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Presentation on theme: "Development Management Department 1 of 49 ENERGY EFFICIENCY NATIONAL BUILDING REGULATIONS."— Presentation transcript:


2 Development Management Department 2 of 49 EE – NBR BACKGROUND EE - NBR

3 Development Management Department 3 of 49 EE – NBR National Energy Efficiency Strategy of the Republic of South Africa March 2005 ( Reviewed 2008 / 2011 ) EE - NBR

4 Development Management Department 4 of 49 EE – NBR OBJECTIVES ● Develop and implement energy efficiency practices in SA ● Contribute to affordable energy for all ● Minimise the negative effects of energy usage upon ● human health and the environment ● Set a national target for energy efficiency improvement ● [ 12% by 2015 ] ● Cover all energy-using sectors EE - NBR

5 Development Management Department 5 of 49 EE – NBR ACHIEVED THROUGH ● Economic and legislative means ● Efficiency labelling ● Performance standards ● Energy management ● Energy auditing ● Promote efficiency practices National Building Regulations and Building Standards Act (Act No. 103 of 1977) SANS 10400-XA SANS 204 SANS 10252 EE - NBR

6 Development Management Department 6 of 49 EE – NBR ENERGY USAGE SECTORS ● Industry and Mining ● Commercial and Public Buildings ● Residential ● Transport EE - NBR

7 Development Management Department 7 of 49 EE – NBR EE - NBR

8 Development Management Department 8 of 49 EE – NBR National Building Regulations and Building Standards Act No. 103 of 1977 EE - NBR

9 Development Management Department 9 of 49 EE – NBR 09 November 2011 EE - NBR

10 Development Management Department 10 of 49 EE – NBR Part X: Environmental sustainability XA: Energy usage in buildings EE - NBR

11 Development Management Department 11 of 49 EE – NBR XA: Energy usage in buildings XA1 ● To contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gases – buildings, and – extensions to buildings of occupancy classifications... EE - NBR

12 Development Management Department 12 of 49 EE – NBR ● A1 - Entertainment and public assembly ● A2 - Theatrical and indoor sport ● A3 - Places of instruction ● A4 - Worship ● C1 - Exhibition hall ● C2 - Museum ● E1 - Place of detention ● E2 - Hospital ● E3 - Other institutional (residential) ● E4 - Health care ● F1 - Large shop ● F2 - Small shop ● F3 - Wholesaler's store ● G1 - Offices ● H1 - Hotel ● H2 - Dormitory ● H3 - Domestic residence ● H4 - Dwelling house ● H5 - Hospitality excluding: garage and storage areas contained within such occupancies Not covered by NBR Part X A5 - Outdoor sport B1 - High risk commercial service B2 - Moderate risk commercial service B3 - Low risk commercial service D1 - High risk industrial D2 - Moderate risk industrial D3 - Low risk industrial D4 - Plant room EE - NBR

13 Development Management Department 13 of 49 EE – NBR shall be designed and constructed so that they... EE - NBR

14 Development Management Department 14 of 49 EE – NBR (a) ● use energy efficiently in relation to: – vertical transport; – thermal comfort; – lighting; and – hot water; or... EE - NBR

15 Development Management Department 15 of 49 EE – NBR (b) ● have: – building envelope; and – services which facilitate efficient use of energy appropriate to their: ● function and use, ● internal environment; and ● geographical location. EE - NBR

16 Development Management Department 16 of 49 EE – NBR EE - NBR

17 Development Management Department 17 of 49 EE – NBR EE - NBR 13 Climatic Zones

18 Development Management Department 18 of 49 EE – NBR EE - NBR 8 Climatic Zones

19 Development Management Department 19 of 49 EE – NBR Equipment and plant for conducting business – excluded. EE - NBR

20 Development Management Department 20 of 49 EE – NBR XA2 ● At least 50% annual average hot water heating shall be: – by means other than electrical resistance heating ● including but not limited to: – solar heating; – heat pumps; – heat recovery systems / processes; and – renewable combustible fuel. (volume fraction) calculated in accordance with SANS 10252-1 EE - NBR

