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Leadership In a Standards-Focused Middle-Level School.

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Presentation on theme: "Leadership In a Standards-Focused Middle-Level School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leadership In a Standards-Focused Middle-Level School

2 Overview What does a leader look like? What are leadership barriers? Examples of Strategies Action Planning

3 What does a leader look like? Traditional leadership New demands on school leadership The Essential Elements

4 Traditional Leadership Task: On the roll-paper, draw a picture of the traditional leader

5 New demands on school leadership Choose an article Read it, discuss Summarize for group Update your leader picture

6 Essential Elements of Standards-Focused Middle-Level Schools and Programs

7 Essential Element 1: Philosophy and Mission A philosophy and mission that reflect the intellectual and developmental needs and characteristics of young adolescents.

8 Essential Element 2: Educational Program An educational program that is comprehensive, challenging, purposeful, integrated, and standards- based.

9 Essential Element 3: Organization and Structure An organization and structure that support both academic excellence and personal development.

10 Essential Element 4: Classroom Instruction Classroom instruction appropriate to the needs and characteristics of young adolescents provided by skilled and knowledgeable teachers.

11 Essential Element 5: Educational Leadership Strong educational leadership and a building administration that encourages, facilitates, and sustains involvement, participation, and partnerships.

12 Essential Element 6: A Network of Academic and Personal Support A network of academic and personal support available for students.

13 Essential Element 7: Professional Training and Staff Development Professional training and staff development that are ongoing, planned, purposeful, and collaborated.

14 Essential Elements Activity Task: make a poster Take a walking tour of essential elements Update your leader picture

15 What does a leader look like? Traditional leadership New demands on school leadership The Essential Elements

16 What are the barriers to leadership?

17 Task: Brainstorm a list of barriers to leadership in a standards-based environment Round-robin report out

18 Lunch

19 Examples of Strategies District Perspective Building Perspective

20 District Strategies Marzano Danielson Martin-Kniepp Supervision and Evaluation

21 Building Strategies: Staff Meetings Building Assessment Data-analysis Standards-Based Planning Leading the Learning

22 Action Planning Given a scenario, generate an action plan Report out

23 Closure What does a leader look like? What are the barriers to leadership? Examples of Strategies Action Planning

24 Leadership In a Standards-Focused Middle-Level School

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