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Research and Account Planning

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1 Research and Account Planning
Chapter 5 Research and Account Planning

2 Learning Objectives Learn about different types of advertising research approaches. Learn about account planning.

3 Advertising Copy Testing and Diagnosis
Copy Testing Decisions Whether you should copy-test When you should copy-test Measures used in copy testing Advertising objective based measures Communication effects models

4 Categories of Advertising Research
Timing Category 1: Advertising Strategy Research Techniques •Before creative work begins •Consumer Juries •Matched samples •Portfolio tests •Storyboard test •Mechanical devices •Psychological rating scales Category 2: Creative Concept Research Category 3: Pretesting Category 4: Postesting Research Problem •Product concept definition •Target audience selection •Message-element •Before agency production begins •Concept testing •Name testing •Slogan testing •Free-association tests •Qualitative interviews •Statement- comparison tests •After campaign has run •Advertising effectiveness •Consumer attitude change •Sales increases •Aided recall •Unaided recall •Sales tests •Inquiry tests •Attitude tests

5 The Components of Advertising Research (Fig. 5.1)

6 Strategic Vs. Evaluative Research & Marketing Research
Strategic research is an extension of the marketing strategy and is used to help develop creative designs and media plans. Evaluative research measures how well the advertiser has reached its goals. Marketing research is used to identify consumer needs, develop new products, evaluate pricing levels, assess distribution methods, and test the effectiveness of various promotional strategies.

7 Advertising Research Strategy research Product concept research
Product features or positioning Target audience research Identification, characteristics, appropriate appeals Media audience research Appropriate media selection (e.g., Nielsen) Message element research Consumer reactions to various message elements

8 Strategic Research Information-Gathering Process that Enhances the Design of a Creative Strategy Secondary Research Primary Research Government Organizations Primary Research Suppliers Trade Associations Simmons Market Research Bureau Secondary Research Suppliers Mediamark Research, Inc. Secondary Info. on the Internet

9 The Strategy Document (Creative Brief)
The Marketing Objective The Product The Strategy Document (Creative Brief) The Target Audience The Promise The Outcome of Strategic Research is Called a Strategy Document or Creative Brief. The Brand Personality

10 Methods of Obtaining Feedback in the Response Hierarchy
Steps in Persuasion Process Effectiveness Tests Circulation Reach Listener, reader viewer recognition Recall Checklists Brand Attitudes Purchase intent Recall over time Inventory, point of Purchase consumer Panel Exposure/Presentation Attention Comprehension Message acceptance/ Yielding Retention Purchase behavior

11 Diagnostic Research

12 Evaluative Research Evaluative research is used to make final go/no go decisions about finished or nearly finished ads. Advertisers hope it will provide a valid measure of effectiveness, however: There are many truths in numbers, Advertising is only one part of the overall marketing campaign, Advertising has many purposes, Evaluative research methods change all the time. Important to evaluate advertising since the average 30-second commercial shown on national TV costs about $200,000 to make.

13 Advertising Copy Testing and Diagnosis
The Advertising Used Frequency of Exposure How it’s Shown Where the Exposure Occurs How Respondents are Obtained Geographic Scope Alternative Measures of Persuasion Bases of Comparison and Evaluation

14 Evaluation Research Methods
Brand Tracking Memory Tests In-Market Tests Persuasion Tests Frame-by-Frame Tests Direct-Response Counts Communication Tests

15 Suppliers of Evaluative Research

16 Suppliers of Evaluative Research

17 Memory Tests Recall Tests (e.g., DAR)
Ask Questions After Ad Has Run Unaided or Aided Recall May be a Reliable, But Not Valid Test Recognition Tests (e.g., Bruzzone, Starch) Show Ad & Ask If People Remember Having Seen It Before

18 Assessing Persuasion Tests
Attitude Change Test Persuasion Tests Step 1 Consumers Are Asked If They’d Buy a Brand Step 2 Consumers Are Exposed to an Ad for That Brand Step 3 Consumers Are Asked Again about Purchase Intentions Step 4 Results Are Analyzed Audience Composition Environment Brand Familiarity Cost Assessing Persuasion Tests

19 An Example of Persuasion Tests
ARS Persuasion Score Ad copy must be distinctive - Brand Differentiation Ad weight without persuasiveness is insufficient

20 Evaluation Research Methods
Did ad deliver the message it was Intended to deliver? Did ad deliver any messages it was not intended to deliver? How did representatives of the target audience react to the message, etc.? Direct-Response Counts Communication Tests Request a Direct Response Via a: Toll-Free Number, Coupon, Web site, Offer embedded in the body copy Count Number of Sales or Requests.

21 Evaluation Research Methods
Frame-by-Frame Viewers Watch & Respond to a TV Commercial by 1) Turning a Dial, 2) Pressing Numbers on a Keypad, or 3) Wearing Electrodes. In-Market Tests Evaluate Advertisements by Measuring Their Influence on Sales. Seldom Used With Individual Ads. May Use Simulated Test Markets Brand Tracking Following Brands From Rejection Through Levels Of Acceptance For Every Brand In a Market. Tracking the Brand is More Important than Tracking the Ad.

22 Example of Ad Tracking Children’s Campaign Ad Tracking

23 Account Planning An account planner is essentially the account team’s primary contact with the outside world; the person who, through personal background, knowledge of all the pertinent information, and overall experience, is able to bring a strong consumer focus to all advertising decisions. (AAAA’s definition of the account planner)

24 Researcher vs. Acct Planner
Researchers are principally concerned with measurement and analysis; research is about what has been and what it is. Account planners are more concerned with insights and synthesis; account planning is about what will and could be. Account planning practiced at TBWA Chiat/Day, Goodby, Silverstein & Partners, DDB Needham, and JWT in the States.

25 Review Learn about different types of advertising research approaches.
Learn about account planning.

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