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BASIC DATA SPHERE OF BUSINESS organosilicon compounds silicone resins silicone corrosion inhibitor silicone additives profesional cleaning agents De-/-Anti-Icer.

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Presentation on theme: "BASIC DATA SPHERE OF BUSINESS organosilicon compounds silicone resins silicone corrosion inhibitor silicone additives profesional cleaning agents De-/-Anti-Icer."— Presentation transcript:

1 BASIC DATA SPHERE OF BUSINESS organosilicon compounds silicone resins silicone corrosion inhibitor silicone additives profesional cleaning agents De-/-Anti-Icer SLOCHEM Ltd. Farsky Mlyn 2 Trnava 917 00 SLOVAKIA webpage:

2 PRINCIPLE Our De-/Anti-Icer was developed by SLOCHEM on the basis of these fundamental principles: efficiency of De-/Anti-Icer biodegradability of the De-/Anti-Icer with minimum COD and BOD without content of nitrogen, chlorides and urea fairly good price

3 SLOPUR - CAR CHEMICAL COMPOSITION: Nontoxic liquid, composed by salts of acids, corrosion inhibitors and additives in the water.

4 APPLICATION SLOPUR - CAR use in concentrated form to creation protecting film with thermal resistance -35 0 C. For achievement of maximum effect of anti-icing and de-icing is suitable apply before creation of icing.

5 DOSING 50-65 g/m 2 40-50 g/m 2 35-40 g/m 2 ice, freezing rain 40-50 g/m 2 30-40 g/m 2 20-35 g/m 2 snow, snowfall 30-40 g/m 2 20-30 g/m 2 10-20 g/m 2 packed snow, ice -18 to -26 0 C -8 to -18 0 C 0 to -8 0 C CONDITION TEMPERATURE * Real dosing depend on the weather situation and the indicated application rates can be significantly different.


7 ECONOMY To obtain maximum effectiveness of SLOPUR -CAR for ANTI-ICING, is recommended to apply the product shortly before the expected freezing precipitation will occur. For the most economical using for DE-ICING, is recommended to apply sufficient quantities just to penetrate the ice and the packed snow layers from the runway, turn into slush, and then remove with mechanical snow-clearing equipment.

8 CORROSION SPEED CORROSION SPEED (mm/year) steelaluminumcopper NaCl (5%)0,010,0350,08 SLOPUR-CAR 0,000090,00250,00075

9 EROSION ♦Erosion was testing by accredited laboratory according to STN 73 1326 and comparing with s 3% solution of NaCl.

10 TEST RESULTS sample n.: 123mean 2517,8 8,914,8 5022,235,722,326,7 7553,344,635,644,5 10075,575,853,468,2 12584,4102,584,690,5 150115,5124,8115,7 118,7 Waste (g.m -2 ) 3% solution of NaCl

11 TEST RESULTS sample n.: 456mean 250,0 500,0 750,0 1000,0 1250,0 1500,0 Waste (g.m-2) SLOPUR-CAR


13 CHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND > COD= 0,2756 g / g O 2 > BOD= 0,122 g / g O 2 chemical oxygen demand biological oxygen demand

14 FRICTION FACTOR ♦Place: RWY ♦Air temperature: -4 °C ♦Surface temperature of RWY:-5 °C ♦Status of RWY: dry, clean ♦Friction factor measured by ADR FM: ♦-dry surface: 0,95 – 1,00 ♦-treated by SLOPUR-CAR: 0,75 – 0,85

15 ..THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION.. Contact:SLOCHEM Ltd. Farsky Mlyn 2 Trnava 917 00 SLOVAKIA tel./fax: 00421-33-5522 572 email: webpage:

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