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Organizational Behavior: Introduction Organizational Sociology (OS) Strategic Management Decrease in Productivity Type of Analysis Level of Analysis.

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Presentation on theme: "Organizational Behavior: Introduction Organizational Sociology (OS) Strategic Management Decrease in Productivity Type of Analysis Level of Analysis."— Presentation transcript:


2 Organizational Behavior: Introduction

3 Organizational Sociology (OS) Strategic Management Decrease in Productivity Type of Analysis Level of Analysis Theoretical Applied (Practical) Organization as a Social Phenomenon Macro Meso Organization Theory (OT) Change Management Organizational Behavior (OB) Human Resource Management Micro


5 Clockworks Human Behavior in Organizations or Snake pit?

6 Goals of Organizational Behavior Goals of Organizational Behavior PredictionPrediction ControlControl ExplanationExplanation


8 Depicting a Typical Large Organizational Structure Administrative Middle Technical Lower Institutional Top management Management Management Environment

9 Scientific Management Theory

10 Administrative Management Theory Planning Organizing Command Coordination Control

11 Fayol’s 14 Management Principles Centralization Scalar Chain Order Division of Work Authority Discipline Unity of Command Unity of Direction Subordination of Individual Interests to the General Interest Remuneration Equity Stability of Tenure of Personnel Initiative Esprit de Corps

12 Luther Gullick and Lyndall Urwick (1937) incorporated Fayol’s theory into American administration – “Duties of an administrator Organizing Reporting Directing Coordinating Planning Budgeting Staffing

13 Bureaucratic Model Division of Labor Written formal rules Hierarchal arrangement of officers Impersonality Max Weber’s Bureaucratic characteristics Max Weber’s Bureaucratic characteristics Specialization Security of tenure Fixed authority and official jurisdiction

14 Hawthorne Studies

15 Mintzberg's Managerial Roles Informational Roles Interpersonal Roles Decisional Roles

16 Mintzberg's Managerial Roles What do managers do Entrepreneur Figurehead Liaison Monitor Disseminator Spokesperson Disturbance Handler Leader Resource allocator Negotiator

17 Managerial Skills What skills do managers need? Conceptual Skills Human skills Technical skills Research by Robert L. Katz

18 Allocation of Activities by Time

19 Interdisciplinary Influences on Organizational Behavior Political Science Psychology Sociology Social Psychology Anthropology

20 x y Dependent variable A response that is affected by an independent variable. Dependent Variable in Organizational Behavior

21 Productivity Job Satisfaction Organizational Identity Identity Job Involvement Organizational Commitment Commitment OrganizationalCitizenship Behavior Behavior Absenteeism, Turnover Turnover

22 Independent Variable in Organizational Behavior Collective Level Variables Individual Level Variables Independent Variables

23 Trend 1: Globalization B Extend their activities to other parts of the world C Actively participate in other markets D Compete against firms in other countries Global companies

24 Trend 1: Globalization A New organizational structures B Different forms of communication C More competition, change, mergers, downsizing, stress D Need more sensitivity to cultural differences Implications of globalization

25 Trend 2: Changing Workforce Changing Workforce 2 3 4 5 6 More women in workforce and professions Different needs of Gen-X, Gen-Y, and baby-boomers Employment Relationship Telecommuting Contingent work 7 2 1 Primary and secondary diversity Virtual teams

26 The Four Layers of Diversity Personality Functional Level/ Classification Geographic Location Age Work Location Seniority Division/ Dept./ Unit/ Group Work Content/ Field Union Affiliation Mgmt. Status Marital Status Parental Status Appearance Educational Background Work Experience Race Income Personal Habits Religion Recreational Habits Ethnicity Physical Ability Sexual Orientation

27 Trend 3: Empowerment Managers Are Giving up Controls Workforce Are Accepting Responsibility Managers Are Delegating power Empowerment

28 Trend 4: Information Technology Affects how organizations are configured Network structures –- alliance of several organizations Affects how employees interact Virtual teams Telecommuting Information Technology

29 Trend 5: Values and Ethics Stable, long-lasting beliefs about what is important personal, cultural, organizational, professional Values Moral principles/values – determines whether actions are right/wrong and outcomes are good/bad Ethics Globalization – more awareness of different values Values replacing command-and-control More emphasis on ethical business conduct Importance of values

30 واکنش ملیتهای مختلف با دیدن این بنز ۵۰۰ میلیونی : آمریکاییOh my God! : انگلیسی: very nice ژاپنی: oooooooh, saiko shitonabe TOYOTA فرانسوی: La vouch demanche ایتالیایی: Pronto maximiliane!! ترک: چوخ گزل دی! عرب: شوف! حقاً جمیلاً و ایرانی: دزد مال مردم خور نامرد!

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