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1 HIGH CAPACITY PBX SYSTEM - MAINTENANCE -. 2 PURPOSE Purpose of this presentation is to give idea about the maintenance and programming of DS200L system.

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2 2 PURPOSE Purpose of this presentation is to give idea about the maintenance and programming of DS200L system.



5 5 Settings in Windows PC In Windows PC, a folder named karel is created. Then under karel directory, folders etc, karel_bin, karel_home_conf and karel_sbin are created. Then bash.bashrc.local file is copied under etc folder. The master software z_new_x.rpm is copied under karel_bin folder. dsinit.conf and pbxcomm.conf files are copied under karel_home_conf folder. arpsave,check, dsinit, dslog, start, stop files are copied under karel_sbin folder.

6 6 Now we are ready to implement the process in Linux PC ( PCU200 ) by using the WinSCP Program...

7 7 USING WINSCP PROGRAM AFTER INSTALLATION The master software (software of the Linux PC) of the system is loaded by using the program WinSCP. First, the program WinSCP is installed on the Windows-based PC that is on the same network, Then the Linux PC is accessed through the program WinSCP. IMPORTANT: Necessary files are supposed to be copied to particular folders in the Linux PC. *** If those files are copied to wrong locations or some files are missing, then the DS200L system fails to operate.

8 8 WINSCP ► After the installation of the program WinSCP is over, the following window appears. The IP address of the Linux PC is typed as the Hostname. The username and the password are entered. Username: root Password: ds200L

9 9 ► Those settings are saved with a specific name by clicking the “Login” icon. WINSCP

10 10 ► The left half of the window that opens shows the folders on the Windows PC, while the right half displays the ones on the Linux PC ( PCU200 ). WINSCP

11 11 First operation to do in WinSCP The folders created in Windows PC ( karel_bin, karel_sbin,...) are copied to the Linux PC one by one. Then r-w-x ( read-write-execute ) authorities of regarding folders are checked and set by right- clicking.

12 12 ► The etc folder under the master directory that has been created on the Windows PC is accessed. WINSCP

13 13 ► The file bash.bashrc.local, which is under the etc folder in Windows PC is copied to the etc folder in the Linux PC. WINSCP

14 14 Under etc folder in Linux PC, the file “ hosts “ is double clicked. WINSCP

15 15 In the hosts file, IP address of the redundant PCU is entered which corresponds to X2. WINSCP

16 16 ► The master software that is to be loaded is copied to the karel/bin folder on the Windows PC which is at the left side of the figure below. Then this master software is copied to the karel/bin folder on the PCU200 which is at the right side of the figure below. As the figure below shows, there may be several master programs under the karel/bin folder. WINSCP- Loading Master Software

17 17 After copying the new master software to the PCU200 side, in the cd/karel/bin prompt the command “ rpm –ivh –force z_new_23.rpm “ is entered.  This command automatically upgrades the master software in dsinit.conf file. *** After this command the system should be stopped using the stop command. WINSCP- Loading Master Software

18 18 > We can check the files in karel/bin folder by the command ls and verify the new software exists. > check z_new_x command makes the setting of r-w-x authorities of new master software. *** After this command the system should be started using the start command. WINSCP- Loading Master Software

19 19 ► The master software that is to run on the system can be checked by right clicking the file karel/home/conf/ dsinit.conf and selecting “Edit” in the menu. NOTE: Same operation can also be done by the command mcedit dsinit.conf in the karel/home/conf command line of the SSH Secure Shell program. WINSCP- Loading Master Software

20 20 ► Once the file karel/home/conf/dsinit.conf is accessed, the master program to run on the system can be checked through the VERSION parameter. WINSCP- Loading Master Software

21 21 ► Then, read, write and execute (r-w-x) permissions of the files are set by the command check z_new_x of the SSH Secure Shell program. ► After the loading has been completed, the exchange is initiated by the start command of the SSH Secure Shell program. WINSCP- Loading Master Software

22 22 UPDATING THE MASTER SOFTWARE OF THE SYSTEM ► When updating the master software, there is no need to copy the file bash.bashrc.local, which is under the folder etc, to the Linux PC, as performed during the loading of the master software for the first time. ► The procedure to be followed afterwards is the same as the one that is followed when loading the master software.


