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REMOTE PROCEDURE CALLS EE324. Administrivia  Course feedback  Midterm plan  Reading material/textbook/slides are updated.  Computer Systems: A Programmer's.

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Presentation on theme: "REMOTE PROCEDURE CALLS EE324. Administrivia  Course feedback  Midterm plan  Reading material/textbook/slides are updated.  Computer Systems: A Programmer's."— Presentation transcript:


2 Administrivia  Course feedback  Midterm plan  Reading material/textbook/slides are updated.  Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective, by Bryant and O'Hallaron  Some reading material (URL) in the slides. (lecture 9)

3 Building up to today  Abstractions for communication  Internetworking protocol: IP  TCP masks some of the pain of communicating across unreliable IP  Abstractions for computation and I/O  Process: A resource container for execution on a single machine  Thread: pthread and synchronization primitives (sem, mutex, cv)  File

4 Now back to Distributed Systems: remember?  A distributed system is: “A collection of independent computers that appears to its users as a sin gle coherent system” "A distributed system is one in which the failure of a computer you didn't even know existed can render your own computer unusable." – Leslie La mport 4

5 Distributed Systems  The middleware layer extends over multiple machine s, and offers each application the same interface. 5

6 6 What does it do? Hide complexity to programmers/users Hide the fact that its processes and resources are physically distributed across multiple machines. Transparency in a Distributed System

7 How?  The middleware layer extends over multiple machine s, and offers each application the same interface. 7

8 Starter for Today  Splitting computation across the network What programming abstractions work well to split work among multiple networked computers?

9 Many ways  Request-reply protocols  Remote procedure calls (RPC)  Remote method invocation (RMI) Recommended reading : Distributed Systems: Concepts and Design 5 th edition, by Coulouris, et al. (CDK5) chapter 5

10 Request-reply protocols ClientServer Hey, do something working { Done/Result

11 Request-reply protocols  eg, your PA1 (binary protocol) struct foomsg { u_int32_t len; u_int32_t len;} send_foo(char *contents) { int msglen = sizeof(struct foomsg) + strlen(contents); int msglen = sizeof(struct foomsg) + strlen(contents); char buf = malloc(msglen); char buf = malloc(msglen); struct foomsg *fm = (struct foomsg *)buf; struct foomsg *fm = (struct foomsg *)buf; fm->len = htonl(strlen(contents)); fm->len = htonl(strlen(contents)); memcpy(buf + sizeof(struct foomsg), memcpy(buf + sizeof(struct foomsg), contents, contents, strlen(contents)); strlen(contents)); write(outsock, buf, msglen); write(outsock, buf, msglen);} Then wait for response, handle timeout, etc.

12 Request-reply protocols: text protocol  HTTP  See the HTTP/1.1 standard:   Done with your PA2 yet?

13 Remote Procedure Call (RPC)  A type of client/server communication  Attempts to make remote procedure calls look like local ones figure from Microsoft MSDN {... foo() foo()} void foo() { invoke_remote_foo() invoke_remote_foo()}

14 RPC Goals  Ease of programming  Hide complexity  Automate a lot of task of implementing  Familiar model for programmers (just make a function call) Historical note: Seems obvious in retrospect, but RPC was only invented in the ‘80s. See Birrell & Nelson, “Implementing Remote Procedure Call”... or Bruce Nelson, Ph.D. Thesis, Carnegie Mellon University: Remote Procedure Call., 1981 :)

15 Remote procedure call  A remote procedure call makes a call to a remote service look like a l ocal call  RPC makes transparent whether server is local or remote  RPC allows applications to become distributed transparently  RPC makes architecture of remote machine transparent 15

16 RPC  The interaction between client and server in a traditional RPC. 16

17 Passing Value Parameters (1)  The steps involved in a doing a remote computation through RPC. 17

18 But it’s not always simple  Calling and called procedures run on different machines, with different address spaces  And perhaps different environments.. or operating systems..  Must convert to local representation of data  Machines and network can fail

19 Marshaling and Unmarshaling  (From example) hotnl() -- “host to network-byte-order, long”.  network-byte-order (big-endian) standardized to deal with cross-platform variance  Note how we arbitrarily decided to send the string by sending its length followed by L bytes of the string? That’s marshalling, too.  Floating point...  Nested structures? (Design question for the RPC system - do you support them?)  Complex datastructures? (Some RPC systems let you send lists and maps as first- order objects)

20 “stubs” and IDLs  RPC stubs do the work of marshaling and unmarshaling data  But how do they know how to do it?  Typically: Write a description of the function signature using an IDL -- interface definition language.  Lots of these. Some look like C, some look like XML,... details don’t matter much.

