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ITEC224 Database Programming
Lecture 2: Database Design Methodology
Learning Objectives Purpose of Database Design
Phases of Database Design
Database Development In the past many software development projects were unsuccessful due to: requirements were not properly collected/specified Lack of development methodology The stages in the DB development cycle has been identified: Clearly specified Not sequential, but involve some repetition. Contain feedback loops (even back to the requirements stage)
Db Development Life Cycle
Database planning System definition Requirement collection and analysis Database design DBMS selection Application design Prototyping Implementation Data conversion and loading Testing Operational maintenance
Database Application Lifecycle
DATABASE PLANNING SYSTEMS DEFINITION REQUIREMENTS ANALYSIS Database Design CONCEPTUAL DESIGN DBMS SELECTION LOGICAL DESIGN APPLICATION DESIGN DISTRIBUTED DB DESIGN Optional PHYSICAL DESIGN PROTOTYPING These are the stages in the development cycle. It is important to note that these are not sequential, but involve some repetition. Sometimes this going back to previous stages is called feedback loops. For example a problem of design might mean going back to the requirements stage and collecting more data. PLANNING - Identifying how the stages can be completed in the most effective & efficient way. SYSTEM DEFINITION - Specifying the scope & boundaries of the system. REQUIREMENTS ANALYSIS - Collection of requirements of users DB DESIGN - The design of the DB itself DBMS Selection (Optional). Which software APPLICATION DESIGN - Designing the functionality of the DB PROPTOTYPING(Optional) - building a working model IMPLEMENTATION - Creating the DB (tables etc) and the application programs. DATA CONVERSION & LOADING - (Only if replacing an old system). TESTING - MAINTENANCE - Monitoring, adding new requirements. IMPLEMENTATION DATA LOADING TESTING MAINTENANCE
Database Application Lifecycle
Management activities that allow the stages of the database application to be realized as efficiently as possible Database Planning : The scope and boundaries of the application including its major application areas and user groups System Definition : Encompasses tasks that determine the needs or conditions to meet for a new or altered product, taking account of the possibly conflicting, vague and incomplete requirements of the various stakeholders Requirements Analysis: Planning: has two stages (a) Planning factors (2) Planning Objectives. (1) Planning factors involve (a)work to be done (b) the resources to do it © cost However… Must be done within the overall planning strategy of the organisation Therefore, several factors to be taken into account: Identify goals of the organisation, e.g. 10% growth per year No redundancies Identify critical success factors, e.g. High quality products On-time deliveries Identify problem areas, e.g. Inaccurate stock control More competition (2)Identify Planning Objectives Organisational Units Consist of various departments Locations List of operational locations Business Functions Identify related business processes Entity Types System definition : Here you want to know at a very high level, what the boundaries of the system are: You might need to think about who the users are, what the current application areas are etc Something for which data is collected Identify boundaries Want to know at a very high level what the boundaries of the system are, e.g. Current application areas Current users Identify interfaces within organisation Requirement Analysis : Database design should reflect the information within the organisation Critical information Documentation used Main application areas and user groups Details of transactions needed Amount gathered depends on size of organisation and scope of application Use information to (1) draw up a prioritised user requirement specification (2) Document the requirements clearly Requirements analysis is critical to the success of a development project. A DB system with inadequate functionality will fail => reqs are important Requirements must be documented, actionable, measurable, testable, related to identified business needs or opportunities, and defined to a level of detail sufficient for system design. Database Design is based on the information about the organisation. There are many ways of gathering such information interviewing observing examining documents using questionnaires using experience from the design of other systems etc The information gathered should include the main application areas and user groups; the documentation used. Details of the transactions needed. A prioritised user requirement specification should be drawn up. This is a preliminary stage to logical database design. The amount of data gathered depends on the size of the organisation, the scope of the application to be developed etc. It is VERY important to document the requirements and there are all kinds of techniques that can be used for this - Data Flow Diagrams, Document/use matrices etc. You will be studying some of these techniques in the Systems Analysis & design module. Identifying the required functionality for a database system is crucial, as systems with inadequate functionality will fail.
