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National Tribal Forum on Air Quality 2015 National Tribal Air Association’s Executive Committee.

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Presentation on theme: "National Tribal Forum on Air Quality 2015 National Tribal Air Association’s Executive Committee."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Tribal Forum on Air Quality 2015 National Tribal Air Association’s Executive Committee

2 National Tribal Forum on Air Quality 2015 ‘ To advance air quality management, policies and programs, consistent with the needs, interests and unique legal status of American Indian Tribes and Alaskan Natives’

3 National Tribal Forum on Air Quality 2015  Sovereignty/ Self-Determination of Tribes  Tribes have the right to know and protect the quality of their air  Tribes are leaders, strong partners, and co- regulators

4 National Tribal Forum on Air Quality 2015  Tribes have the legal authority to regulate under the Tribal Authority Rule (TAR)  As sovereign nations, Tribes should be consulted on how best to address their community's exposure to air pollution from off-reservation sources, and actively engaged in the process of eliminating harmful off-reservation pollution.

5 National Tribal Forum on Air Quality 2015  Regional calls/emails by NTAA Executive Committee Regional Representatives  Face-to-face discussions and/or meetings with Tribes and NTAA Executive Committee Regional Representatives  Documents identifying regional Tribal priorities utilized  NTAA EC Representatives compiled results

6 National Tribal Forum on Air Quality 2015 National Tribal Priorities

7 National Tribal Forum on Air Quality 2015 EPA Tribal Air Program Funding Static or reduced, has led to same number or fewer Tribes funded Aging monitoring equipment Inspector credentials program greatly reduced Tribal capacity has stalled or been reduced instead of more Tribes building capacity to assume programs

8 National Tribal Forum on Air Quality 2015 EPA Program Regression Reduction and continual re-education of EPA staff No travel funds for education of EPA or Tribal staff EPA lack of mentoring, technical support; in permitting, tracking of non-tribal project impacts Reduction of EPA interdepartmental coordination on projects involving multi-media effects

9 National Tribal Forum on Air Quality 2015 Climate Change Create funding for Tribes which does not reduce other air quality program funds Adaptation planning Research - Predicted affects particularly on traditional foods (Projections) Participating in the Clean Power Plan

10 National Tribal Forum on Air Quality 2015 Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) More technical support and assistance for Tribal staff to conduct IAQ assessments Water intrusion issues: mold & relative humidity Radon testing in Tribal homes and communities to determine exposure risks; Radon mitigation Lack of funding for IAQ activities in Indian Country Addressing asthma disparities

11 National Tribal Forum on Air Quality 2015 Mobile Sources On-road emissions: diesel exhaust, PM Other: Construction equipment, shipping vessels (e.g. water and rail) and recreational vehicles Oil and Gas Development Hydraulic fracturing, radon, radiation, aquifer contamination Permitting Methane Rule promulgation Tribal Minor NSR General Permit promulgation

12 National Tribal Forum on Air Quality 2015 Regional Haze Participation in Regional Planning Organizations (RPOs) Ground Level Ozone Impacts Off Reservation source impacts EPA monitoring funding for Tribes effected Tribal New Source Review Implementation coordination with EPA regions, lack of communication

13 National Tribal Forum on Air Quality 2015 NTAA Regional Priorities

14 National Tribal Forum on Air Quality 2015 Impacts of climate change in rural Alaska Improvement of indoor air quality (IAQ) in Tribal homes Road dust in villages Impacts of fugitive dust from large scale mining Open burning/land fill burning

15 National Tribal Forum on Air Quality 2015  Funding presents a major challenge to Alaska Native Villages who are not eligible to receive federal monies designated for Tribes with Reservation lands  Fukushima radiation  Asian haze  Cruise ship emissions  Lead in rural airports from small airplanes (e.g. Cessna 207)

16 National Tribal Forum on Air Quality 2015 Funding cut 10-15% for FY2016, Tribal capacity building stalled EPA staffing cutbacks, in R-10 over 100 unfilled positions in the last 10 years Permit review and other EPA technical support resources FARR revision process stalled, Tribes unable to collect fees under current program Lack of coordination within EPA departments Reductions in funding for the Tribal inspector program

