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DigCCurr Winter Institute January 7-8, 2013 Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA DigCCurr Professional Institute Christopher A. Miller.

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Presentation on theme: "DigCCurr Winter Institute January 7-8, 2013 Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA DigCCurr Professional Institute Christopher A. Miller."— Presentation transcript:

1 DigCCurr Winter Institute January 7-8, 2013 Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA DigCCurr Professional Institute Christopher A. Miller

2 2 Re-introduction 2 NameChristopher A. Miller Job TitleCurator of Collections (ASU School of Dance) ServiceVice Chair Dance Heritage Coalition DigCCurr Professional Institute

3 33 What I planned to accomplish Departmental digital repository for School of Dance Specific goals focused on digital video repository First steps towards motion capture repository How I saw myself carrying out your plan Was at initial stages, so seeking admin buy-in as well as a curatorial policy Institutional commitment to support; first grant applications What resources I needed IT support (from umbrella academic “Institute”) Human, especially with direction/curation My expected challenges Limits to funding and infrastructure High bar for educating the School of Dance faculty My six-month plan DigCCurr Professional Institute

4 44 How I carried out the plan (or components of the plan) Presentations to Director of School of Dance; Dean of Herberger Institute; and Academic VP for Humanities What changed about my plan Director of School of Dance resigned Interim Director rejected plans for digital repository until unspecified future time My biggest successesSome buy-in from outside of the Institute, especially with Digital Humanities faculty and VP My biggest challengesFinancial, time, and institutional malaise What I accomplished DigCCurr Professional Institute

5 55 What I will accomplish by next January Shifting my focus to digital dance video repository of th Dance Heritage Coalition Assessment of existing repository Refinement of its curatorial policies Shift from Fedora to Archivematica How I will carry this out Currently serve as Vice Chair and Tech Chair of Dance Heritage Coalition (DHC) Co-convening a symposium with DHC and epxert panels in May 2013 What resources will be most helpful? TRAC; DRAMBORA; Archivematica development experiences Digital video codec info and forensics What I expect to be the biggest challenges Balancing duties with other time commitments; human capital. Future goals DigCCurr Professional Institute

6 66 Areas of my plan that require collaboration Archivematica Digital video codecs and forensics Possibilities for collaborating within my institution School of Arts Media and Engineering Digital Humanities Working Group University Technology Office (limited) Possibilities for collaborating with other Institute members Member orgs of the Dance Heritage Coalition includes OSU. Opportunities for collaboration DigCCurr Professional Institute

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