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Bureau of Indian Affairs Western Region 2013 Report of Activities.

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1 Bureau of Indian Affairs Western Region 2013 Report of Activities

2 Work to get Tribal Resolution passed to authorize remaining soil mapping. Complete mapping of BIA Priority Areas so range inventory and planning can continue uninterrupted. Establish ways to receive regular updates on progress of the survey on tribal lands. Work together to document and correct map unit and ecological site discrepancies when discovered by BIA staff in the field. Collaborate on Training needs: NASIS. Soil Data Viewer, etc. Unusual year with sequestration, no travel and the shutdown, but able to accomplish some goals. Competing priorities- 2014-Soil Health ?

3 Plans & Maps for Ag Leases on Quechan and Cocopah Reservations Proposal for soil salinity study at Fort Yuma. BIA-funded range inventories at U & O, (Paul Starkey’s report); others at Hualapai, Hopi in AZ.



6 Rangeland Survey Uintah & Ouray Reservation Utah Cooperative Soil Survey Planning Conference Salt Lake City, UT November 2013

7 BIA Range Inventory Progress

8 How Soil Data is Used Range Unit ID - Tabyago Canyon: Soils Acreage and Description MUSYMEcoclass IDEcoclass NameAcres 7485% R034XY227UTSemidesert Shallow Loam (ARNO4)17272 3870% R034XY118UT, 15% Rock OutcropDesert Shallow Loam (ARNO4)5888 1450% Badland, 35% R034XY225UT, 10% Rock OutcropSemidesert Shallow Loam (ARTRW)5142 1250% Badland, 35% Rock OutcropBadland4343 22850% R034XY334UT, 45% R034XY322UTUplnd Stony Loam (ARTRW), Uplnd Shallow Lm (PJ)4321 8555% R034XY342UT, 40% Rock OutcropUpland Very Steep Shallow Loam (PJ)3715 12650%R034XY206UT, 35%R034XY227UTSmidsrt Grvly Sandy Lm (ARTRW), Smidsrt Shallow Lm (ARNO4)3539 3585% R034XY131UTDesert Shaly Shallow Loam (Spiny Greasebush)745 11385% R034XY006UTAlkali Flat (Greasewood)720 26545% R034XY259UT, 40% Rock OutcropSemidesert Very Steep Shallow Loam (PJ)492 8290% R034XY322UTUpland Shallow Loam (PJ)492 3765% R034XY121UT, 20% Badland, 10% Rock OutcropDesert Shallow Loam (Shadscale)248 17945% R034XY006UT, 40% R034XY009UTAlkali Flat (Greasewood), Loamy Bottom (Basin Big Sage)174 25685% R034XY233UTSemidesert Shallow Loam (PJ)137 4265% R034XY131UT, 20% BadlandDesert Shallow Loam (Shadscale)137 8885% R034XY002UTAlkali Bottom (Alkali Sacaton)111 24285% R034XY006UTAlkali Flat (Greasewood)90 8185% R034XY322UTUpland Shallow Loam (PJ)61 19185% RiverwashMiscellaneous area27 Total 47654

9 Tabyago Canyon Draft Transects

10 Overview of Transect Setup

11 Variety of Range Sites

12 Upper Tabyago Canyon

13 Weaver Reservoir

14 Oak Springs Traffic

15 “No Man’s Land”

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