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Evidence, understanding and practice: the Higher Education Academy's role in supporting institutional change Nick Hammond The Higher Education Academy,

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Presentation on theme: "Evidence, understanding and practice: the Higher Education Academy's role in supporting institutional change Nick Hammond The Higher Education Academy,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Evidence, understanding and practice: the Higher Education Academy's role in supporting institutional change Nick Hammond The Higher Education Academy, York, UK 25 June 2008

2 Plan for the talk (overview)  Multiple representations for multiple purposes  Framework for research on the student learning experience  HEA and its strategy  Quality assurance and quality enhancement  Evidence-informed policy & practice  Towards a research observatory  Questions & discussion

3 Plan for the talk (state-transition model) Slide 1 Title Slide 3 oview2 etc… Slide 2 oview1 (If too slow or audience bored) End Impressive slides for planted questions

4 Plan for the talk (process model) Er… cough and the scope is um… splutter across…

5 Plan for the talk (communication model) 1st order rep: what I want to say to them 1st order rep: what I understand him to say 2nd order rep: what I think they’re understanding 2nd order rep: what I think he thinks we’re understanding 3rd order rep: what I think they think that I think they understand 3rd order rep: probably too complicated to bother with!

6 One phenomenon can be modelled in many ways Different models serve different purposes and audiences Model of talkForCriterion OverviewAudienceUtility (helps understanding) State-transitionSpeakerUtility (helps organise talk) ProcessCognitive researcher Efficient explanation; Prediction Communication1. Researcher 2. Speaker Explanation/prediction Utility (meta-knowledge)

7 Framework for researching the Student learning experience

8 Political & cultural context National & inst. policy & practice Learning environment T&L practice Student experience Broadening context

9 World of experience & action World of educational design & development (Application representation) World of abstractions & theory Increasing abstraction

10 Teaching machine for arithmetic (Skinner, 1954)

11 Skinner’s teaching machines (1950s) Based on behaviourist principles of operant conditioning –Materials self-contained & broken into small linear steps –Machine asks question, student provides response –Only proceed to next step (& give reinforcement) when correct Grounded in large body of prior research Skinner considered learning only resulted from reinforcement, not from self-evaluation or reflection

12 Political & cultural context National & inst. policy & practice Learning environment T&L practice Student experience Focuses on a very small part of the learning experience…

13 World of experience & action World of educational design & development World of abstractions & theory …and a narrow body of theory of questionable generalisability

14 Taxonomic framework …of teaching & learning …of policy, regulations etc …of the learning environment Experience & action Ed design & development Principles of T&L practice Curriculum specs, resources etc Inst policies & management Abstraction & theory Theories of learning & teaching Models of org. mngmt & change Discipline epistemologies Broadening context …of wider culture Cultural management Critical / political pedagogy Notional space of institutional research

15 Taxonomic framework …of teaching & learning …of policy etc …of the learning environment Experience & action Ed design & development Principles of T&L practice Curriculum specs, resources etc Policies & management Abstraction & theory Theories of learning & teaching Models of org. mngmt & change Discipline epistemologies Grounded/illuminative research

16 Taxonomic framework …of teaching & learning …of policy etc …of the learning environment Experience & action Ed design & development Principles of T&L practice Curriculum specs, resources etc Policies & management Abstraction & theory Theories of learning & teaching Models of org. mngmt & change Discipline epistemologies Evaluation research

17 Taxonomic framework …of teaching & learning …of policy etc …of the learning environment Experience & action Ed design & development Principles of T&L practice Curriculum specs, resources etc Policies & management Abstraction & theory Theories of learning & teaching Models of org. mngmt & change Discipline epistemologies Investigative research

18 Taxonomic framework …of teaching & learning …of policy etc …of the learning environment Experience & action Ed design & development Principles of T&L practice Curriculum specs, resources etc Policies & management Abstraction & theory Theories of learning & teaching Models of org. mngmt & change Discipline epistemologies Theory-driven research

