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Presentation on theme: "21 st. EMYR HATAY PROGRAMME 02 JUNE 2010 CAPPADOCIA."— Presentation transcript:


2 “HATAY” HATAY(ANTAKYA) A unique cosmopolitan city, along with İskenderun,unlike other cities in Turkey,imposes its importance with its cultural and religious existance. A mosaic of mixed communities of different faiths and denominations co-existing peacefully.

3 “ST.PIERRE CHURCH “ It is a naturel cave with a length of 13 meters,width of 9.5 meters and height of 7 meters.After the death of Jesus Christ,St.Pierre the Apostle, came to the city and preached between the years 29 and 40 AD. The followers of Jesus Christ were first called as ‘’Christian’’ here.Pope Paul IV declared the Church as a place of pilgrimage in 1963. St. Pierre’s Day is annually celebrated on the 29th June.

4 “TİTUS – VESPASİANUS TUNNEL” The tunnel was designed in order to control and prevent flood water from accumulating into the harbor and entering into the city.Its construction had started during the reign of Vespasianus in 69 A.D. It had a length of 1380 meters,height of 7 meters and width of 6 meters.Only 130 meters part of the tunnel was topped with a covering.

5 “ROCK TOMBS” The rock tombs are only 100 meters walk through the gardens from the entrance of the Titus Tunnel facing the sea. They are in the caves carved into rock on a high precipice.

6 “THE HABIB NECCAR MOSQUE”..It was built in 636 when the Muslim Arabs conquered Antakya.It is supposed to be the first mosque in the current borders of Turkey.It bears the name of a martyr who was the first follower of the Apostles in Antakya.

7 “” “ THE CATHOLİC CHURCH ”. The Catholic Church and the catholics have resettled in Antakya after 600 years interval. The firstcomers had constructed a church, later,a monastery was built by the french priests who came to Antakya. Upon the permission given by the Ottoman emperor in 1852, the church was re-built.

8 “ANTAKYA ARCHEOLOGICAL MUSEUM” The second best mosaic museum in the world. Here,mosaic of Okeanos Tethys (god of oceans),which was founded in Daphne ( Harbiye ),dates back to the 4 th century A.D. It depicts gods and goddesses together with marine animals behind.Also, on each corner of the mosaic,Eros is figured on a dolphin.

9 MOSAIC OF PRPHEUS Orpheus is poet and musician of magical music in greek mythology. Found in Tarsus, Mosaic of orpheus is from the 3rd century. It details orpheus sitting on a rock and playing ıyre. The wild animals seem quietly fascinated by the music and the tree on the right bends towards orpheus.

10 HARBİYE (DAPHNE) It is known for the waterfalls formed by the streams which origin from the south of valley and pour into the Asi River. It was a world famous summer resort with recreation areas, kiosks and temples built by the rich. Nowadays,it is a touristic resort famous with silk shops and restaurants.

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