Database Application Lifecycle
Design of the user interface and the application programs that use and process the database. Application Design : Building a working model of a database application Prototyping : Physical realization of the database and application design Implementation :
Database Application Lifecycle
Transferring any existing data into the new database and converting any existing processes to run on the new database. Data Conversion and Loading : Process of executing the application programs with the intent of finding errors. Testing : Process of monitoring and maintaining the system following installation. Operational Maintenance : Data conversion and Loading: used only if there is an existing system. Normally DBMSs provide a facility to load the data. Eg. Oracle sql loader or other tools such as data pump fmay be used Testing:
Planning Planning Factors Planning Objectives Two stages
The work to be done The resources to do it The cost Planning Objectives Organisational Units Consist of various departments Locations List of operational locations Business Functions Identify related business processes Entity Types Something for which data is collected Must be done within the overall planning strategy of the organisation Therefore, several factors to be taken into account: Identify goals of the organisation, e.g. 10% growth per year No redundancies Identify critical success factors, e.g. High quality products On-time deliveries Identify problem areas, e.g. Inaccurate stock control More competition
System Definition Identify boundaries
Want to know at a very high level what the boundaries of the system are, e.g. Current users Current application areas Identify interfaces within organization Here you want to know at a very high level, what the boundaries of the system are: You might need to think about who the users are, what the current application areas are etc
Requirements Analysis
Database design should reflect the information within the organisation Many ways of gathering information interviewing observing examining documents using questionnaires using experience from the design of other systems … Database Design is based on the information about the organisation. There are many ways of gathering such information interviewing observing examining documents using questionnaires using experience from the design of other systems etc The information gathered should include the main application areas and user groups; the documentation used. Details of the transactions needed. A prioritised user requirement specification should be drawn up. This is a preliminary stage to logical database design. The amount of data gathered depends on the size of the organisation, the scope of the application to be developed etc. It is VERY important to document the requirements and there are all kinds of techniques that can be used for this - Data Flow Diagrams, Document/use matrices etc. You will be studying some of these techniques in the Systems Analysis & design module. Identifying the required functionality for a database system is crucial, as systems with inadequate functionality will fail.
Requirements Analysis
Critical information Main application areas and user groups Documentation used Details of transactions needed A prioritized user requirement specification Amount gathered depends on size of organization and scope of application Documentation is VERY important DFD, matrices etc. The information gathered should include the main application areas and user groups; the documentation used. Details of the transactions needed. A prioritised user requirement specification should be drawn up. This is a preliminary stage to logical database design. The amount of data gathered depends on the size of the organisation, the scope of the application to be developed etc. It is VERY important to document the requirements and there are all kinds of techniques that can be used for this - Data Flow Diagrams, Document/use matrices etc. You will be studying some of these techniques in the Systems Analysis & design module. Identifying the required functionality for a database system is crucial, as systems with inadequate functionality will fail. Identifying the required functionality for a database system is crucial: systems with inadequate functionality will fail
Database Design MAIN AIMS To represent data & relationships required
by users and applications To provide a data model which supports transactions To specify a design that meets performance requirements
Database Design Approaches
BOTTOM UP begins at the level of attributes and then adds entities as new relationships are seen. Normalization is an example of this. TOP-DOWN starts with the development of the data model that contains a few high level entities and then it refines them in ever increasing detail. Data modeling comes under this. There are other approaches, e.g. the back of the fag packet approach (not very successful), and a mixed approach.
Phases of database Design
Remember the main phases: Conceptual Database Design Logical Database design Distributed Database Design (optional) Physical Database Design The next few slides will examine each of these phases.
Conceptual Database Design
Create a conceptual data model Use data modeling to understand each users perspective of data the data Use of data across applications Independent of any implementation details DBMS or physical aspects are immaterial Based on user requirements specification assists in understanding data facilitates communication Building a data model requires you to ask a lot of questions about entities, relationships etc. We undertake data modelling to try to understand each user’s perspective of the data, to understand the data itself (independently of its physical representation, and to understand the use of data across applications) We also use data modelling to convey the designers understanding of the data. Data modelling is based on the Entity-Relationship model. Data Modelling is a top down approach to design - because it starts at the ‘top’ of the organisation and then works down to a more & more detailed view. Very good at identifying the data used in an organisation. It is not normally enough on its own though - because you have no real way of knowing whether all of the entities have been identified.
Logical database design
The data model created in the previous phase is refined At this point you know which type of DBMS you will implementing in - e.g. relational, object-oriented … but not the actual DBMS Test the correctness of the data model through Normalization Validation against user transactions Normalization is a bottom up approach to design. It is driven by a set of rules which determine how the data is structured. It is time consuming to perform. Sometimes it is difficult to know how many levels of normalization should be used. It is also dependent on the analyst understanding the rules. The best approach is usually a combination of both of these. The entity model can be compared to the normalized data model to identify any differences etc.