24 24 STEPS AFTER THE INSTALLATION 1) The SSH Secure Shell program is used to manage the system and to access master and slave Linux PCs (PCU200) in the DS200L system. The default window that opens after the program is loaded is shown below.

25 25 SSH SECURE SHELL 2) It is possible to define new profiles through that window. Master and slave Linux PCs can be defined by this way. That would make later connections easier.

26 26 3) Define the Master PC, that is, the PCU200 running in the system. SSH SECURE SHELL

27 27 4) Edit the profile settings by selecting Profiles/ Edit Profiles in the menu. SSH SECURE SHELL

28 28 5) Enter the IP address of the Master PC into the Host Name box. The necessary settings are completed by typing root in the UserName box. SSH SECURE SHELL

29 29 6) Make the connection to the Master PC by selecting Profiles/ Master. SSH SECURE SHELL

30 30 7) Enter ds200L as the password. SSH SECURE SHELL

31 31 8) Proceed to the root line, as shown below. SSH SECURE SHELL


33 33 COMMANDS 9) The DS200L system is halted by the command stop. On the other hand, the system is powered OFF and then ON again upon the command start, so that the system resarts.

34 34 10 ) As shown below, the master software of the system can be viewed and changed in the file dsinit.conf that is accessed through the command mcedit dsinit.conf. COMMANDS

35 35 The parameter VERSION specifies the master software that is to run on the DS200L system. dsinit.conf

36 36 11) As shown below, IP connections of the system is checked through the file pbxcomm.conf that is accessed through the command mcedit pbxcomm.conf. COMMANDS

37 37 Connections of the system with towers (cc) and the DCC block (dcc) can be checked and changed within the file pbxcomm.conf. The order of towers are automatically determined by the system with respect to the order each of them is typed, i.e., the tower that is typed first is automatically defined by the system as the first tower, and so on. pbxcomm.conf

38 38 When any of the towers is reset, connection to that tower is automatically established. When a new tower is identified to the system, a connection is established if the IP address of the tower is present in the file pbxcomm.conf. pbxcomm.conf

39 39 NOTE: Those IP addresses can also be identified to the system by right clicking the file pbxcomm.conf in WinSCP and selecting the Edit option. pbxcomm.conf

40 40 12) Times when the system was shut down or powered ON, locations The system has established connection, and some version information can be viewed through the command dslog. The log information is displayed page by page for convenience, by the command dslog |more. COMMANDS

41 41 13) The command date allows the system time to be displayed and date –s xx:yy allows it to be changed. COMMANDS

42 42 14) The command ifconfig of the program SSH Secure Shell is used to change the IP addresses of the master and slave PCU200s when needed. After typing the command ifconfig and pressing the Enter key, the Ethernet devices that have been defined on the PCU200 are displayed. New IP address of the desired Ethernet device is typed through the command ifconfig. COMMANDS

43 43 15 ) Set the read, write and execute (r-w-x) permissions of the files through the command check r_aca_x. COMMANDS

44 44 16) IP and MAC addresses of the LAN Adaptor cards in TW200 towers have been registered in the file arpsave. Content of the arpsave file can be displayed through the command mcedit arpsave. COMMANDS

45 45 arpsave NOTE: Content of the file arpsave also can be displayed by clicking it in the program WinSCP and selecting “Edit” option.

46 46 17) The command dslog tar allows the system log files (curr.log, prev.log, etc.) in the Linux PC to be zipped and converted into files with.rar extension. The file that is created under the folder karel/ home/ sbin would suffice when the log file is requested by the system. COMMANDS


48 48 IDEA – DS200L Connection IP address of the active PCU200 computer at that time is typed in the “NetConsole Server” tab in IDEA to establish a connection.

49 49 After the connection with the IDEA of DS200L system is established, Configuration window shown below can be displayed. Several parameters of the DS200L system can be set. IDEA – DS200L Conneciton


51 51 IDEA – DCC Connection Type the IP address of DCC ( means IP address of the DCC UTIL Card ) in the “ DCC Connection ” tab in IDEA to establish a connection. After the connection with the IDEA of DCC and DCC rack is established, several parameters are set.


53 53 DCC CONFIGURATION ► The E1 ports that have been labeled green in this window are the ports over which the connection to the UTIL-4E1 cards and the towers are made. In this window, hardware and software versions of any 8E1 card is displayed, if the mouse cursor rests on the card for a while.


