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1 Project Nexus Data Management Definition Workshop 18 th May 2009.

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1 1 Project Nexus Data Management Definition Workshop 18 th May 2009

2 2 Agenda  Introductions & Project Nexus Background  Scene Setting  Review Data Management Workshop Definition document  Review Project Nexus Initial Requirements Register  Smart Metering Market Models / Implications of DECC’s announcements of 11th May 2009  Review Data Management Scenarios & Options document  Next Steps  Workshop closure

3 3 1. Project Nexus Background

4 4 ‘Potted history’  GDPCR  Acknowledged need for investment  Services Work Group, led to…….  Consultation  Consultation Conclusions  UNC Topics – PNUNC Workstream  iGT SPA – SPAA considerations  Data Management topics – Data Management Workshops

5 5 What and How?  Purposes:  Consensus understanding  Determine preferences  Hub - Flows - Quality  Smart metering implications  Further work required?  Approach and ‘spirit’  Build on Consultation  xoserve facilitates and helps shape  Open and inclusive – please take the opportunity!

6 6 2. Scene Setting

7 7 Scene Setting  A lot to get through and not much time  Consensus approach – noting exceptions  Purpose of today to agree the objectives, scope and approach and not to discuss the Data Management subject matter in any detail  Debate is healthy and encouraged, however ……….

8 8 Scene Setting  Consider materiality of comments in the context of the guidance ……  BUT  …….. the documents and their contents must be fit for purpose – so don’t be afraid to raise concerns / make comments

9 9 3. Review Data Management Workshop Definition document

10 10 4. Review Project Nexus Initial Requirements Register

11 11 Review Project Nexus Initial Requirements Register  Agree requirements falling within the scope of Data Management Workshops  Confirm that it’s still valid  Better understand the vision underpinning each entry within Data Management scope  Ensure that there’s clarity of meaning regarding the relevant entries

12 12 5. Smart Metering Market Models / Implications of DECC’s announcements of 11th May 2009

13 13 Smart Metering Market Models / Implications of DECC’s announcements of 11th May 2009  Topic of the moment but …..  …… we’re not here to debate the content or implications in any detail

14 14 Smart Metering Market Models / Implications of DECC’s announcements of 11th May 2009  DECC has now proposed a Smart Metering Market Model  Three models were considered in detail  The Central Communications Model has been proposed  DECC consulting on the proposal  Consultation closes on Friday 3 rd August  Implications for Data Management Workshops?

15 15 6. Review Data Management Scenarios & Options document

16 16 Review Data Management Scenarios & Options document  Agree terminology and associated definitions; they are a means to an end  Example used to drive the terminology and definitions is deliberately high level  The definitions may evolve  Further define the Data Management Workshops scope and not to discuss the detail behind the Scenarios and Options

17 17 7. Next Steps

18 18 Next Steps  Definition and Scenarios and Options documents

19 19 Next Steps Milestone Description IssueResponse Data Management Workshop Definition Document26/05/0908/06/09 Data Management Scenarios and Options26/05/0908/06/09 Request for Data Management Workshop attendees26/05/0908/06/09 Workshop 1 – Solihull22/06/09 Workshop 2 - Solihull06/07/09 Workshop 3 - Solihull16/07/09 Draft Conclusion Report09/09/0922/09/09 Conclusions Workshops & Final Conclusions ReportOct ’09 Final Conclusions ReportNov ’09

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