21 Development Management Department 21 of 49 EE – NBR XA3 ● XA1 shall be deemed satisfied when: – building is: ● designed; and ● constructed in accordance with - EE - NBR

22 Development Management Department 22 of 49 EE – NBR (a) ● SANS 10400-XA requirements for: – orientation; – shading; – services; and – building envelope; or... EE - NBR

23 Development Management Department 23 of 49 EE – NBR (b) ● rational design prepared by competent person: – which demonstrates that energy usage of building is: ● equivalent to; or ● better than; that which would be achieved by compliance with SANS 10400 XA, or... EE - NBR

24 Development Management Department 24 of 49 EE – NBR (c) ● theoretical energy usage performance, – less than; or – equal to; a reference building in compliance with SANS 10400-XA : ( using certified thermal calculation software ) certified thermal calculation software software certified by Agrément SA, in terms of Agrément SA Energy Software Protocols EE - NBR - BSIMAC (Version 9) Building Energy Analysis Software - DesignBuilder (Version 3.1) Building Energy Analysis Software - IES Virtual Environment Software (Version VE 2013) - StarFront Software for designing compliant aluminium windows and doors

25 Development Management Department 25 of 49 EE – NBR SANS 10400-XA EE - NBR

26 Development Management Department 26 of 49 EE – NBR (a)Functional regulations of part XA of NBR satisfied where: ● competent person certifies building as having: – theoretical annual energy consumption; and – theoretical annual energy demand less than or equal to collected data tabled ● A1, A2, A3, A4, F1, G1, or H1, ● (excluding garage and storage areas), or... A1 - Entertainment and public assembly A2 - Theatrical and indoor sport A3 - Places of instruction A4 – Worship F1 - Large shop G1 – Offices H1 - Hotel EE - NBR

27 Development Management Department 27 of 49 EE – NBR EE - NBR

28 Development Management Department 28 of 49 EE – NBR (b)Functional regulations of part XA of NBR satisfied where: ● building: – orientation; – shading; – external walls; – fenestration; – roof assembly construction; – in-slab heating installation; – services that use energy or control the use of energy: ● heating, air conditioning and mechanical ventilation; – hot water system is in accordance with requirements of SANS XA & 204 EE - NBR

29 Development Management Department 29 of 49 EE – NBR ● A1 - Entertainment and public assembly ● A2 - Theatrical and indoor sport ● A3 - Places of instruction ● A4 - Worship ● C1 - Exhibition hall ● C2 - Museum ● E1 - Place of detention ● E2 - Hospital ● E3 - Other institutional (residential) ● E4 - Health care ● F1 - Large shop ● F2 - Small shop ● F3 - Wholesaler's store ● G1 - Offices ● H1 - Hotel ● H2 - Dormitory ● H3 - Domestic residence ● H4 - Dwelling house ● H5 - Hospitality EE - NBR

30 Development Management Department 30 of 49 EE – NBR (c)Functional regulations of part XA of NBR satisfied where: ● competent person certifies building as having: – theoretical annual energy consumption; and – theoretical annual energy demand less than or equal to reference building complying with (b) EE - NBR


32 Development Management Department 32 of 49 EE – NBR AZ4 Complying with the requirements of the National Building Regulations (1) National Building Regulations shall be complied with by: (a) adhering to all prescriptive regulations; and (b) satisfying all functional regulations by: (i) adopting solutions that comply with SANS 10400; or (ii) rational design / assessment having equivalent / superior performance to solution complying with SANS 10400. EE - NBR

33 Development Management Department 33 of 49 EE – NBR PART A - ADMINISTRATION A1 APPLICATION (1) Designing, planning and the supervision of the erection of any building or subject to the provisions of any law in terms of which the person undertaking such required to be registered in terms of the Architectural Profession Act, 2000, Engineering Profession Act, 2000,…, or any other relevant Act. EE - NBR

