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1 Research Strategy 2009-2012 Focus on Excellence ”International RAE” International Research Assessment Exercise Internal resource allocation based on.

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1 1 Research Strategy 2009-2012 Focus on Excellence ”International RAE” International Research Assessment Exercise Internal resource allocation based on international quality – KTH Strategic committments that consolidate efforts - PLATFORMS External Alliances EIT EU-programs International collaborations – ”Cluster”, ”Nordic 5 Tech” Research Institutes Enabling Growth World Class Administrative Support Goal of increased funding to KTH research

2 2 Research Platforms

3 3 Platforms Energy (Semida Silveira) Renewable Electricity Production Hybrid and Electric Motors Smart Grids and Grid Management Biorefinery & Products Materials (Ulf Karlsson) Soft Materials – fibres, polymers Functional Materials - magnetics Construction Materials Nano (photonics, sensors, surfaces, medicine) Technology for Medicine and Health (Bertil Guve) Molecular Biology Imaging and Sensors Healthcare Management Information and Communication Technology (Carl Gustaf Jansson) E-science – mamangment, mining and modelling IT& Mobile Communications – service orientation Human Computer Interaction Transport (Annika Stensson Trigell) Vehicle Engineering – road, rail and air Transport Infrastructure – road/rail construction, bridge construction etc Systems and Planning for Sustanability Policy

4 4 Platforms Organisation Björn Birigson, as Vice Rektor, has overall responsibility for the development of the Platforms at a strategic level Research at GO provides unified support to the Platforms and will appoint an Assistant Coordinator to each Platform Each Platform has a Coordinator and Board containing a member of each KTH School Particpation within a Platform is open to all members of KTH Mission To stregthen and develop KTH’s research activities in key, cross- cutting areas so that powerful contributions to academia and Swedish society can continue to be made.

5 5 Strategic Research Areas In June 2009, KTH was awarded 579Mkr from the Strategic Research Call run by the Swedish government KTH will take part in 11 strategic research programmes Five of these programmes will be managed by KTH 1.ICT – the Next Generation (33.3M) 2.Science for Life Laboratory (101.5M) 3.TrenOp (31M) 4.Swedish E-Science Centre (30M) 5.XPRESS (19M) Funding will build from 2010 reaching the above levels of annual funding in 2012

6 6 SRAs of which KTH is partner 1.Energy: StandUp (52M/25M) Uppsala University 2.Climate Modelling o SU (18.3M/1,8M) o LU (8.7M/0.4M) 3.Security and Emergency Planning: Security Link (7.6M/0.8M) Linköping University 4.Cancer: U-Can (19,6M/1M) KI 5.Neuroscience: (28M/1,1M) KI

7 7 SRAs Organisation Björn Birigson has overall responsibility for the development of the SRAs at a strategic level Research at GO will provide unified, systematic support to the SRAs and will report their progress to the KTH Leadership and, together with the SRA Management Groups, the funding agencies. Each SRA has a Principle Investigator (PI) and a Management Group Concept Funding should be used to develop key areas in a longterm manner, often through the recruitment of key positions (tenure track) The areas should aim to perform at the highest international standards Social and economic impact is important These areas should also develop further funding streams.

8 8 SRAs: accountability Requirements Each SRA has been requested to send an ”Annual Report” to the relevant funding agency Each SRA will be reviewed by the agencies in 5 years time and funding may be redistributed according to the outcome of these reviews KTH will have an internal ”Mid term” review of the SRAs after 3 years The SRA funding is ”Rektor’s Money”. It will be spent according to the proposals submitted and under the guidance of the Management Group for each SRA. It will be distributed under the Rektor’s contract. KTH has an overall responsibility for ensuring it is spent well and has impact.

9 9 Platform and SRA Relationship EnergyMaterialsTech Health ICTTransport SRA: KTH Management Science for Life Lab ICT Next Generation TrenOP E-Science SRA: Partner StandUPCancer Climate Model LU Neuro Climate Model SU Other?EIT? Security and Production sit outside of this matrix

10 10 Research at GO: Platform and SRA Support Support to Platforms, SRAs and KTH Leadership, Funding: enabling, tracking, reviewing Impact: defining, monitoring, reporting Communication: supporting Recruitment:supporting Requirement for systematic, standardized, high quality work Need to link to key support functions at KTH

11 11 Research at GO Research at GO will appoint an Assistant Coordinator to each Platform. This person will also act as the main point of contact for the SRAs that fall under than Platform Research at GO will coordinate a ”Platform Support Team” and ”SRA Support Team” that will take an overview of activities within these fields and develop standardised methods Research at GO will develop systems, as needed, to track and communicate the development of the Platforms and SRAs

12 12 Platform Support Team Vice Rektor: Björn Birigson GO: Director Research at GO: 5 Platform Assistant Coordinators Communication: Info &Coms Industry Interaction: BLI School Internationalisation Finance Goals Support the establishment of the Platforms Develop systems for supporting the Managment Groups of the Platforms in tracking and communicating their work Engage Platforms with other strategic work at KTH from an administrative perspective

13 13 SRA Support Team Vice Rektors: Björn Birigson and Gunnar Landgren Research GO: Director 6 SRA representatives (5 plus Energy) Finance Communication Recruitment Bibliometrics Goals: Support the efficient establishment of the SRAs Develop systems for supporting the Managment Groups of the SRAs in tracking and communicating their work Provide information for the Annual, Mid-term and 5 year evaluations

14 14 SRA (and Platform) Impact 1. Academic measures: Research Impact Education Impact International Ranking 2. Social impact 3. Economic impact Representation: Idea of “storytelling”…

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