55 55 ► This window shows the 8E1 cards that have been installed in DCC slots, and the towers they have been connected to. ► For instance, regarding the E1 No row in the figure above, the first E1 port of the 8E1 card - that is in the slot 0 of the DCC Card - is in connection with the E1 port 0 of the first rack of the first tower. E1 LINE INFORMATION

56 56 The relay row indicates whether there is any problem with the relay of that E1 port. The SYNC row indicates whether there is synchronization problem with the pertaining E1 port. Green color signifies that synchronization has been maintained. The external clock row indicates the ports over which the external clock signal of the system is received.  When you click the EXCLK cells of the ports, over which you wish the external clock to be received they are labeled blue.  The port over which the external clock signal is currently being received appears in dark blue. In case any problem with a port occurs, over which the external clock is received, the system automatically starts to receive the external clock signal over another port that has been labeled blue, so that continuous reception of the system clock is maintained. E1 LINE INFORMATION

57 57 The SLIP rate row values are supposed to be 0 for normal operation of the system. Any value that is different from 0 indicates that there is problem with cabling or connection. In case there is problem with the 2 Mbit connection, the Local Loopback row indicates that the problem originates from the pertaining port. That test has been explained in the BERT window. E1 LINE INFORMATION

58 58 BUSYNESS Statuses Of Channels ► This window displays the busyness statuses of 32 channels on the ports of 8E1 cards. The first channels of the ports have been marked as SYNC. The channels which are assigned as LINK are continuously in BUSY status.

59 59 BERT (BIT ERROR RATE TEST) BERT is performed in order to see if there is problem with a line or cabling. The test can be based on lines or channels. ► In order to carry out the test, first of all, the desired line is supposed to be put into blue LOCL mode by right clicking it on the Local Loopback row.

60 60 BERT NOTE: The BERT can also be performed with a short cable, without the loopback Operation. Attach a short cable to the desired port, connect the other end of the cable so as Rx1 and Rx2 match with Tx1 and Tx2, respectively, and follow the procedure below. ► Then, access the BERT tab and perform the test on the line that has been selected for Loopback. The duration of the test can be set, as shown in the figure below.

61 61 BERT ► Number of errors occurred on the tested lines and error percentages are displayed as shown in the figure below. NOTE: The LINK channel must not be tested,or that causes link to be broken.

62 62 CONSOLE ► Type the command help in this window and press ENTER to see on the screen the commands that can be used in the window, together with their meanings. The operations that are performed in this window can also be performed by connecting to the DCC_Console through HyperTerminal.

63 63 VIRTUAL TOWER ► This window is used only for Public Switch Systems.


65 65 PLL (PHASE-LOCKED LOOP) STATUS The PLL block is on the DCC Utility card. Synchronization with the external clock signal received from the 8E1 lines can be maintained by PLL. This window is for display purposes only; values of parameters cannot be changed. ► It is essential to make sure that PLL state appears to be “Locked” in this window, because it indicates that the clock is active. ► The PLL Mode, Reference Clock Input and Phase Continuity Control (PCC) values are supposed to be as shown in the figure.

66 66 CADENCE ► This window is also used only for Public Switch Systems.

67 67 DATE / TIME ► Date and time parameters of DCC can be set through this window. Synchronization with the PC clock is also possible.

68 68 NON-VOLATILE MEMORY OPERATIONS ► Operations that pertain to non-volatile memory are performed through this window. Any change that has been made is supposed to be written to the non-volatile memory to be permanent.

69 69 HOW TO LOAD CARD SOFTWARE ► DCC 8E1 card software is loaded through this window. That operation can also be performed over an ftp connection.

70 70 SECURITY OPERATIONS - Users ► Users with different authorization levels in IDEA can be defined through this window.

71 71 SECURITY OPERATIONS – Changing Password ► The password required for logging in to DCC IDEA can be changed.

72 72 SECURITY OPERATIONS – OPERATION TRACKING RECORDS ► Operations that have been performed in the system can be tracked through this window.

73 73 SETTINGS - Operation Tracking ► Through this window, it is determined whether operation tracking will be active or not, and the number of records to be kept in the log file is set.

74 74 SETTINGS – Log File ► Log information pertaining to DCC communication can be recorded through this window. Size of that log file can be adjusted. The log information that is received by connecting to DCC through HyperTerminal would be more detailed.

