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Fort Lauderdale, Flordia USA November 18-19, 2010 UN World Tourism Organization-IFTTA Interactive Forum of Tourism Legislation Dr. Phil Cameron, S.J.D.,

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Presentation on theme: "Fort Lauderdale, Flordia USA November 18-19, 2010 UN World Tourism Organization-IFTTA Interactive Forum of Tourism Legislation Dr. Phil Cameron, S.J.D.,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Fort Lauderdale, Flordia USA November 18-19, 2010 UN World Tourism Organization-IFTTA Interactive Forum of Tourism Legislation Dr. Phil Cameron, S.J.D., LL.M, J.D. Doctor of International Law International Forum of Travel and Tourism Advocates (IFTTA) Space Travel Law Association (STELA ) Anolik Law Corporation Dean, Special Projects Rowan-Cabarrus Community College (RCCC) Salisbury and San Francisco, USA Tokyo, Japan Fort Lauderdale, Flordia USA November 18-19, 2010 UN World Tourism Organization-IFTTA Interactive Forum of Tourism Legislation Dr. Phil Cameron, S.J.D., LL.M, J.D. Doctor of International Law International Forum of Travel and Tourism Advocates (IFTTA) Space Travel Law Association (STELA ) Anolik Law Corporation Dean, Special Projects Rowan-Cabarrus Community College (RCCC) Salisbury and San Francisco, USA Tokyo, Japan

2 The Establishment of IFTTA IFTTA since 1983 IFTTA’s members work on Travel and Tourism Law Attorneys Professors Legislators Government Students Textbook authorities Judges Mediators Initiated in 1986 with the participation of former Secretary–General Dr. Willibald Pahr to the Second IFTTA Conference Continues today with increasing activities 24 year long-standing relationship between IFTTA and UNWTO

3 UNWTO-IFTTA Malta Agreement Resulting from UNWTO participation in the 18th IFTTA Worldwide Conference in Malta in 2006

4 UNWTO-IFTTA Malta Agreement Promote the development and international harmonization of national tourism legislation Foster the institutional development of NTAs and their relevance for the tourism sector Promote the exchange of experiences and information with regard to tourism legislation among UNWTO members by providing a space for the expression of opinions and debate among specialists around the world.

5 UNWTO-IFTTA Malta Agreement Promote greater recognition of UNWTO as the world’s leading authority and frame of reference with respect to national tourism legislation ("Global Code of Ethics for Tourism", "UNWTO statement against organized sex tourism", "Québec Declaration on Ecotourism", etc.). Add value to the activities and services already offered by UNWTO (the “LEXTOUR” Database, Technical Cooperation) and establish mechanisms for mutual feedback.

6 IFTTA Conferences 2009-2010 IFTTA Conferences held in Europe –Moscow –Palma de Mallorca North America –Fort Lauderdale South America –Sao Palo World Dispute Center – ADR for Travel and Tourism Law Travel and Tourism Association of Policy and Law Doctorates (TAPD) – Education Program for Ph.D.s and students –Research assistance for Doctorate Committees and Scholars Some programs include: Some programs include:

7 IFTTA in 2008 In 2008 IFTTA Conferences held in Asia - Beijing North America - Cancun Europe - Budapest South America - Buenos Aries Additional IFTTA Conferences Additional IFTTA Conferences Malta Beja Beijing Jerusalem Istanbul Vezpreem Monaco Sydney Mediterranean Cruise Budapest Glasglow

8 IFTTA in Miami 1997 Miami

9 UNWTO-IFTTA Harmonization of Travel and Tourism Law Project (HTLP) 5 IFTTA Regional Headquarters Europe North America South America Asian and the Pacific Eastern Mediterranean

10 IFTTA North America – 41 Flags

11 Travel Law Dispute Center It is hoped that, through the use of standardized travel industry contract clauses, which insist on mediation, prior to the filing of a lawsuit, mediation will become the accepted norm in travel industry disputes. The World Travel Dispute Center will be the anticipated or contractually named mechanism for referral of travel disputes. IFTTA will be the guiding force in this venture. Worldwide, IFTTA has received industry recognition for its developmental and continuing role in ADR. IFTTA stands at the brink of a worldwide development of travel law ADR. It is anticipated that further courses will be developed to specifically address the needs of different jurisdictions with the assistance and guidance of IFTTA. All members of IFTTA are urged to participate in the ADR program and course development. The next IFTTA Congress will provide an opportunity for further discussion and development and, basic mediation training for interested IFTTA members.

12 UNWTO-IFTTA Harmonization of Travel and Tourism Law Project (HTLP) Example case from USA’s Anolik Law Office Major Travel Agency is seeking to legitimately conduct business worldwide, seeks help of IFTTA members from numerous countries TOURISTERM Collaboration between IFTTA Scholars and UNWTO and its Translation Section for an authoritative Travel Glossary and Lexicon HTLP programs include:

13 UNWTO-IFTTA Harmonization of Travel and Tourism Law Project (HTLP) Sharing statutes, case law, treaties, and other resources related to travel and tourism law Articles and Publications of IFTTA members and another part deals with the actual Travel and Tourism Laws and Statutes. Further HTLP programs include:

14 HTLP Resources Madrid with UNWTO San Francisco with Anolik Law Office Tokyo/Osaka with Kaneko Law Offices in collaboration with UNWTO in Osaka South America to be established Official UNWTO-IFTTA Travel and Tourism Law Depositories

15 IFTTA Online

16 IFTTA Online Community Screenshot

17 Thanks for joining us in Fort Lauderdale

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