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SDSMT RET 2006 Darwin Daugaard. Schedule of Activities Week 1 June 26thRET Orientation June 27th June 28thBrown Bag Lunch/C312/12:00PM (Dr. Menkhaus)

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Presentation on theme: "SDSMT RET 2006 Darwin Daugaard. Schedule of Activities Week 1 June 26thRET Orientation June 27th June 28thBrown Bag Lunch/C312/12:00PM (Dr. Menkhaus)"— Presentation transcript:

1 SDSMT RET 2006 Darwin Daugaard

2 Schedule of Activities Week 1 June 26thRET Orientation June 27th June 28thBrown Bag Lunch/C312/12:00PM (Dr. Menkhaus) June 29thPTPCL Tour and Demonstrations/920 E. St. Patrick Street/8:00AM (Mark Sauder) June 30th Week 2 July 5thBrown Bag Lunch/C312/12:00PM (Dr. Stone) RET RA’s Research Report-Out/C312/1:00PM July 6thAdditive Manufacturing Lab Tour and Demonstration /CM 218A/8:00AM (Aaron Costello) July 7th

3 Schedule of Activities Week 3 July 10thRET RA’s Research Report-Out/C312/4:00PM July 11thWWTP and MRF Tour/C Parking Area/7:30AM July 12thBrown Bag Lunch/C312/12:00PM (Dr. Hemmelman) July 13thForensic Lab Tour/129 St. Joseph St./8:00AM (Richard Wold) July 14th Week 4 July 17thRET RA’s Research Report-Out/C312/4:00PM July 18thSEM demonstration/MI 234/8:00AM (Dr. Duke) July 19thBrown Bag Lunch/C312/12:00PM () July 20th July 21st

4 Schedule of Activities Week 5 July 24thRET RA’s Research Report-Out/C312/4:00PM July 25th July 26thBrown Bag Lunch/C312/12:00PM (Dr. Winter) July 27th July 28thRET Exit proceedings/C312/8:00AM?

5 Dr. Korde’s Map

6 My Assignment Assist Eric Petersen under the direction of Dr. Unmesh Korde in the study on the effect of a crack on the response of a Kapton membrane strip to in-plane actuation. Kapton is a synthetic material made up of 3 parts: 1. an epoxy composite, 2. built in packets or capsules of resin/glue 3. a catalyst.


8 Day1: In the Lab Got introduced to Joe and Miles and their part of the project. They work with the tension and placement of electrodes looking for good feed back. They are using a variety of setups trying to vary the location and position of the electrodes. Dr.Korde and his 2 workers explained what they are doing in the project.


10 Day 1-observable issues 1.They are using 1ml sheets of Kapton and seem to have some imperfections of small round spots. 2.They also noticed some lost of tension in some of the sheets after a stormy weekend that had some lightning and humidity (rain). # 1.and 2.are posing a problem with the reflection of the laser.

11 Day 1 My mentor Eric Peterson will be absent until Wednesday. Therefore, tomorrow I am to work with and learn the basics of the Oscilloscope and Waveform Generator setup. I also received my overall work plan from Dr. Korde.

12 Day 1 Miles and Joe also demonstrated some shape memory alloy wire. They explain they might need to use it by coiling it up as a spring to add tension to the Kapton sample.

13 Day 2 I read through my overall work plan and diagramed what I am suppose to make once Eric gets back. I am to make 2 of the samples one to not be changed and the other for testing a variable. The following is a diagram of what I am to put together:


15 Day 2-Looking for info. I also spent time look at information on Kapton and oscilloscopes and waveform generators. I found a couple of sites for some very reasonably priced PC connectable oscilloscopes. Link from the Kennedy Space Center with info. on self healing repair technologies: citation/STTR/TOPIC_T6.html citation/STTR/TOPIC_T6.html Oscilloscope site: USB Instruments uk&target=d3.html uk&target=d3.html

16 Day 3 Spent time reading articles on the project and similar projects. Worked on putting data in the power point.

17 Day 3 Brown Bag Lunch We met and had a presentation with Dr. Todd Menkhaus a Chemical Biological engineer. He gave us the low down on some of the things happening in the biochemical field of research.

