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CREATING ACTION PLANS  Colonial-Cambridge All Rights Reserved Site Update Action Teams.

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Presentation on theme: "CREATING ACTION PLANS  Colonial-Cambridge All Rights Reserved Site Update Action Teams."— Presentation transcript:

1 CREATING ACTION PLANS  Colonial-Cambridge All Rights Reserved Site Update Action Teams

2 CREATING ACTION PLANS The Site Update Process  Colonial-Cambridge All Rights Reserved Action Teams Draft updated action plans Review planning team suggestions, write plans, and analyze costs of the assigned tactic The Planning Team Receive and select plans Finalize site Revision The Planning Team Understands the Beliefs Parameters Revises… Mission Objectives Tactics Communicates SCHOOL SITE COUNCIL Approval IMPLEMENT Progress checks periodically Assign responsible person Select 1 st plans

3 CREATING ACTION PLANS  Colonial-Cambridge All Rights Reserved Parameters Mission Statement of Beliefs AP Action Plans AP Tactics T T T T T T T T T T Strategic Objective Strategic Objective Strategic Objective Strategic Objective Strategic Objective Strategic Objective Site Strategic Plan Used by permission of Cambridge Services

4 CREATING ACTION PLANS Beliefs 1. Every person is unique and has equal worth 2. Everyone can and will learn. 3. People learn in different ways and at varied paces. 4. Education is the shared responsibility of students, families, teachers, staff, and community. 5. Quality education expands opportunities throughout a person’s life. 6. Challenging people to meet high expectations leads to exceptional learning and remarkable results. 7. Nurturing relationships and healthy environments are necessary for individuals to thrive. 8. Diversity is a valuable asset that strengthens and enriches our community. 9. Personal development and community well-being depend on individual responsibility. 10. Everyone benefits when people willingly contribute to the well-being of others. 11. Honesty and integrity are essential to build trusting relationships. 12. Access to a quality public education is essential to our democracy.

5 CREATING ACTION PLANS Mission Our loftiest aspiration for school name MISSION STATEMENT HERE  Colonial-Cambridge All Rights Reserved

6 CREATING ACTION PLANS Strategic Objectives ADD OBJECTIVES HERE  Colonial-Cambridge All Rights Reserved

7 CREATING ACTION PLANS Tactics 1. ADD TACTICS HERE  Colonial-Cambridge All Rights Reserved

8 CREATING ACTION PLANS Dreaming-Doing Continuum  Colonial-Cambridge All Rights Reserved Dreams Vision Ideas Operations Actions Doing A C T I O N P L A N S

9 CREATING ACTION PLANS The Stages of Revisions Meeting #Stage 1Tactic Analysis 2 Hopes & Dreams/Review planning team notes 3Result Statements 4Action Plans 5Cost Benefit Analysis 6 Finalize plans/prepare for presentation to Planning Team 7*if needed  Colonial-Cambridge All Rights Reserved

10 CREATING ACTION PLANS Action Plans… Provide explicit directions for action Describe what is required to realize results Specific tasks or activities Separately-assignable Latitude for on-time, on-site decisions *understand that not all plans will be implemented right away (within 3 years) Cost & benefit analysis  Colonial-Cambridge All Rights Reserved

11 CREATING ACTION PLANS Action Team’s Responsibilities Create plans for implementation Honor the tactic as stated Do not change the tactic Chart a course into the future You are not responsible to implement  Colonial-Cambridge All Rights Reserved

12 CREATING ACTION PLANS  Colonial-Cambridge All Rights Reserved Site Update Action Teams

13 CREATING ACTION PLANS Session 1 Agenda Introductions Review guidelines for operation Explain the nature of the task Discuss timeline, meeting dates, times and locations Clarify the intent of the tactic Review the Planning Team’s notes  Colonial-Cambridge All Rights Reserved

14 CREATING ACTION PLANS Guidelines for operation Everyone participates No one dominates Tell the truth Deal with the important issues Work as peers Rank is irrelevant  Colonial-Cambridge All Rights Reserved

15 CREATING ACTION PLANS Guidelines for participation Reflect diverse perspectives Not special interests Work for good of entire organization Not for personal agendas  Colonial-Cambridge All Rights Reserved

16 CREATING ACTION PLANS  Colonial-Cambridge All Rights Reserved

17 CREATING ACTION PLANS Action Team Decisions 1. All decisions will be consistent with the stated beliefs. 2. All decisions will be made in the context of the school’s stated mission and strategic objectives. 3. All decisions will be made in the best interest of the student. 4. All decisions will follow the golden rule. 5. Participation will be commensurate with actual knowledge and/or experience. 6. Each participant will always tell the truth. 7. A final decision does not mean an end to conversation, review, and reconsideration.  Colonial-Cambridge All Rights Reserved

18 CREATING ACTION PLANS Decision Making Total-gain agreement 100% of participants are satisfied that the decision reached represents a benefit or advantage to them that they could not have achieved without the involvement of the group. Everyone experiences‘gain’ that would have been impossible without the dynamics and contributions of the group.  Colonial-Cambridge All Rights Reserved

19 CREATING ACTION PLANS Logistics When we will meet (dates, times) Where we will meet (location) Roles for meetings  Need timekeeper  Need someone to take notes/minutes and send/post them  Colonial-Cambridge All Rights Reserved

20 CREATING ACTION PLANS The Stages of Revision Meeting #Stage 1Tactic Analysis 2 Hopes & Dreams/Review planning team notes 3Result Statements 4Action Plans 5Cost Benefit Analysis 6 Finalize plans/prepare for presentation to Planning Team 7*if needed  Colonial-Cambridge All Rights Reserved

21 CREATING ACTION PLANS Tactic Analysis Purpose of tactic Why was this tactic created? What problems or opportunities does it address? What is it intended to accomplish? How will things be different after implementation?  Colonial-Cambridge All Rights Reserved The work starts NOW

22 CREATING ACTION PLANS Small Groups: 1. How does this tactic fit into the mission? 2. How does this tactic relate to the objectives? 3. How does this tactic relate to the other tactics? 4. Circle any key words in this tactic  Colonial-Cambridge All Rights Reserved

23 CREATING ACTION PLANS Homework  Fill out the Tactic Analysis Form Bring & be ready to discuss it at our next meeting.  Colonial-Cambridge All Rights Reserved

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