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Welcome to the 2011-2012 School Year HIB and Other stuff.

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1 Welcome to the 2011-2012 School Year HIB and Other stuff

2 What are we going to talk about? New Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying law, and how it effects you. Some reminders about expectations, decorum and comportment (which is a fancy word for behavior) Setting some goals for you and me

3 HIB Last year, NJ created a new law related to Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying Very defined and specific law

4 Harassment, intimidation and bullying mean Any gesture, written, verbal or physical act, or electronic communication That can be a single incident or a series of incidents That can take place on school property, at a school- sponsored event, or off school grounds That has the effect of –physically or emotionally harming a pupil, a pupils’ property, or puts the person in fear of such harm –Or… has the effect of insulting or demeaning a person or group of people –Or…creates a hostile environment that interferes with a student’s education

5 HIB – so what happens 1.Teachers and staff are required by law to report any incidents of suspected bullying, intimidation or harassment to me. 2.I must contact your parents. (It will be by phone and letter) 3.School Anti-Bullying Specialist (Mrs. Vassallo) will investigate in coordination with me 4.School Anti-Bullying Specialists will determine if an incident of bullying, intimidation, or harassment has occurred. This will be reported to me (in writing.) 5.I will give consequences and remedial responses.

6 HIB – so what happens 6.Parents of students involved must be given a report of the results in writing 7.I must give a report the superintendent, who reports out on all incidents to the BOE

7 So how do we handle this? Be nice and respectful to each other (this includes out of school) Don’t be a bystander. Support other children who are not passive bystanders Let us know (you can do this anonymously) if you see something happening Know the difference between a conflict and harassment, intimidation and bullying

8 Other Stuff Dress Code Academic Goals Goal Setting

9 Dress Code – Just like with a job, or a sports team, or a dance squad, there are dress rules specific to school. The dress code is designed to make sure that you and all of your classmates can concentrate on academics Full Dress Code is available on line in the Code of Conduct

10 Dress Code – the Highlights Your clothes should cover you entire torso including sides and chest No underwear should be visible –Girls, this includes bra straps –Boys, this includes underwear when your shirt comes up or you are leaning down. Leggings are okay, but must have a short/tunic that is long enough to pass the finger tip rule Shorts/skirts are okay as long as they pass the fingertip rule. They must pass this rule even if you wear shorts underneath.

11 Dress Code – The Highlights Pants are to be worn at the waist No writing on the seat of pants No references to alcohol, drugs, sex, violence or derogatory sayings Hats, bandanas, and hoods are not to be worn in school Shoes must encircle ankles. PE clothing follows the same rules as regular clothing If it looks too short, too ripped, or too questionable, don’t wear it.

12 Dress Code – The Highlights If you are dressed inappropriately, you will need to call mom/dad to let them know and get a change of clothes If they are not available, you will be given clothes from the school nurse for the rest of the day or wear PE clothes. If no clothes are available, you will not be allowed to return to class until appropriate is found. Additional consequences can be assigned for dress code problems.

13 Academic Goals Reading and writing (especially writing) Web Site Infusing technology into learning

14 Questions?

15 Exit Ticket On the lined side of the index card you have, write your name and one goal you have for this year. On the unlined side of the index card, write one suggestion you have for me to help you have a good year.

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