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Daily Art Blurbs High School Sculpture (Starting with #32)

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Presentation on theme: "Daily Art Blurbs High School Sculpture (Starting with #32)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Daily Art Blurbs High School Sculpture (Starting with #32)

2 Daily Art Blurb #32 What is the one main similarity between a Vase and a Cylinder?

3 Daily Art Blurb #33 What do you think of this sculpture create by Damien Hirst?

4 Daily Art Blurb #34 What kind of shape should the inside of a bowl be? Draw me and example of this shape. (Hint: a cylinder can be described as having an inner shape of a square)

5 Daily Art Blurb #35 When trimming your ceramic pottery on the wheel what is one tip you should remember?

6 Daily Art Blurb #36 What is your opinion of the clay so far? Both hand building and wheel throwing.

7 Daily Art Blurb #37 Can find 9 people in this image?

8 Daily Art Blurb #38 Ceramics can be made two ways, can you remember which ones? (Hint: one of them involves lots of people!)

9 Daily Art Blurb #39 Slab building: this is a technique of building ceramic pottery using flat even pieces of clay attached together.

10 Daily Art Blurb #40 When building your slab box, what should you put on the connection where your walls meet to add some extra support?

11 Daily Art Blurb #41 In hand building or in wheel throwing, what tool can you use to smooth out edges and shape a ceramic vessel? Progress/ Classroom management Grade Sketchbook Check today!

12 Sketchbook Check #3 Daily Art Blurbs #32- #41 Ceramics Packet with chart on the front page Coil pot sketches Any other sketches of vases, bowls, and/or slab box

13 Daily Art Blurb #42 Loop, Wire, and Ribbon tool: These tools are handy for trimming greenware and for use in hand building with clay.

14 Daily Art Blurb #43 Needle Tool: These long heavy needles are one of the most versatile tools in pottery. Just a few of their uses are trimming the top edges of ware while on the wheel and for scoring slabs and coils when hand building.

15 Daily Art Blurb #44 Wooden Modeling Tools: Wooden modeling tools come in a variety of shapes, useful in all sorts of hand building. The triangular-headed varieties are also excellent trimming tools while throwing on the wheel.

16 Daily Art Blurb #45 When glaze your ceramic pottery, how much space should you leave at the bottom of your pot? Why do you have to do this?

17 Daily Art Blurb #46 How does the glaze become a completely different color in the kiln than when it is painted onto the pot?

18 Daily Art Blurb #47 How many coats of glaze do you apply to a ceramic vessel? Why?

19 Daily Art Blurb #48 What do you think of this ceramic piece to the right? How do you think it was made?

20 Daily Art Blurb #49 So far we have used wire, plaster, foil relief, and clay. What is something that you would like to work with next? Today: Get pottery projects! Reflection over ceramics New project!

21 Pottery Reflection Which project do you feel like was your best and why? (cylinders, vases, bowls, enclosed form, coil pot, slab box) Which project did you enjoy the most? (This may not be the one you did the best on!) If you could do one more project with clay, what would it be? (Hand building? Wheel throwing? Both? Jar? Gargoyle? Different glaze?) What is one thing that you think you could improve on when working with clay?

22 Daily Art Blurb #50 Glassblowing: a glass forming technique that involves inflating the molten glass into a bubble, or parison, with the aid of the blowpipe, or blow tube.

23 Daily Art Blurb #51 Describe Dale Chihuly in 3 sentences.

24 Daily Art Blurb #52 What elements and principles of design do you see in the blown glass pieces to the right?

25 Daily Art Blurb #53 Blowpipe – A steel pipe with a air passage way throughout it’s entire length. One end has the mouthpiece and the other has the larger built up area for the molten glass to gather and blow the bubble on.

26 Daily Art Blurb #54 Gaffer - The senior member of the blowing team in charge of the entire production of a project. Sketchbook Check!

27 Daily Art Blurbs #42- #54 Pottery Reflection Dale Chihuly Discovery Activity

28 Daily Art Blurb #55 Blocker – The glass worker that actually “blows” the first bubble through the blowpipe and then subsequently transfers that blow-pipe to the Gaffer.

29 Daily Art Blurb #56 In your opinion, where does art belong?

30 Daily Art Blurb #57 Altered Art: art that gives new artistic life to old and/or used mundane items through the application of techniques and combinations. The result may serve both a functional purpose as well as a creative and artistic piece.

31 Daily Art Blurb #58 What do you think of this piece of artwork? Why?

32 Daily Art Blurb #59 What purpose does altered art serve?

33 Daily Art Blurb #60 Flashback: How dry does your clay need to be to trim the foot?

34 Daily Art Blurb #61 Flashback: The senior member of a glass blowing team is called what?

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