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Basma Y. Kentab. Aggressive comprehensive risk factor management: Improves survival, Reduces recurrent events and Reduces need for interventional procedures,

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1 Basma Y. Kentab

2 Aggressive comprehensive risk factor management: Improves survival, Reduces recurrent events and Reduces need for interventional procedures, Improves the quality of life Why Is It Necessary?? AHA/ACC Guidelines for Secondary Prevention for Patients with Coronary and Other Atherosclerotic Vascular Disease: 2006 Update

3 Secondary Prevention Definition Therapy to reduce recurrent cardiovascular events and decrease cardiovascular mortality in patients with established atherosclerotic vascular disease

4 Secondary Prevention Patient Population  Established coronary and other atherosclerotic vascular disease, including: Peripheral arterial disease, Atherosclerotic aortic disease Carotid artery disease

5 Components of Secondary Prevention Cigarette smoking cessation Blood pressure control Lipid management to goal Physical activity Weight management to goal Diabetes management to goal Antiplatelet agents / anticoagulants Renin angiotensin aldosterone system blockers Beta blockers Influenza vaccination

6 Cigarette Smoking Recommendations Goal: Complete Cessation and No Exposure to Environmental Tobacco Smoke Ask about tobacco use status at every visit. Advise every tobacco user to quit. Assess the tobacco user’s willingness to quit. Assist by counseling and developing a plan for quitting. Arrange follow-up, referral to special programs, or pharmacotherapy (including nicotine replacement and bupropion) Urge avoidance of exposure to environmental tobacco smoke at work and home.

7 Blood Pressure Control Goal: <140/90 mm Hg or <130/80 if diabetes or chronic kidney disease Blood pressure ≥ 120/80 mm Hg :  Initiate or maintain lifestyle modification: weight control, increased physical activity, alcohol moderation, sodium reduction, and increased consumption of fresh fruits vegetables and low fat dairy products Blood pressure ≥ 140/90 mm Hg (or ≥ 130/80 for chronic kidney disease or diabetes)  As tolerated, add blood pressure medication, treating initially with beta blockers and/or ACE inhibitors with addition of other drugs such as thiazides as needed to achieve goal blood pressure

8 Lipid Management Lipid Management Goal  LDL-C should be less than 100 mg/dL  Further reduction to LDL-C to < 70 mg/dL is reasonable  If TG >200 mg/dL, non-HDL-C should be < 130 mg/dL* *Non-HDL-C = total cholesterol minus HDL-C

9 Lipid Management  Start dietary therapy (<7% of total calories as saturated fat and <200 mg/d cholesterol)  Adding plant stanol/sterols (2 gm/day) and fiber (>10 mg/day) will further lower LDL  Promote daily physical activity and weight management.  Encourage increased consumption of omega-3 fatty acids in fish or 1 g/day omega-3 fatty acids in capsule form for risk reduction. For All Patients

10 Lipid Management  Assess fasting lipid profile in all patients, and within 24 hours of hospitalization for those with an acute event.  For patients hospitalized, initiate lipid-lowering medication as recommended below prior to discharge: If baseline LDL-C > 100 mg/dL, initiate LDL-lowering drug therapy If on-treatment LDL-C > 100 mg/dL, intensify LDL- lowering drug therapy (may require LDL lowering drug combination) If baseline is LDL-C 70 to 100 mg/dL, it is reasonable to treat to LDL < 70 mg/dL

11 Lipid Management If TG are 200-499 mg/dL, non-HDL-C should be < 130 mg/dL Further reduction of non-HDL to < 100 mg/dL is reasonable Therapeutic options to reduce non-HDL-C: - More intense LDL-C lowering therapy or - Niacin (after LDL-C lowering therapy) - Fibrate (after LDL-C lowering therapy) If TG are > 500 mg/dL, therapeutic options to prevent pancreatitis are fibrate or niacin before LDL lowering therapy; and treat LDL-C to goal after TG-lowering therapy. Achieve non-HDL-C < 130 mg/dL, if possible