75 75 How To Backup DCC-IDEA ► Since it is not possible to backup DCC-IDEA in usual way, some necessary Files pertaining to DCC are stored in the file idea.ini that is under the directory etc. ► If the MDT software is later updated, then it would be useful for creating backup. Before updating MTD, access the directory etc through ftp and save the backup file idea.ini to somewhere else. After loading is complete, copy the file to the pertaining folder, so that data has previously been stored is preserved.


77 77 1. CONVERSION OF CPU200 TO CC200 If the entire software of the CPU Module is to be loaded for the first time, then it should be loaded over the JTAG card through the serial port. The COM2 port on the CPUKON card can be employed for performing later updates.

78 78 ► The software to be updated is loaded by the commands below, in the specified order. C:/DS200LPRG> wbcpv54 upd300.bin com1: C:/DS200LPRG> wbcpv54 kiosv5a.bin com1: C:/DS200LPRG> wbcpv54 dbgauto2.bin com1: C:/DS200LPRG> wbcpv54 d240407.bin com1: C:/DS200LPRG> wbcpv54 aak4.rbf com1: 0xfffe0000 1. CONVERSION OF CPU200 TO CC200

79 79 2. CONVERSION OF CC200 TO CPU200 Conversion can be carried out through the commands below, just like loading the master software of DS200. ► The following operations are performed in the specified order by using the MS_DOS command line: C:DS200PRG:> wbcpv53 kiosv53.bin com1: 0xfffc000 (ENTER > POWER ON) [This operation makes use of the COM2 port (the K2 connector) on the CPUKON Card. The other operations are carried out over COM1 port ( the K7 connector).]

80 80 C:DS200PRG:> wbcpv54 FORMAT com1: (ENTER >POWER ON) C:DS200PRG:> wbcpv54 updnew.bin com1: f v (ENTER > POWER ON) C:DS200PRG:> wbcpv54 aag.rbf com1: 0xfffe0000 (ENTER > POWER ON) C:DS200PRG:> wbcpv54 z_adc_15.bin com1: f v (ENTER > POWER ON) 2. CONVERSION OF CC200 TO CPU200


82 82 LAN Adaptor Card IP Definition *** Defining IP address for LAN Adaptor Card by code from the operator telephone is not possible in DS200L system. ● A separate IP number must be defined for each LAN Adaptor card in each TW200 tower as default. ● If the IP address of a DS200L LAN adaptor card is unknown, or if no IP address has been defined for the card, then follow the procedure below: 1)Load the specially designed software lands300_hex to the EPROM that is On the LAN Adaptor card, with an EPROM programmer. Plug that EPROM in the card and turn on the system. The IP address of the LAN Adaptor card is assigned as when the exchange starts up with that software. NOTE: During copying software to EPROM, adres definition should be entered between the range 60000-7FFFF.

83 83 LAN Adaptor Card IP Definition 2) Check through the command ping in the MSDOS command line on the computer whether the LAN adaptor card is accessible or not. 3) Enter the IP address in the program KNE to establish a connection and this IP address is written to the memory. 4) Note down the MAC address of the LAN Adaptor card; it is already available on the card’s label. 5) Change the IP address of the LAN Adaptor card to a desired value.

84 84 6) Let us suppose the new IP address is and the MAC address of the LAN Adaptor card is 00:08:D1:02:08:F3. Type in the MSDOS command line of the maintenance computer the command “ arp –s 00-08-D1-02-08-F3 ” and press the ENTER key, So that the LAN Adaptor card is identified to the system. 7) Cut off the power to the TW200 tower. 8) Load the DS200L LAN Adaptor software to the EPROM and then plug that EPROM into the card. 9) Power on the TW200 tower. Check whether a connection with the tower can be established or not. LAN Adaptor Card IP Definition

85 85 ● If the IP address of a DS200L LAN adaptor card is known or defined, then follow the procedure below: ( Step 6 will be enough ) 6) Let us suppose the new IP address is and the MAC address of the LAN Adaptor card is 00:08:D1:02:08:F3. Type in the MSDOS command line of the maintenance computer the command “ arp –s 00-08-D1-02-08-F3 ” and press the ENTER key, So that the LAN Adaptor card is identified to the system. LAN Adaptor Card IP Definition


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