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DEVELOPING EXCELLENCE TOGETHER Physical development: Health and self-care EYFS Bite-size Training.

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Presentation on theme: "DEVELOPING EXCELLENCE TOGETHER Physical development: Health and self-care EYFS Bite-size Training."— Presentation transcript:

1 DEVELOPING EXCELLENCE TOGETHER Physical development: Health and self-care EYFS Bite-size Training

2 DEVELOPING EXCELLENCE TOGETHER Aims and outcomes Participants to:  know the early learning goal in relation to health and self-care  understand how to enhance their work with children as they become aware of their own health and self-care needs  know how the physical environment and resources support children in developing their understanding, skills and abilities in staying healthy and self-care  gain confidence in planning for this area of learning and development for children of different ages and stages

3 DEVELOPING EXCELLENCE TOGETHER In advance  Before the training session you will have read Handout 1: What quality looks like in practice  If you have not read the handout please inform the trainer.

4 DEVELOPING EXCELLENCE TOGETHER Step 1 (5 – 10 mins)  Read the early learning goal relating to health and self-care: ‘Children know the importance for good health of physical exercise, and a healthy diet, and talk about ways to keep healthy and safe. They manage their own basic hygiene and personal needs successfully, including dressing and going to the toilet independently.’  Think about what the early learning goal means for you in practice.  Working in twos, list five examples of interesting activities and practices relating to health and self-care which you carry out and share them with the whole group.

5 DEVELOPING EXCELLENCE TOGETHER Physical development: Health and self-care

6 DEVELOPING EXCELLENCE TOGETHER Step 2 (10 mins) In groups of 3 or 4 discuss the following questions: Under 3s  How could we find out more about the latest guidelines on healthy eating for young children?  Could we find a way to let toddlers be more independent at snack and meal times?  How much do we value children learning how to dress themselves, and do we give them enough time to do this?  How could we change the outdoor environment to give younger children small challenges they can master? 3-5s  How could we organise the space and routines to make mealtimes better?  Are there ways we could change the layout of the room to create some cosy areas for rest and relaxation?  How good are we at encouraging young children to be adventurous and to actively explore their environment?  Do we always know which children have been active during the day and who has been largely sedentary?

7 DEVELOPING EXCELLENCE TOGETHER Feed back your ideas to your trainer

8 DEVELOPING EXCELLENCE TOGETHER Step 3 (5 – 10 mins)  Thinking about what you read in Handout 1 and what you have learned today, work on your own to plan a new activity relating to health or self-care to use with the children you work with.  Share your ideas with a colleague who works with a different age range.

9 DEVELOPING EXCELLENCE TOGETHER After the training (part 1)  After the training use Handout 3: Individual action plan to plan three or four things you will do in the next two weeks to improve your practice in ‘Physical development: Health and self-care’.  Give your action plan to your trainer in the next seven days.

10 DEVELOPING EXCELLENCE TOGETHER After the training (part 2)  Use Handout 2: Environment audit to check whether or not you have all the policies and practices in place to ensure quality practice in supporting children’s good health and self- care skills and understanding.  Make a note of any changes you would like to make in your practice.  Hand in the completed audits to your trainer.

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