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NFAIS 2013 Caitlin Aptowicz Trasande, PhD Head of Research Policy | Digital Science

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Presentation on theme: "NFAIS 2013 Caitlin Aptowicz Trasande, PhD Head of Research Policy | Digital Science"— Presentation transcript:

1 NFAIS 2013 Caitlin Aptowicz Trasande, PhD Twitter: @c8 Head of Research Policy | Digital Science


3 University Presidents Provosts Chief Scientific Officers Chancellors Heads of Strategy Deans Department Chairs Institutional Research Managers Who can accelerate the movement to utilize alternative metrics to measure the value of research outputs?

4 Overall University Performance How well is my institute performing right now? What is the context of my performance? How do I effectively benchmark against competitors or ‘aspirational’ peer institutes? Which institutes are most similar to our research output portfolio? How are we trending? Field-level performance In which fields is my institute excelling? Are we excelling in growth areas? Where should I invest my resources to nurture successes, strengthen and grow? Acid test: Can altmetrics help answer these questions?

5 Connectedness What is the profile of my institute’s collaboration network? Is it local? Broad? Specialized? International? Are we a node? How does our collaboration network compare with peer and competitor institutes? Talent Who should I recruit? Who are the up and coming stars? Who would be a good fit with my current department/facutly? How can I gain greater insight into a candidate potential?

6 Deciding tenure “If someone is producing non-traditional outputs at the core of their work (widely utilized datasets, software, etc), we rely on the peer letters to evaluate the impact and import of those efforts. We are essentially relying on ‘alternative’ measures of impact just as heavily -- if not more heavily -- than we rely on citation metrics.” Assistant Provost, university in Massachusetts Altmetric “peer review” “Academic buy-in into ‘altmetrics’ as being a serious tool will depend on the robustness of underlying data and academic judgement (let me phrase it ‘altmetric peer-review’ ). I know peer-review and social media are opposite terms in a way, but getting those closely aligned is, according to my view, key to the success of “altmetrics” as a proper research impact tool (in addition to being a nice-to-have tool by itself for information only). Senior Academic Officer, UK University What are decision makers in science saying?

7 Themes Tracking and indexing publications Tracking media citations Tracking credit for all your research

8 Nature Publishing Index Asia-Pacific

9 Effective promotion of new metrics Awareness Access Interpretation Excitement Transmission

10 Sources: Scientific American | October 2012 Awareness Access Interpretation Excitement Transmission Effective promotion of new metrics

11 Sources: Scientific American | October 2012 Awareness Access Interpretation Excitement Transmission Effective promotion of new metrics

12 Awareness Access Interpretation Excitement Transmission Effective promotion of new metrics

13 Richard Buckius, VP for Research, Purdue University Kim Barrett, Dean of Graduate Studies, UC San Diego “Publishing in the Nature family of journals is a badge of honor for many scientists. With our outstanding faculty, post-doctoral fellows and graduate students, all working on exciting and important problems, it’s not surprising that we score so highly in this new measure of research impact.” "Purdue's ranking as one of the most published institutions in the world for these journals is a testament to the high-quality research performed by our faculty.” Effective promotion of new metrics Awareness Access Interpretation Excitement Transmission

14 Themes Tracking and indexing publications Tracking media citations Tracking credit for all your research

15 Awareness Access Interpretation Excitement Transmission Effective promotion of new metrics

16 ~ 20k Unique papers shared each week ~ 35% Percent of biomedical literature shared at least once after three months ~ 54% Shared papers that have single share ~ 10% Shared papers that have 5+ shares ~ 10% Shares originating from the author or publisher ~ 70% Tweets just titles Effective promotion of new metrics Awareness Access Interpretation Excitement Transmission

17 Awareness Access Interpretation Excitement Transmission Effective promotion of new metrics

18 @stew Effective promotion of new metrics Awareness Access Interpretation Excitement Transmission

19 Themes Tracking and indexing publications Tracking media citations Tracking credit for all your research

20 Figshare Awareness Access Interpretation Excitement Transmission

21 Effective promotion of new metrics Awareness Access Interpretation Excitement Transmission

22 Awareness Access Interpretation Excitement Transmission Effective promotion of new metrics @figshare Tim O'Reilly, Founder and CEO, O'Reilly Media "A really important update to the scientific publishing process: allows researchers to share data, negative results #bigwin" "figshare has changed the way I think about publishing. Now I see endless possibilities" Anthony Salvagno, PhD student, University of New Mexico "figshare is one of the greatest new tools for scientists" Jason Snyder, PhD, Associate Professor University of British Columbia


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