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Children’s Well-Being in Germany Results of the “LBS-Kinderbarometer Deutschland” Dipl.-Psych. Kathrin Müthing PROKIDS – PROSOZ Institute for Social Research.

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Presentation on theme: "Children’s Well-Being in Germany Results of the “LBS-Kinderbarometer Deutschland” Dipl.-Psych. Kathrin Müthing PROKIDS – PROSOZ Institute for Social Research."— Presentation transcript:

1 Children’s Well-Being in Germany Results of the “LBS-Kinderbarometer Deutschland” Dipl.-Psych. Kathrin Müthing PROKIDS – PROSOZ Institute for Social Research

2 PROKIDS Institute PROKIDS is a part of the Institute for Social Research of PROSOZ Herten GmbH Main focus: applied childhood research „LBS Kinderbarometer“ conducted since 14 years Nationwide since 2007 Further subjects: Effects of poverty on children Children and their residential environment Childrens perception of healthrelated topics Inclusion of disabled children Dipl.-Psych. Kathrin Müthing Children’s Well-Being in Germany | ISCI Conference, York, 27 - 29 th July 2011 2

3 Background „LBS-Kinderbarometer“ Dipl.-Psych. Kathrin Müthing Children’s Well-Being in Germany | ISCI Conference, York, 27 - 29 th July 2011 3 Initialized 1997 in North Rhine-Westphalia Annually conducted surveys in North Rhine-Westphalia via schools Since 2007 biannually & nationwide Written survey in school classes Children aged 9 to 14 years Children as experts in their lives Children as subjects in research Children’s perspective as a contribution: to public debates and Children’s policy (municipal, state-, and federal-level)

4 Questions adressed by the „LBS-Kibarometer“ What influences children‘s current well-being (positively / negatively)? → interventional perspective What is the children‘s attitude towards current social questions? → perspective of participation How do children‘s living conditions change over time? → developmental perspective (cross-sectional) Dipl.-Psych. Kathrin Müthing Children’s Well-Being in Germany | ISCI Conference, York, 27 - 29 th July 2011 4

5 Dipl.-Psych. Kathrin Müthing Children’s Well-Being in Germany | ISCI Conference, York, 27 - 29 th July 2011 5 10.052 children aged 9-14 years (2011: > 13.000) Survey in winter 2008/2009 (paper-pencil in schools) Under the patronage of the Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth Cooperation with German Child Protection Agency (DKSB) „LBS-Kinderbarometer Deutschland“ 2009

6 Children‘s well-being seven point well-being scale Dipl.-Psych. Kathrin Müthing Children’s Well-Being in Germany | ISCI Conference, York, 27 - 29 th July 2011 6 1234567

7 Children‘s Well-Being in Germany Dipl.-Psych. Kathrin Müthing Children’s Well-Being in Germany | ISCI Conference, York, 27 - 29 th July 2011 7 13% negative 7% negative 3% negative

8 Overall Well-Being Dipl.-Psych. Kathrin Müthing Children’s Well-Being in Germany | ISCI Conference, York, 27 - 29 th July 2011 8 1234567 groupdifference* federal statens genderns increasing age (school grade)  migration background  unemploymentns single parentns * p≤.001; ŋ²≥.09

9 Well-Being: Family Dipl.-Psych. Kathrin Müthing Children’s Well-Being in Germany | ISCI Conference, York, 27 - 29 th July 2011 9 1234567 groupdifference* federal statens genderns increasing age (school grade)  migration backgroundns unemployment  single parent  * p≤.001; ŋ²≥.09

10 Well-Being: School Dipl.-Psych. Kathrin Müthing Children’s Well-Being in Germany | ISCI Conference, York, 27 - 29 th July 2011 10 1234567 groupdifference* federal statens gender ♀ =♀ = increasing age (school grade)  migration backgroundns unemployment  single parentns * p≤.001; ŋ²≥.09

11 Well-Being: Friends Dipl.-Psych. Kathrin Müthing Children’s Well-Being in Germany | ISCI Conference, York, 27 - 29 th July 2011 11 1234567 groupdifference* federal statens genderns increasing age (school grade)ns migration background  unemployment  single parentns * p≤.001; ŋ²≥.09

12 Impacts on Overall Well-Being Dependent Variable: Overall Well-Being Regression model Explained Variance = 40% Dipl.-Psych. Kathrin Müthing Children’s Well-Being in Germany | ISCI Conference, York, 27 - 29 th July 2011 12 Model Standardized Coefficents Beta tSig. (constant)9.330.000 Well-Being Family.36842.454.000 Well-Being School.33638.477.000 Well-Being Friends.13716.307.000

13 Regression Well-Being Family Dipl.-Psych. Kathrin Müthing Children’s Well-Being in Germany | ISCI Conference, York, 27 - 29 th July 2011 13 Dependent Variable: Well-Being Family Regression model Explained Variance = 18% Model Standardized Coefficents Beta tSig. (constant)55.018.000 Arguments-.285-27.462.000 Caretaking parents.23321.429.000 Reliable siblings.0777.237.000

14 Closer Notice: Family Arguments Focus in 2009: housekeeping, outer appearance, personal hygiene Altogether: rare frequency Some families tend to fight more often than others Brushing teeth and wearing dirty clothes more likely to be a boys’ problem Increasing age – fight frequency about Taking a shower  Hairstyle  Mealtimes  Wearing dirty clothes  Fashion brands  Dipl.-Psych. Kathrin Müthing Children’s Well-Being in Germany | ISCI Conference, York, 27 - 29 th July 2011 14

15 Closer Notice: Family Caretaking parents: Parents in average notice often if their child doesn’t feel well (increasing age:  ) Children are seldom annoyed when questioned about their well-being (increasing age:  ) Parents know about their childrens need for a break Parents pay attention to school performance Parents ensure that rules are observed (increasing age:  ) Bedtime Hand washing before a meal Learning for school Parents’ sensitivity & caretaking in different areas are correlated Dipl.-Psych. Kathrin Müthing Children’s Well-Being in Germany | ISCI Conference, York, 27 - 29 th July 2011 15

16 Regression Well-Being School Dipl.-Psych. Kathrin Müthing Children’s Well-Being in Germany | ISCI Conference, York, 27 - 29 th July 2011 16 Dependent Variable: Well-Being School Regression model Explained Variance = 23% Model Standardized Coefficents Beta tSig. (constant)80.700.000 Support.26929.026.000 Pressure to perform-.269-26.881.000 Fear of bullying-.163-16.510.000

17 Closer Notice: School Support Experience of a supportive teacher (increasing age:  ) Stress-free learning environment (increasing age:  ) Knowing where to get help Pressure to perform Experience of a teacher with excessive expectations (increasing age:  ; migration background:  ) Fear of tests (increasing age:  ; migration background:  girls:  ) Worry to repeat a year (migration background:  unemployment:  ) Trouble at home because of poor performance (increasing age:  ; migration background:  ) Dipl.-Psych. Kathrin Müthing Children’s Well-Being in Germany | ISCI Conference, York, 27 - 29 th July 2011 17

18 Further Interest More topics addressed by the “LBS-Kinderbaromter” Nutrition Diseases Body perception Pocket money Circle of friends Media use Politics Tolerance Full Version available: ueberblick/prokids.html Dipl.-Psych. Kathrin Müthing Children’s Well-Being in Germany | ISCI Conference, York, 27 - 29 th July 2011 18

19 Dipl.-Psych. Kathrin Müthing Children’s Well-Being in Germany | ISCI Conference, York, 27 - 29 th July 2011 19 Thank you very much for your attention If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me

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