34 Development Management Department 34 of 49 EE – NBR A2 PLANS AND PARTICULARS TO BE FURNISHED (1) Any person intending to erect any building shall submit to the local authority the following plans and particulars, together with the application:... (g) a declaration by a person registered in a professional category of Form 1 contained in SANS 10400-A as to how the applicable functional regulations shall be satisfied; EE - NBR

35 Development Management Department 35 of 49 EE – NBR DECLARATION FORM EE - NBR

36 Development Management Department 36 of 49 EE – NBR Identify the applicability of the Regulation i.t.o the proposal. Do NOT leave blank or tick both. FORM 1 EE - NBR

37 Development Management Department 37 of 49 EE – NBR FORM 1 Competent person is as defined in the related SANS 10400 code and are function specific. Name of person to be appointed to be identified, not name of business representing EE - NBR

38 Development Management Department 38 of 49 EE – NBR FORM 2 Owner and competent person both initial confirming the work the competent person is responsible for and for which certification will be required on completion of the building. Such being necessary prior to applying for a Certificate of Occupation from the local authority. The applicable duty is determined by that identified in Schedule B of Form 1. EE - NBR

39 Development Management Department 39 of 49 EE – NBR The acceptance of a competent person by a local authority is application specific and forms part of the approval of an application. FORM 2 Aspects the local authority must consider when considering the acceptability of a competent person i.t.o the work for which appointed Acceptability or Not of competent person to be endorsed by the local authority on consideration of the application EE - NBR

40 Development Management Department 40 of 49 EE – NBR EE - NBR

41 Development Management Department 41 of 49 EE – NBR Competent person to identify the aspect/s for which the “Certificate of Completion” is being issued Certificate of Completion is issued i.t.o an “APPROVAL” granted by the local authority. Certificate of Completion cannot be issued i.t.o work for which no approval has been granted or which deviates from an approval granted (unauthorised work ?) EE - NBR


43 Development Management Department 43 of 49 EE – NBR VARIANCE FROM APPROVAL IMPLICATIONS EE - NBR

44 Development Management Department 44 of 49 EE – NBR BUILDING APPLICATION APPROVAL ● Based on: – Application & supporting documentation; – Declaration by Appointed Registered Professional; – Building Plans – NBR compliance EE - NBR

45 Development Management Department 45 of 49 EE – NBR DEVIATION FROM APPROVAL ● Results in: – Building Plan approval no longer being valid; – Declaration by Registered Professional being voided; – NBR compliance may no longer be possible. Minor changes may have major impact on Energy Efficiency compliance achieved by original design solution EE - NBR

46 Development Management Department 46 of 49 EE – NBR Requirement for Water Layouts SANS 10252-1 EE - NBR

47 Development Management Department 47 of 49 EE – NBR Water Services Act No. 108 of 1997 Regulations Relating to Compulsory National Standards and Measures to Conserve Water R 509 of 8 June 2001 EE - NBR

48 Development Management Department 48 of 49 EE – NBR Consumer installations other than meters 14. Every consumer installation must comply with - SABS 0252: Water Supply and Drainage for Buildings and - SABS 0254: The Installation of Fixed Electric Storage Water Heating Systems, or any similar substituting re-enactment or amendment thereof if the consumer installation is of a type regulated by either standard. EE - NBR Read as: SANS 10252 – 1 & 2 and SANS 10254

49 Development Management Department 49 of 49 EE – NBR SANS 10400-XA 4.1.1 To comply with regulation XA2 : (a)volume of annual average hot water heating requirements shall be calculated i.t.o tables 2 and 5 of SANS 10252-1; and (b) if solar water heating systems are used, these shall comply with SANS 1307, SANS 10106, SANS 10254 and SANS 10252-1. EE - NBR

50 Development Management Department 50 of 49 EE – NBR QUESTIONS ?? EE - NBR

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