauze-like material. Available in different sizes and widths.

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