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May, 9th 1950 Schuman Declaration In a speech inspired by Jean Monnet, On 9 May 1950, the French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman proposed the establishment.

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2 May, 9th 1950 Schuman Declaration In a speech inspired by Jean Monnet, On 9 May 1950, the French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman proposed the establishment of a European Coal and Steel Community  (ECSC), which became reality with the Treaty of Paris of 18 April This put in place a common market in coal and steel between the six founding countries (Belgium, the Federal Republic of Germany, France, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands).

3 9 May is celebrated as the EU's birthday.

4 Fathers of Europe : Paul Henri Spaak Robert Schuman Jean Monnet
Konrad Adenauer Walter Hallstein Winston Churchill Altiero Spinelli


6 March, 25th 1957 The Treaty of Rome
The Six then decided, on 25 March 1957 with the Treaty of Rome, to build a European Economic Community (EEC) based on a wider common market covering a whole range of goods and services. Customs duties between the six countries were completely abolished on 1 July 1968 and common policies, notably on trade and agriculture, were also put in place during the 1960s.


8 June, 7– June 1979 saw a decisive step forward for the European Community, with the first elections to the European Parliament by direct universal suffrage. These elections are held every five years.


10 EU fundamental treatises
The Paris Treaty establishing the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), which was signed on 18 April 1951 in Paris, entered into force on 23 July 1952 and expired on 23 July 2002.


12 EU fundamental treatises
The Treaty of Rome, establishing the European Economic Community (EEC), signed in Rome on 25 March 1957, and entered into force on 1 January 1958. The Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom) was signed at the same time and the two are therefore jointly known as the Treaties of Rome.


14 EU fundamental treatises
The Treaty on European Union, which was signed in Maastricht on 7 February 1992, entered into force on 1 November 'The Maastricht Treaty changed the name of the European Economic Community to simply "the European Community". It also introduced new forms of co-operation between the Member State governments - for example on defence, and in the area of "justice and home affairs". By adding this inter-governmental co-operation to the existing "Community" system, the Maastricht Treaty created a new structure with three "pillars" which is political as well economic. This is the European Union (EU). The Treaty of Maastricht also establishes the four main freedoms:free circulation of goods, services, people, capital.


16 2002: Euro notes and coins are introduced
January,1st 2002 2002: Euro notes and coins are introduced The euro was introduced for financial (non-cash) transactions in 1999, while notes and coins were issued three years later in the 12 countries of the euro area (also commonly referred to as the euro zone). The euro is now a major world currency for payments and reserves alongside the US dollar.


18 October,24th 2004 The 25 EU countries sign a Treaty establishing a European Constitution. It is designed to streamline democratic decision-making and management in an EU of 25 and more countries. It also creates the post of a European Foreign Minister. It has to be ratified by all 25 countries before it can come into force. When citizens in both France and the Netherlands voted 'No' to the Constitution in referendums in 2005, EU leaders declared a "period of reflection".


20 How is Europe organized?
The European Parliament: Voice of the people The European Parliament is elected every five years by the people of Europe to represent their interests.  The main job of Parliament is to pass European laws. It shares this responsibility with the Council of the European Union, and the proposals for new laws come from the European Commission. Parliament has the power to dismiss the European Commission.  Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) do not sit in national blocks, but in seven Europe-wide political groups. The main meetings of the Parliament are held in Strasbourg, others in Brussels. Like all other EU institutions, it works in all 23 official EU languages.

21 How is Europe organized?
The Council of the European Union  Voice of the Member States The Council of the European Union: — formerly known as the Council of Ministers — shares with Parliament the responsibility for passing laws and taking policy decisions. It also bears the main responsibility for what the EU does in the field of the common foreign and security policy and for EU action on some justice and freedom issues. The Council consists of ministers from the national governments of all the EU countries: foreign ministers, ministers of the economy and finance, ministers for agriculture and so on, as appropriate. Each country has a number of votes in the Council broadly reflecting the size of their population, but weighted in favour of smaller countries. Most decisions are taken by majority vote, although sensitive issues in areas like taxation, asylum and immigration, or foreign and security policy, require unanimity. 

22 How is Europe organized?
The European Commission Promoting the common interest The European Commission represents and upholds the interests of Europe as a whole. It is independent of national governments. It drafts proposals for new European laws, which it presents to the European Parliament and the Council. It manages the day-to-day business of implementing EU policies and spending EU funds. The Commission also keeps an eye out to see that everyone abides by the European treaties and laws. It can act against rule-breakers, taking them to the Court of Justice if necessary.  The Commission consists of 27 women and men — one from each EU country. They are assisted by about civil servants, most of whom work in Brussels.  The President of the Commission is chosen by EU governments and endorsed by the European Parliament. The other commissioners are nominated by their national governments in consultation with the in-coming President, and must be approved by the Parliament. They do not represent the governments of their home countries. Instead, each of them has responsibility for a particular EU policy area.  The President and members of the Commission are appointed for a period of five years, coinciding with the period for which the European Parliament is elected. 

23 Member states of the EU……..

24 Member states of the EU Austria Belgium Bulgaria Cyprus CzechRepublic
Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Ireland Italy Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Netherlands Poland Portugal Romania Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden United Kingdom

25 Enlargment 1 May 2004 Eight countries of central and eastern Europe — the Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Poland, Slovenia and Slovakia — join the EU, finally ending the division of Europe decided by the Great Powers 60 years earlier at Yalta. Cyprus and Malta also become members. Candidate Countries: Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey.

26 Enlargment 1 January 2007 Two more countries from eastern Europe, Bulgaria and Romania, now join the EU, brining the number of member states to 27 countries. Croatia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Turkey are also candidates for future membership.   Candidate Countries: Croatia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Turkey.


28 Berlin Declaration March, 25° 2007
The shared values of respect for the individual, tolerance, solidarity and equal opportunities are re-affirmed in the Berlin declaration adopted on 25 March. The role of the common market and the euro are also acknowledged for enabling the union to forge economic links and keeping it competitive in the face of globalisation Commission president Barroso praised what the EU has achieved in the last 50 years: "Peace, liberty and prosperity beyond the dreams of even the most optimistic founding father of Europe." German finance minister Peer Steinbrück, Commission president José Manuel Barroso, German federal chancellor Angela Merkel and the president of the EU parliament Hans-Gert Pöttering

29                                             The European Union (EU) is a family of democratic European countries, committed to working together for peace and prosperity. It is not a State intended to replace existing States, nor is it just an organisation for international cooperation.

30 The historical roots of the European Union lie in the Second World War
The historical roots of the European Union lie in the Second World War. The idea was born because Europeans were determined to prevent such killing and destruction ever happening again. Now the EU embraces 27 countries and 490 million people, and it deals with a wide range of issues of direct importance for our everyday life.

31 Europe is a continent with many different traditions and languages, but also with shared values such as democracy, freedom and social justice. The EU defends these values. It fosters cooperation among the peoples of Europe, promoting unity while preserving diversity and ensuring that decisions are taken as close as possible to the citizens.


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