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Where does technology fit for our learners? Why? What? How? When?

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Presentation on theme: "Where does technology fit for our learners? Why? What? How? When?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Where does technology fit for our learners? Why? What? How? When?

2 Research conducted by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (PwC) between 16th September and 9th October 2009. 'It's often the people facing the toughest times who have the most to gain from what technology has to offer and as the internet is rapidly becoming a tool for everyday life, we should work together to make sure everyone can benefit.' Martha Lane Fox

3 Research conducted by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (PwC) between 16th September and 9th October 2009. Digitally excluded households are missing out on average savings of £560 per year from shopping and paying bills online. For the 20% of households on the lowest incomes, the average saving is £300 a year. Internet savvy workers can earn an average increase in lifetime earnings of over £8,000 Government could save at least £900 million a year in customer contact costs if all digitally excluded adults got online and made just one electronic contact per month.

4 Michael Gove, in launching the curriculum review said: “We have sunk in international league tables and the National Curriculum is substandard. Meanwhile the pace of economic and technological change is accelerating and our children are being left behind. The previous curriculum failed to prepare us for the future. We must change course. Our review will examine the best school systems in the world and give us a world-class curriculum that will help teachers, parents and children know what children should learn at what age.”

5 “We want to develop inquisitive, creative, resourceful thinkers; informed citizens; effective problem- solvers; groundbreaking pioneers; and visionary leaders. We want to foster the excellence that flows from the ability to use today’s information, tools, and technologies effectively and a commitment to lifelong learning. All these are necessary for Americans to be active, creative, knowledgeable, and ethical participants in our globally networked society.” (National Education Technology Plan 2010. U.S. Department of Education Office of Educational Technology)

6 The EU View “Effective integration of ICT into education must go beyond replacing, streamlining or accelerating current practices. It should help to create new and more effective ways of operating and support teaching and organisational innovation. ICT is now embedded in our social and economic fabric; it should be similarly integral to education and training.” May 2010

7 Tim Loughton (Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Children) to the BETT Education Leaders’ Conference "The future of education in this country depends on how well we equip young people to go on and succeed in their lives. And all of us know that if we are serious about achieving that ambition, it has to include giving them access to the very best that technology has to offer. The time has come to ensure that children and young people are able to take advantage of the wonders that technology brings – without the dangers. The time has come to place technology at the absolute centre of our aspirations for a world class education sector."

8 “Don't limit a child to your own learning, for he was born in another time.” Rabindranath Tagore

9 Piaget: “We can classify education into two main categories: passive education relying primarily on memory, and active education relying on intelligent understanding and discovery. Our real problem is what is the goal of education? Are we forming children who are only capable of learning what is already known? Or should we try to develop creative and innovative minds capable of discovery from the preschool age on through life?”

10 Understanding the Impact of Technology: Learner and School level factors 2010 Jean Underwood et al; Nottingham Trent University, University of Birmingham, Becta Impact of e-Maturity and Pupil Investment in Learning on Whole School Performance LE / LIL HE / LIL LE / HIL HE / HIL

11 Where does technology fit for our learners? Why? What? How? When?

12 What is an ICT capable learner? What experiences are your learners having? What do you want for your learners? What are your expectations for your learners? Where does technology fit for our learners?

13 ICT capable learners Are able to develop new ICT skills as required in the context of new learning. Can select the most appropriate tool and methodology for a particular task and judge what constitutes an appropriate use of ICT. Have a high level of information literacy; can undertake searches for information, select information and data and judge it’s validity. Can explain how ICT enhances their learning, the impact it makes and how it “adds value”. Use ICT effectively to learn both in and out of school. Use ICT in experimental, exploratory or creative ways. What do we want for our learners?

14 Easi-scopes in the Foundation Stage at Milford Infants Technology: raising expectations

15 ICT concepts What is ICT Capability? ICT skills ICT process I know what a word processor can do I can cut and paste, crop a picture I can search the Internet safely I can identify what information is required for a task, search and select information, make judgements about the usefulness of information I can select appropriate tools to achieve an intended outcome. I recognise that information can be represented in different ways. I recognise the need to critically evaluate information.

