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Financial Aid and Student Success….It’s Everyone’s Business

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1 Financial Aid and Student Success….It’s Everyone’s Business
4/22/2017 8:51 AM Financial Aid and Student Success….It’s Everyone’s Business Kirk Yats Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid Central Michigan University © 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

2 1. What were we doing 2. What we are doing now 3. Where are we going

3 What were we doing? No formal retention office or plan Times were good, enrollment stable and/or growing so no pressure or concern regarding retention and/or student success


5 Where we were Scholarship renewal rates were not a concern
No early warning system or structured contacts or campaigns We were comfortable with non-retainers Little concern for associating financial aid to student success

6 Sort of…… Implemented MAP-Works in 2009 Making Achievement Possible
Good first step Student participation was limited and self-reported

7 Where we are doing now. Created Office of Student Success in the Division of Enrollment and Student Services 9 full-time Success Coaches 5 part-time Success Coaches Virtual Peer Counseling CMYou Peer Mentor Counseling

8 Success Coaching Themes
Academic Planning Financial Planning Development of Study Plans Goal-Setting & Action Planning Effective Note-taking Memory Enhancement Effective Reading Time Management Exam Anxiety & Preparation Transition to College Life & Learning

9 What is Success Coaching?
Success Coaching is an exploration and discovery process that enables you to see yourself from a fresh perspective. Just like a coach in any sport, CMU Success Coaches help you perform to the best of your ability. Together with your coach, you will work to attain the highest standards of academic excellence.

10 Success Coaching Students meet with Coaches at least 3 times a semester…more if needed

11 Standard Campaigns Undecided FTIACs
High Risk Students (pre-defined metrics) Murky Middle Students Academic Major Selection All Merit Scholarship recipients RE-Enrollment Campaigns

12 Merit Award Renewal Support Efforts
Telephone outreach Personal meetings with advisors and success coaches Registration monitoring Re-enrollment campaigns

13 Merit Award Renewal Criteria
Renewable for THREE consecutive years provided the recipient… Maintains a 3.25 cumulative GPA Completes 30 new credit hours (Fall + Spring semester)

14 Support Services Renewal Likely ( gpa & <30 planned credits) Two e-campaigns encouraging a meeting with academic advisor or success coach

15 Support Services Renewal Possible (3.25 gpa possible & <30 planned credits) Two e-campaigns requesting meeting with academic advisor Telephone campaign completed by academic advisors Personal meeting with advisor

16 Support Services Renewal Unlikely (3.25 gpa not possible / >30 planned credits) Two e-campaigns requesting meeting with success coach Telephone campaign completed by success coaches Personal meeting with success coach

17 So…… did they do?

18 Performance by Award Type

19 Performance by Award Type

20 Questions?

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