19 Classification of forms of educational enquiry Forms of enquiry Process includesOutcomes include Theory-driven research  Situate within relevant literature  Appropriate study design for study issue  Robust collection and interpretation of evidence in relation to issue  Dissemination to relevant communities  Enhanced understanding of theoretical/conceptual issue  Optionally, recommendations for action on HE issues Practice and Policy based research Investigative study  Situate within relevant literature  Appropriate study design for study issue/problem  Robust collection and interpretation of evidence in relation to issue/problem  Articulate basis for generalisation to wider context  Dissemination to relevant communities  Recommendations for action on HE issue/problem, locally and more widely  Optionally, enhanced understanding of theoretical or conceptual underpinnings Evaluative study  Situated within relevant literature  Appropriate study design for study questions  Robust collection and interpretation of evidence in relation to questions  Articulate of basis for generalisation to wider context  Dissemination to relevant communities  Judgement about value or worth, or actions for local enhancement  Recommendations for wider practice  Optionally, enhanced understanding of theoretical or conceptual underpinnings Scholarship of Teaching & Learning SoTL  Situate study within relevant literature  Cycle of evidence collection, interpretation, reflection and adaptation of practice  Enhancement of local practice or policy

20 Forms of enquiryOutcomes include Theory-driven research  Enhanced understanding of theoretical/conceptual issue  Optionally, recommendations for action on HE issues Practice and Policy based research Investigative study  Recommendations for action on HE issue/problem, locally and more widely  Optionally, enhanced understanding of conceptual underpinnings Evaluative study  Judgement about value or worth, or actions for local enhancement  Recommendations for wider practice  Optionally, enhanced understanding of conceptual underpinnings Scholarship of Teaching & Learning SoTL  Enhancement of local practice or policy

21 Assertions (so far)  One set of phenomena can be represented in many ways: utility depends on for whom? and for what purpose?  Student learning experience can be conceptualised in terms of individuals & their wider contexts  Levels of abstraction (experience / application representations / theory) provide a basis for taxonomising forms of research  Different research endeavours have different epistemological purposes (theory-facing & application- facing) and audiences

22 The HE Academy’s mission  To work with the HE sector to provide the best learning experience for students Through services to  individual academics  Staff in subject communities  universities and colleges And responding to interests of our other stakeholders  Students; professional & employer bodies  Sector agencies; governmental bodies

23 The HE Academy’s aims  Identify, develop and disseminate evidence-informed approaches  Broker and encourage the sharing of effective practice  Support universities and colleges in bringing about strategic change  Inform, influence and interpret policy  Raise the status of teaching

24 Effective enhancement requires  Enabling infrastructures and resourcing  Alignment with academic values and culture  Coherence across levels  Policy, strategy, practice  Agency, institution, individual  Sound evidence base  for interpreting, understanding, applying, evaluating

25 Mostly assurance QAA remit Mostly enhancement HEA remit Assurance and enhancement Defining standards & checking they’re met Supporting improvements to T&L Ensuring mechanisms for effective improvement to T&L are in place more  External accountability  less

26 Assurance and enhancement more  External accountability  less Bottom-up Top-down Individual lecturer National agency/body Institution Department [HEA] [QAA] [Institution]

27 The HE Academy’s aims  Identify, develop and disseminate evidence-informed approaches  Broker and encourage the sharing of effective practice  Support universities and colleges in bringing about strategic change  Inform, influence and interpret policy  Raise the status of teaching

28 Achieving aim 1: Identify, develop and disseminate evidence-informed approaches  Gather, synthesise and make available relevant evidence  Promote the use of evidence-informed approaches to enhancing the student learning experience World of experience & action World of educational development World of abstractions & theory } Evidence of all sorts…

29 The Academy observatory Sphere: “Synthesis & Practice from HE Research Evidence” To make evidence relevant to HE policy & practice Evidence gathering & categorisation Synthesis, integration & contextualising Application, evaluation Observatory functions EvidenceUnderstanding Use Sector engagement Providing evidence, quality control etc Reviews, commentaries, key issues, priorities etc Applications to policy & practice, evaluative evidence

30 Observatory plans  Developing web infrastructure  Focussing on three areas  Technology-enhanced learning  Employer engagement  Widening participation  Demo and consultation at Academy Conference  Version for comments later in summer  Full launch in autumn  Further linking into Academy (York & Subject Centres) networks and activities Contact: Rachel Segal or Cristina Sin

31 Achieving aim 1: Identify, develop and disseminate evidence-informed approaches  Gather, synthesise and make available relevant evidence  Promote the use of evidence-informed approaches to enhancing the student learning experience  By Academics, subject communities & institutions  Through more effective access to evidence & syntheses [sphere]  Through working with networks and groups at these three levels  Through the encouragement of policy developments & initiatives

32 Questions & discussion Why Plutarch? “Research is the act of going up alleys to see if they are blind” “The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled”

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