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William Shakespeare. The man…the myth…the legend… Born in Stratford-upon-Avon, England, on April 23 rd, 1564 He attended the local school, learning Greek,

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Presentation on theme: "William Shakespeare. The man…the myth…the legend… Born in Stratford-upon-Avon, England, on April 23 rd, 1564 He attended the local school, learning Greek,"— Presentation transcript:

1 William Shakespeare

2 The man…the myth…the legend… Born in Stratford-upon-Avon, England, on April 23 rd, 1564 He attended the local school, learning Greek, Latin, & myths

3 Will married Anne Hathaway on November 28 th, 1582...their daughter was born May 26 th

4 “The Lost Years” Not much is known of Will between 1582 and 1592, when Will turns up in London It is thought that he was banished from Stratford for various crimes, including poaching In leaving Stratford he leaves his wife and children behind…

5 London Years In London, Will began writing plays and earned both praise and condemnation for his work…. The first mention of his work is by Robert Greene, who calls him an “upstart crow”

6 The Lord Chamberlain’s Men Acting troupes existed as self- contained groups that traveled and performed in different towns Will wrote and acted for them Roles were specialized for a certain actor, like Will Kempe the comedian or Richard Burbage the tragedian with an enormous memory

7 Will wrote four kinds of plays: comedy, tragedy, history, and tragicomedy He wrote for the average, working-class person: his jokes were off-color and honest We continue to read them because they address common, unchanging themes of humanity: love, loss, hope, achievement, and betrayal

8 Familiar Words: Accused Addiction Advertising Amazement Assassination Bandit Bedroom Beached Blanket Bump Champion Countless Generous Hint Lonely Mimic Negotiate Obscene Rant Torture Worthless Holla

9 Familiar Phrases “Every dog has it’s day…” “Eaten out of house and home…” “For goodness sake…” “A fool’s paradise…” “Dead as a doornail…” “Elbow room..” “I have not slept a wink…” “Love is blind…” “Laughing-stock..” “Work like a dog…” “Not a mouse stirring..” “Too much of a good thing…” “We have seen better days..” “Tower of strength…”

10 The Elizabethan Age Ruled from 1558-1603 This became England’s Renaissance and Golden Age Will became extremely popular in the royal court and became a favorite of the Queen

11 Themes of Elizabethan Society Primogeniture Social Classes The Bubonic Plague Health and Sanitation Food Religion “The Great Chain of Being”

12 “Jack of all trades, master of none…” Actors also needed to be writers, singers, carpenters, tailors, doctors, businessmen, etc. Men played female roles Theatres located outside the city Theatre-goers were notified by announcement of performance, perhaps only hours before the show Shows took place on Sunday afternoons

13 The Globe Theatre Shakespeare became so successful that he, with the Burbages, founded his own theatre http://www.shakespe ares- r/stage/http://www.shakespe ares- r/stage/






19 “To each its right and proper name..” Pit Groundling Heavens Tiring House Trap Door


21 Will retired to Stratford in 1611 and bought the biggest house in town, New Place

22 “Goodnight, sweet prince, and flights of angels sing thee to thy rest…” Will died on either April 23 rd or 25 th, 1616 He left most of his property to his eldest daughter, Susanna… To his wife, Anne, he left his “second- best bed”

23 “There is method in the madness…” Iambic pentameter- 5 poetic “feet” = approx. 10 beats per line Blank verse– unrhymed iambic pentameter Aside- A character says something directly to the audience (others can’t hear) Couplet- a pair of end-rhymed lines Enjambment- don’t stop speaking at the end of a line– obey punctuation!

24 Sonnet- a poem with 14 lines in iambic pentameter Comic Relief- a comic scene at a point of high tension Monologue- one person delivers a long speech with others present Soliloquy- one person delivers a long speech alone on stage

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