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S. Rinelli 1, A. Spadafranca 1, G. Alicandro 1, G. Fiorillo 1, M. Cocucci 2, S. Bertoli 1, A. Battezzati 1 1)INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR THE ASSESSMENT OF.

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Presentation on theme: "S. Rinelli 1, A. Spadafranca 1, G. Alicandro 1, G. Fiorillo 1, M. Cocucci 2, S. Bertoli 1, A. Battezzati 1 1)INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR THE ASSESSMENT OF."— Presentation transcript:

1 S. Rinelli 1, A. Spadafranca 1, G. Alicandro 1, G. Fiorillo 1, M. Cocucci 2, S. Bertoli 1, A. Battezzati 1 1)INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR THE ASSESSMENT OF NUTRITIONAL STATUS (ICANS), UNIVERSITY OF MILAN, ITALY 2) DIPARTIMENTO DI PRODUZIONE VEGETALE (Di.Pro.Ve), UNIVERSITY OF MILAN, ITALY SA and FA are normal human serum components provided in measurable amounts by fruit consumption. Components different from the bare macronutrients are able to modulate the metabolic and inflammatory responses after fruit ingestion with a reduced glucose, free fatty acids and IL-6 response. Body composition of volunteers (mean±SD) Age (years) Weight (kg) BMI (kg/m 2 ) Body fat (%) 23,68 ± 2,5364,96 ± 10,0122,16 ± 2,66 23±7,13 RESULTS: INTRODUCTION: Fruit and vegetables provide measurable amounts of bioactive compounds., that are often secondary metabolites of plants where they exert hormonal and defensive activity. In vivo several phytochemicals show healthy properties, like antioxidant or anti-inflammatory compounds, or inducing cell apoptosis. Anti-inflammatory effect by: reversible inhibition of COX-1 enzyme; inhibition of COX-2 gene transcription; inhibition of NF-κB activation. In vegetarians blood levels of salicylic acid are generally higher than non-vegetarians, with concentrations that may overlap with those of people who take 75mg/die of Aspirin. A normal diet provides 0-7 mg/die of total salicylates. Circulating SA was related to fruit and vegetables consumption in healthy subjects. Relationship between intake of fruit and vegetables on the last day and salicylic acid (SA) serum in thirty-six healthy subjects not taking Aspirin (Spadafranca et. al, 2007) Aspirin after deacetylation (2-hydroxybenzoic acid) Circulating Salicylic acid (SA) Ferulic acid (FA) (4-Hydroxy-3-methoxycinnamic acid) In plants, the 95% of total FA is esterified to form lignin conferring the rigidity to the vegetal cell wall. People can take from 80 mg to 160 mg of ferulic acid per meal depending on the amount of fruit and vegetables consumed Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties: Radical scavenger activity, stabilizing the phenoxyl radical intermediate and terminating the free radical chain reaction; Inhibition of endothelial and inducible NOS (iNOS) in mouse. Food is a complex mixture of macro and micronutrients that interact with human body producing specific metabolic and inflammatory responses relevant to health status. A chronic systemic inflammation is reported to be involved in atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, diabetes and the metabolic syndrome. Evidences suggest that elevated levels of circulating pro-inflammatory markers (interleukin 6, C- reactive protein and tumor necrosis factor alpha) are risk factors for many chronic diseases. Several studies, that have examined the association between dietary patterns and systemic inflammation, suggest that food choices play an important role. Food not allowed on the evening before the test because of sources of salicylates and ferulates FoodBeverage fresh and processed fruit mousse, yoghurt, ice cream jam, marmalade, chocolate fresh and processed vegetables pizza, herbs and spices fresh and processed cereals juices, nectars alcoholics tea, herbal teas coffee CONCLUSION: PEACH composition humidity (%) fructose (%) sucrose (%) glucose (%) protein (%) ashes (%) fiber (%) salicylic acid (mg/kg) ferulic acid (mg/kg) polyphenols (mg/kg) catechins (mg/kg) 87,820,947,670,850,750,360,610,410,35647,6284,60 We hypothesized that fruit meals provide measurable amounts of the anti-inflammatory compounds salicylic (SA) and ferulic acids (FA) and produce different metabolic, endocrine and inflammatory responses compared to the bare fruit macronutrients. In this study we want also to evaluate the effects of a dietary intervention based on a fruit meal on the kinetics SA and FA in blood. AIM OF THE STUDY: Serum concentrations of SA and FA were determined by a high selectivity and sensibility method, suitable to detect in concentrations found in aspirin-free persons, using stable isotope dilution and GC-MS. Deuterated internal standards of SA (d4-SA, M/Z 313) and FA (d3-FA, M/Z 368) were used. (Spadafranca et al.,2006) GC-MS determination of Salicylic acid (M/Z 309/313) GC-MS determination of Ferulic acid (M/Z 365/368) METHODS: 26 healthy fasting and post-absorptive subjects (13 males and 13 females) received 2 meals in different days: 0.7 g/kg of total sugars per meal: homemade peach homogenized (PEACH): 0.94% fructose, 0.85% glucose, 7.67% sucrose; isoglucidic sugar solution (MIX); In the following 3 hours we measured circulating salicylic and ferulic acids, glucose, insulin, lipids, adiponectin, C-reactive protein and Interleukine-6 (IL-6) concentrations. Basal SA concentrations was 0.17±0.03 μmol/L. After fruit ingestion SA doubled by 30 minute and peaked at 0,25±0,03 μmol/L at 90 minutes (p<0.01). Two hours after meal ingestion SA levels tend to reduce but remained above baseline after 3 hours (p<0.01). SA mean percentage cheangecirculating SA after fruit ingestion Basal FA was 26,63±3,67 nmol/L. After fruit meal FA peaked at 30 minutes (35,50±7,13 nmol/L) and 90 minutes (36,58±3,98 nmol/L) and thereafter FA tends to fall by up to baseline. circulating FA after fruit ingestion glycemia mean percentage cheange Glucose increased less rapidly with PEACH than MIX (+11±1 vs +33±5 mg/dL at 15 minutes, p<0.01) and showed a similar profile thereafter. post-prandial glycemia Free fatty acids were more suppressed after PEACH ingestion than MIX (-71,9% vs -53,21%, p<0,01) in the first two hours. After 180 minutes FFA increased significantly (p<0,01) with the MIX reaching concentrations of 40% higher than baseline. p<0,01 FFA mean percentage cheange p<0,01 Baseline level of IL-6 was 1,6 pg/mL. After first hour IL-6 concentration tended to increased both PEACH and MIX, tendentially more with MIX (p<0,05) reaching concentrations of 10,50±2,81 pg/mL than 5,89±1,33 of PEACH. IL-6 mean percentage cheangecirculating IL-6 After meals ingestion insulin peaked at 30 minutes both with PEACH (13,46±1,46) and MIX (43,77±5,88). In the last two hours insulinemia decreased less rapidly with PEACH than MIX.

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