17 National Tribal Forum on Air Quality 2015 Radon: SIRG cut, Vegas lab closed, mitigation funding Indoor air quality technical support: asbestos/outreach Climate Change and Adaptation Planning - separate funding stream. Increase in dust storms predicted. Smoke Management Coordination Funding & Technical Support for participation in RPOs Atmospheric pollutant deposition, including radiation COIL Export facilities and transportation, CAFOs

18 National Tribal Forum on Air Quality 2015 Funding Air programs for all Tribes who request them & targeted funding for mature air monitoring programs Streamline the designation process Ensure consistent relationships between Tribes, EPA R9 Air Division, and Headquarters Acknowledgement that the majority of poor air quality is transported from off-Reservation sources Targeted emphasis and funding for Tribal indoor air programs

19 National Tribal Forum on Air Quality 2015 Recognition of the Tribal Authority Rule (TAR) Specific guidance for Tribes on Exceptional Events Additional consultation with respect to proposed ground level ozone standard with both TAS & non-TAS Tribes & targeted funding for Tribes affected by new ozone standards Provide resources for Tribes to develop their own template database for utilization of all Tribes & compatible with existing USEPA programs (e.g. ICIS-Air)

20 National Tribal Forum on Air Quality 2015 QAPP approvals Follow turnaround schedule Single crosswalk Stronger mentoring Responsive Tribal Assistance Program at Region  Agency employee fallout, early retirement and non-backfilling of positions  No travel funds  Stronger mentoring

21 National Tribal Forum on Air Quality 2015 Oil and Gas Development Permitting of oil and gas wells Methane rule Tribal NSR general permit for Oil and Gas

22 National Tribal Forum on Air Quality 2015 Ground-level ozone transport from power plants and other sources IAQ in Tribal homes and buildings Concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) and agricultural emissions

23 National Tribal Forum on Air Quality 2015 Development of Ambient Air Monitoring programs Several Tribes in initial stages of program development utilizing CAA 103 funding Various developed Tribal air programs are providing technical assistance  Cherokee Nation  Quapaw Tribe  Delaware Nation and others

24 National Tribal Forum on Air Quality 2015 Indoor air quality projects and programs Recognition and respect of Tribes as Sovereign Nations when it comes to air quality Issues Ground-level Ozone and future designations with new proposed standard

25 National Tribal Forum on Air Quality 2015 Funding New/expanding Tribal Air - 33 Tribes in TARJ Established Programs operating in “keep the lights on” Monitoring - Losing ability to have regional snap shot Class 1 Re-designations – AQRVs: establish baseline, determine trends and identify potential impacts Air Modeling/Risk Assessment Hg, PM, O 3, toxics: production, deposition, impacts & regulation (No dry deposition, wet deposition dispersion, few leaf litter) Protection of Ceded Territories

26 National Tribal Forum on Air Quality 2015 Climate Change Flora/Fauna shifts: moose, wild rice, tulibee, plants Climate Change Adaptation: air emission reductions IAQ: Radon, Mold, Healthy Homes Lack of technical support Need solutions, leverage resources - few out there, $ Tribal mNSR - Lack of communication from Region Details of OK DEQ vs. EPA have impact on Tribes Lack of notification by States & EPA on enforcement issues on, near Reservations or within TAS areas

27 National Tribal Forum on Air Quality 2015 Air Program Development and TAS Indoor Air Quality Climate Change research/ adaptation planning incorporating Tribal Knowledge (TEK)

28 National Tribal Forum on Air Quality 2015 Increased dust pollution from drought caused by climate change Pollution from Hydraulic Fracturing Mercury Increase Tribal Participation with Region 4 EPA

29 National Tribal Forum on Air Quality 2015 Industrial effects on Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe at Akwesasne Alcoa and others Indoor Air Quality Environmental Justice New “Dioxin in the Dust”

30 National Tribal Forum on Air Quality 2015 Mobile Sources Emissions from the international shipping industry; on-road/non-road Climate Change Hydro-Fracking

31 National Tribal Forum on Air Quality 2015 Particulate matter  Our most problematic priority pollutant, originates from both local and regional sources Mercury emissions and deposition  When will our fish be safe to eat? Climate change  Particularly with regard to predicted increases in ozone, and its effects on human health and damage to vegetation

32 National Tribal Forum on Air Quality 2015 Indoor air quality  Mold and radon during the winter months when the houses are all buttoned up Diesel exhaust  Particularly in the winter months when large trucks and school buses are idling for long periods Regional haze and transport of other pollutants

33 National Tribal Forum on Air Quality 2015

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