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Cambridge, March 23 rd 2004 MobileMAN Project MobileMAN Project Web Service in Ad Hoc Network Veronica Vanni NETikos S.p.A.

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Presentation on theme: "Cambridge, March 23 rd 2004 MobileMAN Project MobileMAN Project Web Service in Ad Hoc Network Veronica Vanni NETikos S.p.A."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cambridge, March 23 rd 2004 MobileMAN Project MobileMAN Project Web Service in Ad Hoc Network Veronica Vanni NETikos S.p.A.

2 Cambridge, March 23 rd 2004 MobileMAN Project Summary Web Service definition Web Service in Ad Hoc Network Interaction between middleware and our application Interfaces users and providers Database’s description used in the application

3 Cambridge, March 23 rd 2004 MobileMAN Project Web Services WS are services to build distributed applications, to use methods and properties of objects installed on other server: Each information system can publish contents through WS Each information system can use contents published from other publisher Use of UDDI (Universal Description Discovery and Integration) to define a way to publish and discover information about Web Services Use of SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) to access to remote services, defines a simple way to package information to exchange across systems. SOAP bindings to HTTP defines a way to make remote procedure calls between systems. based on XML, a neutral language to several devices WSDL (Web Service Description Language), in XML format, that describes the content in terms of methods, parameters, types and etc..

4 Cambridge, March 23 rd 2004 MobileMAN Project Web Service Scenario The provider of services creates the service and its WSDL description The provider publishes its service in UDDI The user finds the services trying UDDI register The application connects to Web Services and calls its operation via SOAP

5 Cambridge, March 23 rd 2004 MobileMAN Project Web Service Scenario [cont.] Service Broker Service User Service Provider UDDI/WSDL Find Publish UDDI Bind SOAP Communication: HTTP Data: XML Interactions: SOAP

6 Cambridge, March 23 rd 2004 MobileMAN Project Use of Web Service Remote server Local server Gateway SOAP Request Exports the methods of a object (i. e. SaveService) SOAP Response Calls the remote methods (i. e. SaveService) When a local server would invocate methods that a remote server exported them:

7 Cambridge, March 23 rd 2004 MobileMAN Project Use of Web Service Remote server Local server Gateway UDDI POST /CurrencyServer/CurrencyExchange.asmx HTTP/1.1 Host: theseus Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: length SOAPAction: <soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi= xmlns:xsd= xmlns:soap=> <SaveService xmlns=> ….. SOAP Request MobileMAN SOAP Response HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: length <soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi= xmlns:xsd= xmlns:soap=> <SaveServiceResponse xmlns=> …..

8 Cambridge, March 23 rd 2004 MobileMAN Project Web Service in Ad Hoc network In Ad Hoc Network, we take care of the features of this type of network: No client-server application, but peer-to-peer communications Each node has an client side and server side Distributed database that stores information relative on available services presented on the network Database is distributed on the nodes using Pastry or Cross- ROAD protocol

9 Cambridge, March 23 rd 2004 MobileMAN Project Web Service in Ad Hoc network [cont] UDDI-m UDDI Client UDDI Server UDDI-m UDDI Client UDDI Server UDDI-m UDDI Client UDDI Server UDDI-m UDDI Client UDDI Server API publishing API inquiry

10 Cambridge, March 23 rd 2004 MobileMAN Project Interaction between middleware and application Possible Architectures Applications WSL Middleware-Pastry Transport Network MAC + Physical WS application can exchange information with other protocol through NeSt. It can exploit CROSS-ROAD advantages simply implementing the P2P common API Applications WSL Middleware-CROSS-ROAD Transport Network MAC + Physical Network Status Legacy Architecture MobileMAN Architecture With this same interface (P2P common API) WS can interactive with Pastry on a classical legacy architecture

11 Cambridge, March 23 rd 2004 MobileMAN Project Interaction between middleware and application New node New node entries in the network: activates the pastry or CROSS-ROAD service obtains the nodeId and the node set that participate to UDDI service if the new node should publish some contents then publishes its contents on this node set (use UDDI API publishing) there’s a redundancy of contents, but it’s necessary considering the mobility and dynamic of the Ad Hoc Network updates network imply calls to P2P common API to update the information relative to Ad hoc network topology (i.e. new node entries in the network, node leaves the network) node set

12 Cambridge, March 23 rd 2004 MobileMAN Project Interfaces user and publishers UDDI API publishing Interface publisher UDDI API inquiry Interface user UDDI database P2P commonAPI Application level P2P commonAPI Middleware level

13 Cambridge, March 23 rd 2004 MobileMAN Project API publishing/inquiry API publishing void SaveBusiness (key KE) void SaveService (key KS) void SaveBinding (key KB) void SavetModel (key KtM) void DeleteBusiness (key KE) void DeleteService (key KS) void DeleteBinding (key KB) void DeletetModel (key KtM) API inquiry void FindBusiness (key KE, method_search ms) void FindService (key KS, method_search ms) void FindBinding (key KB) void FindtModel (key KtM) You can find business entity or service for: Key, if the key is known Keyword, if you want search for keyword All, if you know all publisher or services contained in the network

14 Cambridge, March 23 rd 2004 MobileMAN Project Relational database model Business_Entity businessKey Name Description tModel IdentifierBag Name Description OverviewDoc Class class_id Name Business_Service serviceKey businessKey IdentifierBag Name Description Binding_Template bindingKey serviceKey Description Type_AP AccessPoint tModel_Descr IdentifierBag Class_id Category_id Kind_id 0..n 1..1 Category category_id Name Kind kind_id Name 1..n 1..1 Database is in keeping with UDDI standard: Business_Entity describes the publishers; Business_Services describes the services published from publishers in the network Binding_Template describes the services in technical features tModel and tModel_Descr are template service

15 Cambridge, March 23 rd 2004 MobileMAN Project Database model Business_Entity BusinessKeyNameDescription BE200403161132NETikos…… Business_Service ServiceKey (PK)BusinesskeyNameDescription BS200403161140BE200403161132Content Sharing…… BS200403161137BE200403161132Video/Conferencing…… BS200403161212BE200403161132Chat…… BindingTemplate BindingKeyServiceKeyDescriptionType_APAccessPoint BT200403161140BS200403161140…..HTTP http:// bin/SoapServer/content.cgi

16 Cambridge, March 23 rd 2004 MobileMAN Project Database model [cont.] tModel IdentifierBagNameDescriptionOverviewDoc TM200403161140Content Sharing…..…… TModel_Descr IdentifierBagClass_idCategory_idKind_id TM200403161140241 242 243 Class Class_idName 2ENTERTAINMENT Category Category_idName 4Music Kind Kind_idName 1POP 2ROCK 3CLASSIC

17 Cambridge, March 23 rd 2004 MobileMAN Project Development’s state The state of application’s development is: The API publishing/inquiry are developed in perl language MySQL database is used to realize the UDDI database The API publishing/inquiry will be ported in java language in order to optimize middleware’s interface (P2P commonAPI) The choice of perl language is been made because it’s faster than use of java so it’s more useful on small platforms

18 Cambridge, March 23 rd 2004 MobileMAN Project Planning steps The next steps : porting of the API publishing/inquiry in java language (July 2004) integration between WS application and middleware in java (July 2004) application demo on local computer (maybe July 2004) application demo on Ad Hoc Network using laptop (end of September 2004) application demo on Ad Hoc Network using PDA

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