21 SunRPC  Venerable, widely-used RPC system  Defines “XDR” (“eXternal Data Representation”) -- C-like language for describing functions -- and provides a compiler that creates stubs struct fooargs { string msg ; string msg ; int baz; int baz;}

22 And describes functions program FOOPROG { version VERSION { version VERSION { void FOO(fooargs) = 1; void FOO(fooargs) = 1; void BAR(barargs) = 2; void BAR(barargs) = 2; } = 1; } = 1; } = 9999;

23 More requirements  Provide reliable transmission (or indicate failure)  May have a “runtime” that handles this  Authentication, encryption, etc.  Nice when you can add encryption to your system by changing a few lines in your IDL file (it’s never really that simple, of course -- identity/key management)

24 RPC vs. LPC  Memory access  Partial failures  Latency 24

25 But it’s not always simple  Properties of distributed computing that make achieving transparency difficult:  Calling and called procedures run on different machines, with different address spaces  Machines and network can fail  Latency

26 Passing Reference Parameters  Replace with pass by copy/restore  Need to know size of data to copy  Difficult in some programming languages  Solves the problem only partially  What about data structures containing pointers?  Access to memory in general? 26

27 Partial failures  In local computing:  if machine fails, application fails  In distributed computing:  if a machine fails, part of application fails  one cannot tell the difference between a machine failure and network failure  How to make partial failures transparent to client? 27

28 RPC failures  Request from cli -> srv lost  Reply from srv -> cli lost  Server crashes after receiving request  Client crashes after sending request

29 Strawman solution  Make remote behavior identical to local behavior:  Every partial failure results in complete failure You abort and reboot the whole system  You wait patiently until system is repaired  Problems with this solution:  Many catastrophic failures  Clients block for long periods System might not be able to recover 29

30 Real solution: break transparency  Possible semantics for RPC:  Exactly-once Impossible in practice  At least once: Only for idempotent operations  At most once Zero, don’t know, or once  Zero or once Transactional semantics  At-most-once most practical  But different from LPC 30

31 RPC semantics: Exactly-Once?  Sorry - no can do in general.  Imagine that message triggers an external physical thing (say, a robot fires a missle)  The robot could crash immediately before or after firing and lose its state. Don’t know which one happened. Can, however, make this window very small.

32 RPC semantics  At-least-once semantics  Keep retrying...  At-most-once  Use a sequence # to ensure idempotency against network retransmissions  and remember it at the server

33 Implementing at-most-once  At-least-once: Just keep retrying on client side until you get a response.  Server just processes requests as normal, doesn’t remember anything. Simple!  At-most-once: Server might get same request twice...  Must re-send previous reply and not process request (implies: keep cache of handled requests/responses)  Must be able to identify requests  Strawman: remember all RPC IDs handled. -> Ugh! Requires infinite memory.  Real: Keep sliding window of valid RPC IDs, have client number them sequentially.

34 Summary: expose remoteness to client  Expose RPC properties to client, since you cannot hide them  Application writers have to decide how to deal with partial failures  Consider: E-commerce application vs. game 34

35 RPC implementation issues 35

36 RPC implementation  Stub compiler  Generates stubs for client and server  Language dependent  Compile into machine-independent format E.g., XDR  Format describes types and values  RPC protocol  RPC transport 36

37 Writing a Client and a Server (1)  The steps in writing a client and a server in DCE RPC. 37

38 Writing a Client and a Server (2)  Three files output by the IDL compiler:  A header file (e.g., interface.h, in C terms).  The client stub.  The server stub. 38

39 RPC protocol  Guarantee at-most-once semantics by tagging requests and response wit h a nonce  RPC request header:  Request nonce  Service Identifier  Call identifier  Protocol:  Client resends after time out  Server maintains table of nonces and replies 39

40 RPC transport  Use reliable transport layer  Flow control  Congestion control  Reliable message transfer  Combine RPC and transport protocol  Reduce number of messages RPC response can also function as acknowledgement for message transport protocol 40

41 Performance  As a general library, performance is often a big concern for RPC systems  Major source of overhead: copies and marshaling/unmarshaling overhead  Zero-copy tricks:  Representation: Send on the wire in native format and indicate that format with a bit/byte beforehand. What does this do? Think about sending uint32 between two little-endian machines  Scatter-gather writes (writev() and friends)

42 Complex / Pointer Data Structures  Very few low-level RPC systems support  C is messy about things like that -- can’t always understand the structure and know where to stop chasing  Java RMI (and many other higher-level languages) allows sending objects as part of an RPC  But be careful - don’t want to send megabytes of data across network to ask simple question!

43 Important Lessons  Procedure calls  Simple way to pass control and data  Elegant transparent way to distribute application  Not only way…  Hard to provide true transparency  Failures  Performance  Memory access  Etc.  How to deal with hard problem  give up and let programmer deal with it  “Worse is better” 43

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