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The Berlin Wall What was the cause of the Berlin Wall and what was its impact on the Cold War? The Berlin Wall was built to stop East Germans/Berliners.

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Presentation on theme: "The Berlin Wall What was the cause of the Berlin Wall and what was its impact on the Cold War? The Berlin Wall was built to stop East Germans/Berliners."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Berlin Wall What was the cause of the Berlin Wall and what was its impact on the Cold War? The Berlin Wall was built to stop East Germans/Berliners from entering West Berlin The Berlin Wall showed the world how cruel communism could be Became a symbol for death/oppression Became a symbol of government control and loss of freedom for East Germans

2 The Cuban Missile Crisis What were the causes of the Cuban Missile Crisis and what was its outcome? The Soviets placed missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads into Cuba for Cuba’s protection The Cubans needed protection because they feared another US attempt to get rid of Fidel Castro (Bay of Pigs) Kennedy ordered a quarantine of Cuba Soviets removed the missiles from Cuba and stopped sending more The US promised not to invade Cuba and removed US missiles from Turkey

3 Culture of the Cold War Communism versus Capitalism

4 Cold War Culture The Cold War created its own world culture Became a part of almost every cultural aspect in America Attitudes towards: “East vs. West” Music Sports Movies

5 East Versus West “East” refers to anything connected to the Soviet Union or communism “West” refers to anything connected to the U.S. or its allies Americans felt that they were a part of the battle at home Most people carried anti- communist feelings Celebrated anything that honored America and its ideals

6 Music Cold War feelings were evident in American music of the time Lyrics discussed fears of nuclear war… …the “battle” between East and West… …how great America is… …why can’t the world have peace …ending global wars… …even anti-US or anti-Soviet feelings Bob Dylan

7 Sports East versus West was evident in sporting events as well Winning the competition meant our country was better than theirs (vice versa) 1972 Olympic basketball 1972 World Chess 1980 Olympic hockey

8 Movies Hollywood movies used the Cold War theme too Storylines involved: nuclear war worldwide espionage (spying) Soviet invasions of U.S. Even sporting events of “us versus them” feelings

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