12 Physical Activity Recommendations Goal: 30 minutes 7 days/week, minimum 5 days/week  Assess risk with a physical activity history and/or an exercise test, to guide prescription  Encourage 30 to 60 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic activity such as brisk walking, on most, preferably all, days of the week, supplemented by an increase in daily lifestyle activities  Advise medically supervised programs for high-risk patients (e.g. recent acute coronary syndrome or revascularization, HF)

13 Weight Management Recommendations Goal: BMI 18.5 to 24.9 kg/m2 Waist Circumference: Men: < 40 inches Women: < 35 inches  Assess BMI and/or waist circumference on each visit and consistently encourage weight maintenance/reduction through appropriate balance of physical activity, caloric intake, and formal behavioral programs  If waist circumference (measured at the iliac crest) >35 inches in women and >40 inches in men initiate lifestyle changes and consider treatment strategies for metabolic syndrome as indicated.  The initial goal of weight loss therapy should be to reduce body weight by approximately 10 percent from baseline. With success, further weight loss can be attempted if indicated.

14 Diabetes Mellitus Recommendations Goal: Hb A1c < 7%  Lifestyle and pharmacotherapy to achieve near normal HbA1C (<7%).  Vigorous modification of other risk factors (e.g., physical activity, weight management, blood pressure control, and cholesterol management as recommended).  Coordinate diabetic care with patient’s primary care physician or endocrinologist.

15 Antiplatelet Agents / Anticoagulation Recommendations

16 Aspirin Recommendations  Start and continue indefinitely aspirin 75 to 162 mg/d in all patients unless contraindicated  For patients undergoing CABG, aspirin (100 to 325 mg/d) should be started within 48 hours after surgery to reduce saphenous vein graft closure  Post-PCI-stented patients should receive 325 mg per day of aspirin for 1 month for bare metal stent, 3 months for sirolimus-eluting stent and 6 months for paclitaxel-eluting stent

17 Clopidogrel Recommendations  Start and continue clopidogrel 75 mg/d in combination with aspirin : – for post ACS or post PCI with stent placement patients for up to 12 months –for post PCI-stented patients >1 month for bare metal stent, >3 months for sirolimus-eluting stent >6 months for paclitaxel-eluting stent

18 Anticoagulation Recommendations  Manage warfarin to international normalized ratio 2.0 to 3.0 for paroxysmal or chronic atrial fibrillation or flutter, and in post-MI patients when clinically indicated (e.g., atrial fibrillation, LV thrombus.)  Use of warfarin in conjunction with aspirin and/or clopidogrel is associated with increased risk of bleeding and should be monitored closely

19 Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System Blockers Recommendations

20 ACE inhibitor Recommendations  Use in all patients with LVEF < 40%, and those with diabetes or chronic kidney disease indefinitely, unless contraindicated  Consider for all other patients  Among lower risk patients with normal LVEF where cardiovascular risk factors are well controlled and where revascularization has been performed, their use may be considered optional

21 Angiotensen Receptor Blockers Recommendations  Use in patients who are intolerant of ACE inhibitors with HF or post MI with LVEF less than or equal to 40%.  Consider in other patients who are ACE inhibitor intolerant.  Consider use in combination with ACE inhibitors in systolic dysfunction HF.

22 Aldosterone Antagonists Recommendations  Use in post MI patients, without significant renal dysfunction or hyperkalemia, who are already receiving therapeutic doses of an ACE inhibitor and beta blocker, have an LVEF < 40% and either diabetes or heart failure  Contraindications include abnormal renal function (creatinine >2.5 mg/dL in men or >2.0 mg/dL in women) and hyperkalemia (K+ >5.0 meq/L)

23 β-Blockers Recommendations  Start and continue indefinitely in all post MI, ACS, LV dysfunction with or without HF symptoms, unless contraindicated.  Consider chronic therapy for all other patients with coronary or other vascular disease or diabetes unless contraindicated.

24 Influenza Vaccination  Patients with cardiovascular disease should have influenza vaccination

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