Database selection A crucial stage in the database Application lifecycle is choosing the DB. The aim is to choose a system that allows expansion enables speedy retrieval gives easy application development etc. All data should have been collected and documented before DB selection Many organizations in practice choose a DBMS purely on the basis of cost. A crucial stage in the database Application lifecycle is choosing the DB. The aim is to choose a system that allows expansion, that enables speedy retrieval, gives easy application development etc. Ideally before engaging in DB selection all data should have been collected and documented. Many organisations in practice choose a DBMS purely on the basis of cost. A simple way to choose a DB is to have a checklist of things to look for. Terms of Reference Prior to any software evaluation, the scope of the study should be stated. This should include a potential list of the products to be assessed,the criteria to be used, timescales etc. Identify products The info in the terms of reference is used to draw up the list. Decisions about harware, compatibility with existing systems, cost etc should be used to draw up the list. User support, upgrades etc can be taken into account. Produce Shortlist Shortlist 2 or 3 products usually by an analysis of the features of each. Get students to write down some of the features that they think could be included. The best way is to weight features so that they can be compared. Evaluate Products Allow vendors to give presentations, involve users. Recommend one This is the final stage. Produce a report of findings. Give details of the criteria, and how each product measured up.
Database selection Define terms of reference Identify products
the scope of the study should be stated potential list of the products to be assessed the criteria to be used, timescales … Identify products hardware, compatibility with existing systems, cost .. User support upgrades … Produce shortlist of products Shortlist 2-3 products Evaluate products Ask Vendors Involve Users Recommend selection and produce report Give details of criteria used Compare/Contrast alternatives A simple way to choose a DB is to have a checklist of things to look for. Terms of Reference Prior to any software evaluation, the scope of the study should be stated. This should include a potential list of the products to be assessed,the criteria to be used, timescales etc. Identify products The info in the terms of reference is used to draw up the list. Decisions about harware, compatibility with existing systems, cost etc should be used to draw up the list. User support, upgrades etc can be taken into account. Produce Shortlist Shortlist 2 or 3 products usually by an analysis of the features of each. Get students to write down some of the features that they think could be included. The best way is to weight features so that they can be compared. Evaluate Products Allow vendors to give presentations, involve users. Recommend one This is the final stage. Produce a report of findings. Give details of the criteria, and how each product measured up.
Physical Database Design
HOW to physically implement the logical data model derive tables & constraints identify storage structures and access methods design security features The aim of physical design is to describe how we intend to physically implement the logical data model. At this point the target DBMS is known. Physical design is about HOW. Logical design is about WHAT. We will look in detail later at the steps to go through to physically implement a design. Derive Tables etc Storage structures e.g. B-Tree - , hashing etc., choosing indexes etc. Demoralization for performance purposes etc. Security - who uses what, authorization rules etc.
Application Design Design transactions Design human interface
Design of software programs which will process the data Design transactions data to be used by transactions functions of the transactions output of transactions programs Design human interface Various guidelines Application design is the design of software programs which will process the data. There are several techniques for specifying the high level transactions that need to occur. The design of transactions is based on the information given in the requirements specification. Design Interface (ITEC333) - meaningful titles, - good instructions - consistent use of colour etc
Prototyping used to check Building a working model
developer’s understanding of what is required interpretation of requirements Building a working model Inexpensive & quick to build At various points we can build a prototype. It is primarily used to check developer’s understanding of what is required. There are different kinds of prototyping, e.g. simulation
Implementation Database created using DDL
Implement application programs using selected language Implement security & integrity controls On completion of the design stage we are ready to implement.
Data Loading/Conversion
Transfer any existing data Insert any new data Usually there is a facility within the DBMS to load data into a database This stage is only used when there is an existing system. Usually there is a facility within the DBMS to load data into a database. (e.g. In Oracle this facility is called SQL Loader)
Testing The process of executing the application programs with the intention of finding errors. Use realistic data Involve users There are various strategies that can be used: White Box Black box testing This is achieved through strategies for testing. This means using realistic data. Users should be involved in testing. There are various strategies that can be used- White Box & Black box testing (software engineering course)
Maintenance Monitoring Performance Maintaining and Upgrading
Various tools are available Maintaining and Upgrading Once the DB is fully operational, close monitoring should take place to ensure that performance is acceptable. Usually there are various monitoring tools that are available to do this.