18 Day 4-Off campus visit We made an off campus visit to the PTPCL lab. This is a lab that specializes in the development and uses of Polymer Technology, Processing and Composites. ersonnel/PTPCL ersonnel/PTPCL

19 Day 4 Off campus visit 2 We got a chance to see several machines used in the carbon polymer research. One of the machines demonstrated used heat and pressure to unite two pieces to show strength. Another machine took the carbon fibers and weaved them into a sock like material that could then be treated and used in a variety of ways.

20 Day 4 Lab work I got my first prototype assembled –A 100mm by 200mm sheet of Kapton –12 mounted piezo sensors I used adhesive 77 and spaced the sensors fairly evenly and across from another. The sensors act as a transducer or sensor.

21 Day 4 research Spent some time checking the web for information on an amplifier that we are going to connect. Looking for instructions for it. Also spent time looking for some ways to extend the information I am learning to take back into the classroom.


23 2 nd week Put together a second prototype Tried to get an amplifier connected to cut our some of the extra frequencies Took data on actuator # 1 and 2 Recollected data on actuator # 1 and 2 Took data on actuator #1 and 3

24 2 nd week + & - Good to collect data Recollected data


26 3rd week 2 3 4 5 16 Numbering pattern for the Kapton membrane 127 11 10 9 8

27 I finished testing 22 frequencies for each of the unique pairs of transducers. I averaged 3 trials for each. That is 66 tests on each pair tested. I ended up testing 22 unique pair. I took about an hour to go through and figure how many unique pairs there were. This was a worth while hour because it took about an hour to test each pair. 22 tested pairs requires a lot less time than 132 pair.

28 I completed charts and calculations to put a graph together for each of the 22 pair.

29 36.98333-49.376667 4.8084E-0510003 36.77333-51.253.9704E-0530003.477121 37.19-52.53.2772E-0550003.69897 36.25-52.8133333.5224E-0570003.845098 36.04333-53.233.4382E-0590003.954243 35.10667-52.9166673.9704E-05100004 34.37667-52.8133334.3702E-05300004.477121 36.25-52.193.7844E-05500004.69897 35.83667-51.3533334.3702E-05700004.845098 35.94-51.7733334.1147E-05900004.954243 35.41667-50.8333334.8697E-051000005 35.94-50.624.6989E-053000005.477121 36.66667-50.8333334.217E-055000005.69897 35.31-51.5633334.5325E-057000005.845098 35-51.9766674.4789E-059000005.954243 37.08667-50.1033334.3702E-0510000006 33.74667-52.1866675.0505E-0530000006.477121 32.70667-52.2933335.6234E-0550000006.69897 28.13-56.1466676.1118E-0570000006.845098 23.44-58.7533337.7684E-0590000006.954243 23.23333-53.1233330.00015211100000007 36.14667-55.1033332.7384E-05150000007.176091 dBVin dBVout Vout/Vin Hertz Log(Hertz)


31 Great week for work getting done. Monday-finished the graphs and experimented with different tension and dust particle effects. Lab next door


33 Worked on graphing Tested sensor combination 1&2, 3 more times 1-both sides and ends were clamped tight. 2-one side was tightened on the inside and one side on the out side. 3-both sides were tightened on the inside. charted, graphed and compared to 1&2 done earlier. ** No major differences I tested with silver dust sprinkled on the surface looking for a pattern of node and antinodes and got not results. Repeated the procedure using chalk dust and got the same results-nothing. ***I could hear some high pitch noises that were around the 8 kHz range. Eric said he could hear some of the other frequencies above and below that.

34 Dr. Korde asked me not to cut our testing sample yet. He said “It is a good sample to not risk doing other tests.” *I put a piezoelectric transducer in the center. I ran tests and recorded the results on a: 1-4 combination with the middle transducer without power and a 1-4 combination with the middle transducer with power. I repeated same tests on 1-7. I charted and graphed.

35 **I set up the apparatus for multiple input and output testing. I connected transducers 2,3,4 & 5 together and sensors 8,9,10 & 11 together. I started testing without a center transducer in place. ***(Thursday)I had a radio interview at 11:00-12:00 for PBS on our program and science in South Dakota in general. I finished this morning’s tests and charted and graphed the results.

36 I tested the setup from yesterday with a center transducer in place without power. I recorded the results. I repeated the tests with power going to the transducer in the center. I recorded the results and charted and graphed everything for the combination including a comparison graph.

37 Good week for getting things done.

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