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Ann Becker UMass Amherst Public Health Nurse Tobacco Free UMass A public University’s Experience.

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Presentation on theme: "Ann Becker UMass Amherst Public Health Nurse Tobacco Free UMass A public University’s Experience."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ann Becker UMass Amherst Public Health Nurse Tobacco Free UMass A public University’s Experience

2 2 Disclosures  No conflicts or commercial interests to disclose  I smoked in College- (I would not have admitted that back then)

3 3 Overview  Public University Specific Issues Challenges Benefits  The implementation process Budget Communications Signage Resources to support students and staff Enforcement  Evolving and sustaining the program

4 4 Background: Fast UMass Facts Large University in a small town 28,000 students ( graduate & undergraduate) Greater than 6,000 employees Located on 14,000 acres 12,000 residential undergraduates in 45 dormitories  Town of Amherst has a population of 35,000-this includes the student population ( 52% under 24)

5 5 UMass Tobacco Free in July 2013  First interest & passion of students, faculty & staff in 2009  The policy was formed by the University Health Council 2010  Voted in by the faculty senate in 2011  Implementation driven through the chancellor's office  Now program is in University Health Services  100% Tobacco Free  No E-Cig  No Kiosks

6 6 Benefits  Fits in with the green and sustainable initiatives of the campus  Advocating for the quiet majority  Winning over those on the fence  Harm Reduction

7 7 Challenges  Bureaucratic System Steering the ship in a new direction  Patience in the process  Consensus Building  Managing expectations  Who owns the program?  Enforcement

8 8 Budget & Cost Considerations  Marketing & Branding Developing the logo Advertising-Print Signage  Staff Education Opportunities  Staff!  Supplies: Pharmaceuticals-NRT’s Covita Promotional Giveaways Buy a Hookah!

9 9 What message do you want to convey? Positive FrameworkTo the point, but….

10 10 Resources & Support  First decide who you are supporting: Students & Staff??  Tobacco Treatment Specialists: UMass Worcester has a great program  Nicotine Replacement-At a discount  Train the entire Health Service Staff  Screening at every visit

11 11 Enforcement & Education  Try not to get stuck in enforcement arguments  Will be an ongoing challenge  Educating Supervisors is critical element  Engage as many people as you can  But, at the end of the day…. It IS University Policy

12 12 Evolving and sustaining the program  Plan for the need to sustain the program for a long time  Where will responsibility for sustaining the program sit? Department staff advisory committee  Integrating tobacco education into the campus culture

13 Ann Becker Thank You!

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