Database Development Phases
Conceptual Data Modeling Logical Database Design Distributed Database Physical Database ERD Tables Distribution Schema Internal Schema, Populated DB Data requirements OPTIONAL Input: - Data requirements come in many formats - Description of data needs - Documentation of existing system - Proposed forms and reports Phases: - Logical information content: Conceptual data modeling and logical database design - Performance: distributed and physical db design
Database Design Conceptual database design - the process of constructing a model of the information used in an organization, independent of all physical considerations Step 1 Build local conceptual data model for each user view
Database Design Logical database design for the relational model - the process of constructing a model of the info used in an organization based on a specific data model, but independent of a particular DBMS and other physical considerations Step 2 Build and validate local data model for each user view Step 3 Build and validate global logical data model
Database Design Physical database design for relational databases - the process of producing a description of the implementation of the database on secondary storage. Step 4 Translate global data model for target DBMS Step 5 Design physical representation Step 6 Design security mechanisms Step 7 Monitor and tune the operational system
Phases of Database Design
Process of constructing a model of the information used in an enterprise independent of all physical considerations Conceptual Database Design Process of constructing a model of information used in an enterprise based on a specific data model but independent of a particular DBMS or any other physical considerations Logical Database Design (Optional)Process of deciding about the placement of data across the sites of a computer network. Involves designing the network itself, as well as distribution of DBMS software, DB applications and data Distributed Database Design Description of the implementation of the database on secondary storage. It describes the storage structures and access methods for efficient access. Physical Database Design
Overview of Database Design
Build local conceptual data model for each user view Conceptual Logical Build and Validate local logical data model for each user view Build and validate global logical Model Translate global logical model for target DBMS Physical Design Physical representation Design Security Mechanisms Monitor and Tune operational system
Centralized Approach to Managing Multiple User Views
We do not use this approach Pearson Education © 2009
View Integration Approach to Managing Multiple User Views
Conceptual Database Design
Build local logical data model for each user view 1.1 Identify entity types 1.2 Identify relationship types 1.3 Identify and associate attributes with entity or relationship types 1.4 Determine Attribute Domains 1.5 Determine candidate and primary key attributes 1.6 Specialize/generalize entity types 1.7 Draw Entity-Relationship Diagram 1.8 Review local conceptual data model with user
Conceptual Database Design
1. Build local logical data model for each user view 1.1 Identify entity types 1.2 Identify relationship types 1.3 Identify and associate attributes with entity or relationship types 1.4 Determine Attribute Domains 1.5 Determine candidate and primary key attributes 1.6 Specialize/generalize entity types 1.7 Draw Entity-Relationship Diagram 1.8 Review local conceptual data model with user
Logical Database Design
Build and validate local logical data model 2.1 Map local Conceptual data model to local local data model 2.2 Derive relations from local logical data model 2.3 Validate model using normalization 2.4 Validate model against user transactions 2.5 Draw Entity relationship Diagram 2.6 Define integrity constraints 2.7 Review Local logical data model with user
Logical Database Design
2. Build and validate local logical data model 2.1 Map local Conceptual data model to local logical data model 2.2 Derive relations from local logical data model 2.3 Validate model using normalization 2.4 Validate model against user transactions 2.5 Draw Entity relationship Diagram 2.6 Define integrity constraints 2.7 Review Local logical data model with user
Logical Database Design
Build and Validate Global Logical data model 3.1 Merge local logical data models into global model 3.2 Validate global logical data model 3.3 Check for future growth 3.4 Draw final Entity Relationship diagram 3.5 Review global logical data model with users
Logical Database Design
3. Build and Validate Global Logical data model 3.1 Merge local logical data models into global model 3.2 Validate global logical data model 3.3 Check for future growth 3.4 Draw final Entity Relationship diagram 3.5 Review global logical data model with users
Physical Database Design
Translate Global Logical Data Model for target DBMS 4.1 Design base relations for target DBMS 4.2 Design enterprise constraints for target DBMS Design Physical Representations 5.1 Analyze transactions 5.2 Choose file organizations
Physical Database design
5.3 Choose secondary indexes 5.4 Consider introduction of controlled redundancy Design Security Mechanisms 6.1 Design user views 6.2 Design access rules Monitor and tune operational system
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