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CSNB 424 Network Analysis and Design Frame Relay - WAN Connection. Group members: ANANTHIDEWI D/O MANIAM SN085981 JOHNATHAN S/O JAYASEELAM SN087026 PAVITRA.

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Presentation on theme: "CSNB 424 Network Analysis and Design Frame Relay - WAN Connection. Group members: ANANTHIDEWI D/O MANIAM SN085981 JOHNATHAN S/O JAYASEELAM SN087026 PAVITRA."— Presentation transcript:

1 CSNB 424 Network Analysis and Design Frame Relay - WAN Connection. Group members: ANANTHIDEWI D/O MANIAM SN085981 JOHNATHAN S/O JAYASEELAM SN087026 PAVITRA VADIVELOO SN087208 HANU DURGISHWARY THEVENDERAN SW085798

2 DEFINITION Frame Relay is a popular high performance WAN protocol. Frame Relay type of WAN connection - One site to many remote site Very simple network to configure. Lower overhead than x.25 because has fewer capabilities. It uses permanent virtual circuits (PVCs).

3 Technical description

4 Private line design

5 Frame relay network

6 Frame Relay Layers Physical Layer – Frame Relay uses whatever protocol is available. It supports any of the protocol supported by American National Standards Institute (ANSI). Data Link Layer – In this layer the Frame Relay employs a simplified version of High Level Data Link Control (HDLC). HDLC provides extensive error and flow control fields that are not needed in Frame Relay.

7 Structure of a relay frame packet

8 Advantages of Frame relay. Cost Effectiveness Frame Relay provides greater bandwidth, reliability, and resiliency than private or leased lines. Flexibility

9 Disadvantages of Frame relay Slowdowns due to network congestions. Difficulties on ensuring the Quality of Service (QoS).


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