16 Technology: creating new opportunities single user license £49 Blue screen at Holy Trinity, Taunton (Matt Edwards)

17 What are your learners experiencing?

18 Every child – new opportunities Learner as collaborator Learner as creator Learner as investigator Learner as consumer click look think talk listen find construct share organise compare assess invent explore record explainevaluate test do discuss learn

19 Level 1 – Exploratory use and developing familiarity. Level 2 – Purposeful use toward specific outcomes. Level 3 – Using ICT to develop ideas and solve problems Level 4 – Combine and refine information from various sources. Interpret and consider plausibility. Level 5 – Combine the use of ICT tools within an overall structure. Critically evaluate fitness for purpose. Level 6 – Integration and efficiency Level 7 – Scope and implement ICT systems Level 8 – Independence and designing for others Current National Curriculum Expectations

20 Technology: adding depth to learning Modelling skills Effective interaction Pace of lessons Real-life opportunities Inclusion for all Consolidating learning Visualiser use at Evercreech Primary School

21 How do you plan to fit in the technology? Visit Somerset ICT website for support materials. Visit Primary ICT blog to keep up to date.

22 Finding things out Handling data Research Exchanging and sharing information Presentation Collaboration Developing ideas and making things happen Control and monitoring Modelling and simulation Which experiences do we need to plan? Planning, developing and evaluating e-sense

23 Give pupils opportunities to plan the process and demonstrate attainment Begin a task with an open-ended challenge (scaffold as appropriate) Year 1: Is this true? How can you prove it? Most people have pets that don’t need taking for a walk. I’m going camping in Scotland. What clothes should I pack in my rucksack? Year 5: What will we need to consider? What evidence will we need to collect? How will we collect the evidence? How will we present the evidence?

24 The ICT process Implement Analysis of problem and definition of task Plan and design Modify Test and review (evaluate)

25 When is the technology part of the learning? Children understand concepts Teachers enable progress Children build skills Children develop process Curriculum contexts

26 Customise to your school and your curriculum

27 Technology: increasing independent learning Fronter at Trinity First School Enjoyment of learning Ownership of learning responsibility for own learning independent choices about where reinforcement needed Publish to an audience Everyone a voice Open-ended learning Develop online social skills and e-safety

28 ALFA Alien E-Game An interactive game to inspire Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 children in gaining a good understanding of the county of Somerset. Anticipated playing length: approx 1.5 – 2 hours (or less, if focusing on some key tasks). Teacher Resources included: classroom projects and tasks CDs will be sent to all Primary Head Teachers in the next few weeks.


30 Twit - half a tweet! (10 words or less) What do you want technology to be, within the learning experience at your school?

31 Vision for technology in Somerset Schools

32 Every child and adult in our Somerset school community has the right to access the exciting opportunities offered by technology to create, imagine, learn, discover, question, communicate and care for each other locally and globally. Technology is valued as an integral and essential part of learning in Somerset schools; providing effective, innovative, flexible and motivating learning opportunities to raise standards and transform the education of our learners. Technology will enable secure, efficient and reliable communications between a school, parents, other schools, the local authority and children’s services. It supports the partnership with parents and local communities, developing the links between learning in school and learning at home.

33 Somerset schools believe in the equality of access and opportunities with technology for all learners and will continue to work to provide an environment where the appropriate resources are easily and safely accessible and actively promoted by staff. Schools are working to facilitate an independent lifelong love of learning which equips learners to adapt to life in the future working with technologies that do not yet exist. Somerset will work towards a simple and intuitive model of technology where systems work seamlessly and effectively to improve the efficiency of all areas of school life.

34 Support for: … and learning with technology across the curriculum

35 ICT Advocates:

36 Where does technology fit for our learners? Plan for progression Respond to new innovations Explore tools Be clear about learning possibilities and outcomes

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